Lighten hair naturally - bleaching made easy with natural products

Many women (and men) dream of a pretty blonde mane - but only a few lucky ones can look forward to a natural blonde. Then only one thing helps – bleaching it blonde. But chemical dyes can damage the hair and the end result is not always convincing. Fortunately, with a little patience and the right natural products, your hair can be lightened naturally - this method is not only gentle, but is also suitable for dry, already colored or permed hair. We'll give you an overview of the different whitening techniques and explain what you can realistically achieve with them.

What does hair color depend on?

So that you can look forward to the best possible results, you should have certain prior knowledge. The color of our hair is determined by a number of pigments - eumelanin is a black-brown pigment that is strongly present in dark hair. In contrast, pheomelanin has a golden-red color that dominates in people with light hair. When you change hair color using chemical agents, the pigments in the hair break down. This happens more quickly with dark hair (brown or black) than with red hair. The process puts a lot of strain on the hair and often results in lifeless, dull strands.

Or discoloration – a yellowish or even green undertone – can occur. Then only one thing helps – recolor it. Blondes in particular have to visit the hairdresser every month - so not only do the costs for the new hair color increase, but the end results are not always convincing in the long term. A so-called transition phase - the roots need to be colored, but the hair is too exhausted - usually only brings trouble. In addition, most bleaching products can cause allergic reactions.

If you want to lighten your mane naturally, you should be aware that the process will take a long time. The key here is patience – the results are visible after two weeks. Up to two tones lighter in four weeks is a realistic end result for most natural remedies. It has a lot to do with your natural hair color - black hair is difficult to dye naturally. Brown hair with a light undertone is best. Or just light red hair that can be bleached gradually.

Chamomile tea for light brown and brown hair color

Chamomile tea can not only nourish hair, but also naturally lighten it. The correct process is crucial for the end result. The treatment is applied to dry, clean hair. It is better not to apply any care masks or conditioners in advance. Make chamomile tea - for short hair (for example bob hairstyles) you need three tea bags, for medium-length hair (shoulder-length hairstyles) up to 5 tea bags are enough, for long hair brew 7 tea bags. Then leave the tea bags in the boiling water for 20 minutes. Remove the tea bags and leave the tea aside to cool. Then pour it into a large container and either rinse your hair with it, or even better - immerse it for 10 minutes. Then sit outside in the sun and let your hair dry.

The sun plays a crucial role in lightening - it reacts with the tea. Sit in the sun for at least an hour, the longer the better. Then rinse and wash. You should then repeat this method 4 times a week. Meanwhile you can do the haircare with a maskn. Brew chamomile tea for 20 minutes, then let it cool. Add yogurt, apply the mask and leave it on for an hour. Then rinse. The first results can be seen after 2 weeks. After just one week, you can see that individual strands have become lighter. When the hair becomes 2 shades lighter, the optimum has already been achieved. Then you can simply mix a teaspoon of coconut oil with the juice of two freshly squeezed lemons in a spray bottle - this will care for your hair, give it shine and the blonde color is guaranteed to last longer.

Who is this method suitable for: Women with dark blonde, light brown, brown or red hair.

When is the right time: At the beginning of summer. Then you can enjoy your blonde hair as early as June and all you have to do is care for it.

Special features: You must sit in the sun with your rinsed hair for at least 1 hour a day.

Advantages: protects and nourishes, the hair stays bright for a long time, easy to care for.

Lighten hair naturally - henna for black hair color

Henna is a gentle alternative for women and men with very dark hair. The end result is usually light brown to golden brown hair with a red undertone. Women with light brown or dark blonde hair should not use the method - with light shades there is a risk that the hair color will become darker after treatment with henna. Otherwise, the procedure is very simple - you need to get detailed advice when buying henna so that the right variant is selected. Women with short hair should add around one tablespoon of henna, women with medium length hairstyles - 2 tablespoons of henna, and women with long hair - 3 tablespoons of henna in 1/2 cup of boiling water, stir well and let the pasta rest for 12 hours. Then apply to dry hair. Be careful as henna can usually stain clothing, skin and floors. It is best to put on a disposable hair cap. Wait 2-3 hours, then first rinse thoroughly and then wash. You can continue to wash and care for your hair as usual. Only in rare cases is it necessary to apply henna again.

Who is this method suitable for: Women with very dark hair

When is the right time: this method does not depend on weather conditions.

Special features: Henna is not suitable for blonde or light brown hair.

Pros: Fast results. If you wish, you can apply the henna not to the whole hair, but to individual strands.

