Tips against greasy hair and homemade hair masks that really help!

We all know our hair and invest a lot of time to maintain it andto keep healthy. And yet there is hardly anything worse, a few hours later after the hair washing to determine that our hair splendor looks striking and oily again. No matter which products or hair masks we use - fast fatty hair is often quite a challenge and look neglected. And let's be honest - wash the hair every day can be quite annoying. To combat the fat, we wash our hair and subsequently grease it again quickly - does this vicious circle seem familiar to you? But we have good news for you - with theright home remedies and tipsYou can successfully combat the problem against greasy hair! Which are the most common causes and what really helps against it, we will tell you in our article!

What are the most common causes of greasy hair?

So that our hair remains healthy, smooth and protected from drying out, the scalps of the scalp produces the tallow glands. This fat is healthy and very important for the appearance and ensures that the hair does not become brittle. However, excessive sebum production can make the hair look streamlined and glued. The amount of oil that produces the scalp depends on our hair type, our hygiene habits and other factors. Before we deal with the tips against greasy hair, we would like to explain the most common causes. Because only then can the problem be fought successfully.

  • They wash their hair far too often -That sounds strange at first, but is indeed one of the most common causes forgreasyHair. The frequent hair wash is deprived of the fats, which in turn stimulates sebum production.
  • Hormonal equilibrium disorders -Especially in puberty, during pregnancy, in menopause or taking the pill, our hormones are very active, which can encourage the sebaceous glands to produce increased fat production.
  • Genetic predisposition -Yes, genetic factors can often be the cause of greasy hair and some people basically produce more sebum than others.

The best tips for greasy hair: that really helps!

Greasy hair what to do - how often have you asked yourself this question? Now the good news is that with the right tips against greasy hair you can get the problem under control. Sometimes a simple change in your care routine can lead to the desired results.

  • Don't wash your hair too often -As already mentioned, too frequent washing hair is the most common cause of greasy hair. If you have washed your hair every day so far, try to lay a day or two between the washes. This will require some time and patience until you find out what really works for you, but it will be worth it! After a sweaty training, you prefer to use dry shampoo as a emergency solution.
  • Use the right products -Regardless of whether for greasy, dry or brittle hair - only through the right hair care does our hairprache become healthy and radiant. Invest in special shampoos for greasy hair that loosen the excess fat. Find for shampoos and hair rinsing that contain nourishing active ingredients such as extracts made of chamomile or rosemary, salicylic acid or vitamin B6 - you regulate sebum production and calm down the scalp, without additional irritation. Hair products with silicone can complain and ensure a greasy hairline and for this reason you should rather keep your fingers away.
  • Do not brush your hair too often and keep your hairbrush clean -Every time we brush our hair, we pull the sebum and sweat from the scalp down into the tips of the hair. Just like dirty make-up brushes can lead to acne and reddening of the skin, the use of a dirty hairbrush has a negative impact on the scalp. Clean your brushes and combers at least once a week with lukewarm water and a mild soap-so residues of styling products and dead skin scales are removed.
  • Treat your hair a break from the curling iron and smoothing iron -Of course, you should not do without your styling forever, but temperatures that are too high increase the sebum production. So how about if you avoid too frequent curls or smoothing for a certain time and instead let your hair air dry and take your natural texture. After all, naturalness is currently very trendy.
  • Don't play with your hair -Although we have to wash our hands more often, a lot of dirt still collects there. The more often you drive through your hair, the more greasy and oily you look.
  • Peel the scalp -The secret of radiant and well -kept hair is of course oneHealthy scalp. In order to remove styling residues and any dirt from the scalp, we recommend that you use a deeply cleaning peeling once a week.
  • Change your pillowcases -This is one of the least known and at the same time most effective tips against greasy hair. How often do you change your bed linen? All oils from the face and hair land on our pillow and for this reason it is recommended to change the pillowcases once a week.
  • Pay attention to your diet -We are what we eat - these rule of thumb also applies to our hair. A healthy and balanced diet is not only good for our figure and health, but also affects the scalp production. Foods, which consist mainly of refined carbohydrates, fat and sugar, stimulate oil production and can therefore also lead to greasy hair. It is believed that the hormones in dairy products disintegrate into androgens after consumption, which can lead to overproduction of sebum.

