Saving damaged, bleached hair: What is the best care to get your mane back to health?

There is no doubt that bleaching is the most effective method for lightening hair. Whether you're platinum blonde or looking to lighten your mane before another bold color, a bleach treatment is almost a must. Unfortunately, bleaching is one of the biggest hair destroyers. Read on to find out what damage bleaching causes, whether you can save damaged blonde hair, and the best carefor damaged strands caused by bleaching.

Bleached hair – what happens when you bleach it?

The color of our hair is due to a pigment called melanin, which is found inside the hair shaft. The hair shaft is surrounded by a protective layer of protein scales called the cuticle. When you lighten your hair, the bleach opens this cuticle to change the melanin in the hair shaft. However, bleaching strips hair of its natural protective fibers and oils.

In theory, the cuticle should close and return to its normal state, but bleaching destroys it, preventing the hair from laying flat. This causes moisture to escape from inside the hair shaft. The hair on your head becomes dry, brittle and prone to breakage. This is bleach-damaged hair in a nutshell!

Can you save damaged blonde hair?Unfortunately no. There is nothing you can do to truly restore a damaged mane. Once the damage is there, that's it. The great thing about hair is that it always grows back! If it has been damaged by bleaching, you just need to give it a little extra attention to repair the damage before it gets worse. This way you can reduce some of the unpleasant consequences such as hair breakage and split ends.

Saving damaged blonde hair – common mistakes people make

You've probably picked up one of these bad habits over time. The bestHair treatment for damaged strandsis actually prevention. So if you're making any of these mistakes, now is the time to stop.

Wrong choice of shampoo:The first thing you should do is make sure you are using a shampoo that is designed for blonde hair. This, and especially bleached, has special needs when it comes to cleaning. Shampoo for blondes has a pH level almost identical to that of human skin, meaning it will not irritate your scalp.

You don't use conditioner:We hope it goes without saying, but skipping conditioner is a big no-no for all hair types, but especially for those whose strands have been damaged by bleach.

You don't use deep care:Remember that protective skin we told you about? It consists of proteins. So if you have bleached hair, you should definitely get oneDeep care with proteinsUse as the main ingredient to strengthen your hair's protective layer.

You avoid regular trimming:In hopes of keeping your hair as long as possible, you may have skipped a few cuts. Big mistake! To save damaged, bleached hair, you should cut it at least once every three months. If you notice split ends, you should do this even more often. If you want to restore your damaged mane, this step is absolutely necessary.

You leave out the heat protection:That doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to your flat iron forever, but you should use some kind of heat protectant before styling.

What is the best care for damaged hair strands?

When it comes to damaged hair due to bleaching, there is no magic bullet that will “fix” it. However, by sticking to healthy lifestyle habits, you can mitigate existing damage and ensure that your mane is not further damaged in the future. Remember that your scalp is constantly growing new hair! If you pamper your head, it will eventually reward you. So the best hair treatment is a healthy care routine. This is what we recommend:

Bleach less frequently (or not at all):It probably goes without saying that the less often you bleach your hair, the less damage you will cause! Try to extend the amount of time before getting your roots touched up and avoid bleaching sections of hair that have already been bleached. Or better yet, avoid bleaching at all! If you choose a more harmless brown,can be found heresome ideas.

Be careful with chlorine:Natural blondes already know this, but you need to be extra careful when exposing your blonde to chlorine, a chemical commonly found in swimming pools. And why? First of all, chlorine can turn your hair green (which you don't want!). It can also further dry out the bleached hair and cause more hair breakage.

Protect yourself from sun damage:Do you know how UV rays can damage your skin? Well, they can also damage your mane, especially if it's already therethrough bleachingis broken. Make it a habit to apply hydration products to your strands before spending long periods of time in the sun.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate:Bleached hair craves moisture and hair-friendly oils are the best way to give your strands the moisture they deserve.