Lemons bleach naturally

Lemons contain citric acid, which can bleach hair naturally. Similar to chamomile tea, this method only works if you sit in the sun afterwards. You should expect that it will take more time - for example, you can bleach your hair in a weekend. For this purpose you need fresh lemons (not lemon juice) or lemon oil. Depending on your personal wishes, there are several options available - you can bleach individual strands, the entire hair or just the roots. How much lemon juice you need depends on the expected results and your natural hair color. To do this, mix the lemon juice with water:

  • If you have light, short to medium-length hair, you can squeeze four lemons and mix them with water 1:1 or 2:1. The less water, the stronger the effect and blonder the hair.
  • If you have a light, long mane, you can squeeze six lemons and mix them with water 1:1 or 2:1. The rule of thumb applies here too – the less water, the stronger the effect.
  • If you have dark, short to medium-length hair, you can squeeze six lemons and mix with water 2:1. For optimal effect in this case you can use lemon oil - add 10 drops to the water.
  • If you have dark, long hair, squeeze eight lemons and mix with water 2:1, or add 12-20 drops to the water.

Pour the solution into a clean spray bottle, shake vigorously and spray your hair with it. Or, if you want to lighten individual strands of hair, simply apply lemon juice with water using make-up removal pads.

Make sure that the bowl, spray bottle, etc. are completely clean. Then sit in the sun for an hour, take a break after a maximum of 1.5 hours and then sit in the sun again for 1 hour. Repeat 3-4-5 times a day – the more the better. Then wash your hair thoroughly. For optimal results you can add 20 drops of lemon oilhgive shampoo, shake vigorously, apply and wait several minutes. Then rinse well and use other care products as desired. The first results should be visible after the weekend.

As further lightening care, you can add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 2 drops of lemon oil and 1 liter of water to a bottle, spray the hair and do not rinse.

Who is this method suitable for: Women with light hair.

When is the right time: On a warm sunny weekend

Special features: You have to lie in the sun for a long time.

Advantages: Very simple, inexpensive, not only nourishes the hair but also the scalp - lemons are effective against dandruff, among other things.

Gently care and bleach with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can bleach hair very easily, but it has one crucial advantage - it has the same pH value as the hair itself. So it's particularly goodas a care productfor hair that has already been colored or for hair that is straightened daily. Apple cider vinegar is also ideal as an additional care product for hair that has already been lightened. Simply add 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar to 1 liter of distilled water, shake well and pour into a clean spray bottle. Spray the hair thoroughly, leave it on for half an hour and then rinse.

Who is this method suitable for: Anyone who has lifeless, dry, colored hair.

When is the right time: First lighten naturally, then apply the apple cider vinegar solution as a care therapy.

Special features: Blonde, the differences are hardly noticeable even for blonde women. Has more of a nourishing effect.

Advantages: Takes up little time, you don't have to lie in the sun (so you don't depend on the weather).

Whitening with sea salt solution

If you've ever taken a beach vacation for at least a week, then you know the result - soft, lighter hair. This is because when you swim in the sea, salt remains on your hair and is gently bleached under the strong rays of the sun. You can also achieve a similar effect at home - simply dissolve sea salt in warm water.

  • If you have light hair, add 1 tablespoon of sea salt to 1/2 cup of warm water.
  • If you have dark hair, add 2 tablespoons of sea salt to 1/2 cup of warm water.

Wash with shampoo and rinse thoroughly.

Who is this method suitable for: all hair colors and hair types.

When is the right time: On vacation or right before your vacation on the beach.

Special features: Lightens, so brown becomes light brown and not blonde.

Advantages: Cheap, easy to implement.

Hair mask recipe

If you want to lighten your hair naturally, you can combine several methods. We offer you a recipe for bleaching hair mask. You will need the following ingredients: 1/3 cup baking soda, 1 teaspoon sea salt, 5 drops chamomile oil, warm water (enough for a toothpaste-like consistency). Simply mix all the ingredients well, then apply to your hair and gently massage into the hair roots. Leave on for half an hour, then wash thoroughly with shampoo. Depending on your hair type, apply the mask several times a week:

  • For oily hair, 3-4 times a week.
  • For normal hair, 2-3 times a week.
  • For dry or colored hair: once a week.

After you have already bleached your hair, you can style it according to your own preferences - apply conditioner, straighten it or curl it yourself. Do not forget that any mask/natural whitening product can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, always test the substance on a limited area of ​​skin for 15 minutes and only then start bleaching. If you have colored hair, it is always worth testing the effect on individual strands first.