Home remedies for greasy hair

Your hair fats quickly and you want to change this naturally or can't afford to use expensive care products? Then we have good news for you! Fortunately, there are numerous home remedies for greasy hair that are super inexpensive and at the same time very effective.

  • Essential oils -Although it may sound strange to use oils on greasy hair, certain oils can actually regulate and inhibit the sequence of sebums. In particular, tea tree oil and peppermint oil cause wonders and ensure that the hair does not regenerate so quickly. It is important to only use pure and high -quality oils from the pharmacy or health food stores. For use, simply mix a few drops of oil with a little water or a mild shampoo and distribute them in the hair. Let it work for a few minutes and carefully rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Camillet tea -Chamomile has a calming effect on the sebaceous glands and can therefore counteract greasy hair. It also calms the scalp and reduces itching and is a real miracle cure against dandruff. For this, give four tea bags chamomile tea in about one liter of hot water and let cool. Wash the hair as usual and then use the tea as a rinsing and not rinse.
  • Apple cider vinegar -The mixture of water and vinegar is asacidic rinseknown and is one of the most effective tips against greasy hair. Put around two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one liter of water and rinse your hair out after washing your hair. However, don't worry - the smell of vinegar disappears after about 30 minutes.
  • Lemon juiceProvides a lot of minerals and vitamins that improve the health of the hair and scalp. The acidity restores the pH of the scalp and regulates sebum production, similar to apple cider vinegar. To do this, squeeze the juice of two lemons and mix with around 150 ml of water and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply the mixture to the hair, let it work for 10 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
  • baking powderIs probably the best home remedy for greasy hair that each of us already has. It regulates the pH of the scalp and can absorb the oil from the hair. Mix a tablespoon of baking powder with two tablespoons of water and distribute the paste in the hair. Let it work for about 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Tips against greasy hair: You should definitely try these hair masks

Full of healthy active ingredients and foods that we already have at home - homemade hair masks are an excellent way to gently maintain our hair without having to spend a lot of money. Below you will find some of the best hair masks against greasy hair that you should add to your care routine.

  • Healing earth hair treatment for greasy hair -Healing earth supports the hair when degreasing and is therefore ideal for hair care at home. Mix 10 tablespoons of healing earth with 200 ml of water to a paste and apply the mixture after washing hair on the scalp. Let it work for 15-20 minutes and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  • Yogurt and honey HaarmaskHaves nourishing and gently and regulates the scalp. First heat 50 grams of honey on low heat. So that all valuable vitamins are preserved, make sure that it does not get too hot. Then mix the honey with 30 grams of natural yogurt and spread the paste on the hair. Wrap the head with cling film and then with a facial cloth and let it work for about 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  • Honey and banana hair mask for oily hair -This combination not only tastes delicious, but also helps to care for the hair thoroughly and control oil production. Mix a mature banana and mix with 20 grams of honey. Spread the mask evenly on the hair and massage it gently into the scalp. Let it work for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
  • Strawberries hair mask -Strawberries can not only remove the excess oil from the hair, but also supply them with many vitamins and antioxidants. Depending on how long your hair is, you need to crush the corresponding amount of heirs into a porridge. Apply the paste evenly to the scalp and hair and let it work for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Tomatoes against greasy hair -Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A and biotin-nutrients that can stimulate the blood circulation of the scalp and regulate the pH. To do this, squeeze the juice of two medium-sized tomatoes and mix with 2-3 tablespoons of water to a fine paste. Massage the hair mask into the scalp, put on a shower hood and let it work for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.