The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and extremely thin than any other part of the face. It is precisely this zone that is shaped by the signs of the times. The reasons for the unpleasant dark circles under the eyes usually lie in an unhealthy lifestyle. They often occur as a result of lack of sleep. Alcohol and cigarettes and not drinking enough water increase the dark pigmentation of the skin. Some people have a genetic predisposition to dark circles and these are the most difficult thing to get rid of. And exactly on the question: can you do something about dark circles under the eyes, you will find it below.
In order to find the right treatment for dark circles under the eyes, the cause should first be found out. Various diseases are accompanied by discoloration of the sensitive skin under the eyes and this can be a signal of which. Why should you seek advice from a specialist dermatologist or your family doctor first. Stress, too little fluid intake, increased alcohol consumption, too little fresh air all leave their mark unpleasantly on your face. On the surface, the problem can be treated with appropriate care to make the eye area look nicer and fresher, but from the inside the new cell formation should be supported.
So what to do and what not to do
Over the course of life, the human face loses fat, loses volume, the small wrinkles then appear deeper, the skin becomes thinner, and fine blood vessels are visible underneath. Fair-skinned people suffer from this problem more often, as they have naturally thinner skin and try to lighten it quickly. Beauticians advise against using lightening creams as they are too intense for the sensitive eye area. The good eye cream is characterized by its light, quickly absorbing consistency and really small packaging. The last is appropriate due to the short shelf life after opening. Care products must be applied using light, gentle dabbing movements with your fingertips, tapping from the inner to the outer corner of the eye.
Reach for the fridge
The cold causes the blood vessels to contract and a cooled bag or cold compress is the quickest way to cause swelling of any kind. Two tea bags made from chamomile tea or another type, do not use fruit tea because of the coloring or other aromatic teas. After use, cool and place on eyes, leave to work for 15-20 minutes. Black tea has an additional refreshing effect due to its high caffeine content.
Homemade mask from cucumbers
Cucumbers have a naturally brightening and firming effect on the skin. Combined with the coolness, the freshness effect is guaranteed. Just cut two thick slices out of onefresh cucumber, let it cool in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes and then place it on the affected skin area for about 10 minutes. Wash face with cool water and apply hydrating, toning eye cream. Repeat twice daily for a week for best results
A mask with coffee grounds
Every woman knows the various uses of coffee grounds - against cellulite as a homemade peeling, for swelling and against dark circles under the eyes. Prepare a mask yourself and use it twice a week to achieve optimal effect. Here are the ingredients needed:
- chilled coffee grounds
- ground black pepper
- Coconut oil
Mix all the ingredients until it forms a paste and apply to the affected areas without rubbing. Leave for about 10 minutes and then wash off.
Homemade lemon and tomato mask
A remedy that helps against swelling and impurities in the skin is vitamin C. It has firming and skin-lightening properties and can also be obtained in a completely natural state through fruit and vegetables from the market. For the homemade mask you need freshly squeezed juice from tomato and lemon. Mix in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2, plus a little salt and turmeric, then mix into a paste. Apply the resulting mixture to the eyes and after 10 minutes of action, wash off with water.
Cover with makeup
Of course, dark circles under the eyes, like other skin imperfections, can be covered with make-up. There is a special, wafer-thin cream for the sensitive eye area, also in the form of a concealer. This should be one tone lighter than your natural skin tone. When choosing, make sure that the color is not too bright and test for natural light in order to avoid the counter effect and not to draw the viewer's attention in these areas. Concealer with shimmering pigments that reflect light and make small wrinkles disappear.
Protect the skin from the sun
The skin is most affected by the light radiation from the sun or solarium. This increases pigment formation in all zones, even in the 'unfavorable' ones. It is also the reason for skin aging. To prevent this, you should avoid direct exposure to the sun or at least apply protective cream and cover your sensitive eyes with sunglasses.