Cold weather, snow and wind dry the hair and have a negative impact on hair growth. There's only one thing that helps against split ends - the egg hair mask. Anyone can easily make this themselves in just 5 minutes.
An egg hair mask offers naturalHair care for damaged hair. For best results, apply the mask three times a week in February and March, twice a week in April and once a week in May. In the summer months you can take a break, from September apply the mask again once a week, October - 2 times, November and December - 3 times a week. Take another break in January.
– 1 egg yolk for short and shoulder-length hair, 2 egg yolks for long hair
– 1 teacup of milk for long hair, ½ teacup for shoulder-length hair, 1/3 teacup for short hair
– 1 lemon
– 2 tbsp olive oil
And this is how it's done - stir the eggs, then mix them in a bowl with the lukewarm milk and olive oil. At the end add the lemon juice. Apply the mixture to dry hair, gently massaging and leave to work for 15 - 20 minutes. Then wash off with organic shampoo and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
! Don't forget that the water should only be lukewarm - otherwise the eggs can curdle and then be very difficult to rinse!
But why does such a simple mask have such a positive effect? Eggs contain protein that nourishes the hair roots. They also contain potassium, which helps with dry hair. Vitamin A protects against split ends, vitamin D protects against hair loss and helps with the absorption of calcium (also contained in eggs), and vitamin B 12 stimulates hair growth. Olive oil makes hair look shiny. Optionally, honey /2 tbsp/ can be added to the recipe. We definitely don't recommend it - because washing your hair afterwards is quite complicated.