Dye gray hair naturally: With these tips and home remedies you can do it perfectly!

We wake up one morning, look in the mirror and surprise, it's back - the gray roots! Whether you're in your mid-30s or just over 50, gray hair is something that none of us can ignore. And althoughgray hairare undoubtedly one of the most popular hair trends of the year and even many young women are opting for the modern look, there are still those who cannot yet accept the change and would rather do something about it. Applying chemicals to our mane every 3-4 weeks can be very expensive and time-consuming, and in the long term it damages the hair structure and makes our hair brittle and dry. Are you not ready to let your gray hair grow out yet, but would you like to save yourself a trip to the hairdresser? Then you've come to the right place! In this article we will explain to you how you can dye gray hair naturally and hide that annoying hairline again!

Although in recent years more and more women and celebrities such as Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton and Sharon Stone have accepted their natural beauty and the naturalgray hairWear it with pride, around 70 percent of women still have their gray hair dyed regularly. There is a lot to be said for coloring and hiding gray hair naturally. However, industrially produced dyes and tints can contain questionable substances, attack the hair structure, strain our hair and make it dry. Plus, some of the ingredients can cause allergic reactions in some of us and we don't want that, right? However, before you try some of the following remedies, you should also know that color results vary widely and not every method will completely cover the hair.

Dye or tint your hair? What's the difference?

The terms hair coloring and hair tinting are often used interchangeably and many women don't know the difference. The two methods and the results are quite different. When we color our hair with dyes, the cuticle layer is broken and the color pigments are embedded in the hair. In addition, the coloring does not wash out, but rather slowly grows out over time. When you tint your hair, however, the color is only applied to the outside of the hair and the tint is washed out again after around 6 to 8 weeks, depending on the intensity. Since the herbal products only color externally, we can't actually use them directlyColor your hair naturallyspeak - the home remedies act more like a tint. If you want to conceal your gray roots, there are an incredible number of home remedies and herbal extracts to choose from that have naturally coloring properties. These include, for example, henna, various herbs, coffee and beetroot.

Dye gray hair naturally: These herbs are perfect for this

They don't want yours yetgrow out gray hair? Then we have good news for you! Depending on your original color, you can dye gray hair naturally using different herbs. However, due to the special hair structure, gray hair will take on the color slightly differently than non-gray hair. Unlike traditional dyeing, the result will not be as intense after the first application and you may have to repeat the process several times to achieve the desired effect. Since herbal remedies do not damage the hair and scalp and cannot cause allergies, the effort is definitely worth it. The natural dyes are absorbed most evenly and best by hair that is really clean and free of care residues. Depending on the length of your hair, 50 to 100 milliliters of the following herbal mixtures are sufficient. You can also prepare a larger quantity and store it in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

  • Sage, rosemary and nettle are great herbs for anyone whodye gray hair brownwant. Simply simmer all three ingredients in water for 30 minutes, allow to cool slightly, strain and brush or spray thoroughly through your hair. Depending on the desired intensity, leave the mixture to work for an hour. Alternatively, you can apply the conditioner every day after showering. This requires a little patience - it may take 1 to 2 weeks to completely cover the gray roots.
  • If youwant to dye gray hair blonde,Then it's best to use chamomile tea, marigold, saffron and sunflower leaves.
  • Try rose hips, hibiscus and marigold for thered hueto deepen and hide the gray strands. Soak the herbs in boiling water for 30 minutes, strain and spray on your hair. If possible, let your hair dry in the sun.

Naturally dye gray hair with coffee or black tea

Your morning cup of coffee not only wakes you up, but it can also be used to naturally color gray hair. And the best part? As a coffee drinker, you already have it at home and don't even have to spend any extra money on it. And no, this doesn't make your hair jet black, it just makes it a little darker. In order to achieve a beautiful and lasting result, we recommend that you do not use cheap blends from discount stores, but rather use espresso or a dark roast. And this is how it's done:

  • Brew a strong coffee by adding a little more coffee powder than is necessary for the amount of water.
  • Let the coffee cool slightly and mix 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds with 2 tablespoons of hair conditioner and 200 ml of the browned coffee until you get a creamy paste.
  • Massage the mixture into freshly washed hair, tie the hair together and leave it on for an hour.
  • Then rinse with lukewarm water and style as usual.

Are you more of a tea drinker? Then we will explain to you below how you can do soblack teaDye gray hair naturally.

  • Put 1 tablespoon each of black tea, dried rosemary and sage in a small pot and pour 150 ml of boiling water over them. Allow to cool and steep in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  • Pour the mixture through a sieve and pour into a spray bottle.
  • Place a towel around your shoulders, spray the tea mixture into freshly washed and towel-dried hair and work it in evenly.
  • Let dry and style as usual.

Beetroot for a beautiful red streak

Anyone who has ever made a salad or smoothie with beetroot knows that the root vegetable has a strong color. And you can take advantage of exactly this effect if you want to dye gray hair naturally and give it a beautiful reddish shimmer. Here's how it's done:

  • Depending on the length of your hair, mix 100 to 250 ml of beetroot juice with 2-3 tablespoons of honey until you get a viscous and thick paste.
  • Now apply the mixture generously to towel-dried hair and either wear a shower cap or wrap cling film around your head. Since it stains very strongly, we recommend that you wear rubber gloves.
  • Leave it on for at least an hour and rinse your hair with lukewarm water.

Dye gray hair naturally with henna

Henna is a popular herbal dye that has been a staple in the beauty world for centuries. Not only can you draw cool temporary tattoos, but you can also dye gray hair naturally! The color is made from the leaves of the henna bush and, unlike chemical dyes, it does not penetrate the hair structure and even has a nourishing effect. Pure henna gives a reddish shimmer, but if you mix it with black tea or coffee, for example, you can dye gray hair brown or black. This is how gray roots can be concealed:

Materials required:

  • Mix henna powder with a little warm water until you get a thick paste.
  • Put on an old T-shirt and apply a generous amount of moisturizer to the skin around the hairline on the ears, forehead and back of the neck.
  • Apply the mixture generously to the hair and cover the hair with some aluminum foil. To make it work even more intensively, you can also wrap a towel around your head.
  • Leave on for around 20 to 30 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

How to dye gray hair blonde naturally?

Gray hair already has little to no color pigment and is therefore difficult to lighten. And yet we have a suggestion for you on how you can dye gray hair blonde and give it a fine shimmer. A lemon and some baking powder - that's all you need.

  • Depending on the length of your hair, squeeze the juice from 1 to 2 lemons and mix with 1-2 tablespoons of baking powder until you get a thick paste.
  • Apply the mixture to freshly washed, towel-dried hair and massage in well.
  • Leave on for about 1 hour and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Natural home remedies to hide gray roots

The tips and tricks don’t end there! Below you will find other effective home remedies that you can use to color and hide gray hair naturally.

  • If you are a fan ofKombuchathen you probably know all about the health benefits it brings. But did you know that you can also use it to conceal the gray roots? Kombucha helps restore melanin in hair follicles and is perfect for anyone with black or brown hair. Simply spray your hair generously with freshly prepared kombucha and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and a sulfate-free shampoolet the hair air dry.
  • Also withPotato peelscan be grayHair naturally blondedyeing. First peel around 6 medium-sized potatoes and put the peels in a pot with around 300 ml of water. Cook for 30 minutes and then let it steep for 20 minutes. Pour the water through a sieve and add some essential oils if desired. Apply the mixture thoroughly to washed hair and massage in well. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse with cold water.