Scalp care tips: How to keep your hair healthy and shiny!

A shiny and full mane – that’s what all women want. When it comes to our hair or our skin, most of us have a strict daily routine that we follow day after day. Whether peeling, deep cleansing orhomemade face mask– all of this is on the agenda at least once a week. Unfortunately, we don't necessarily have the same attitude when it comes to our scalp. And although what you can't see is easy to miss, a healthy scalp is the key to beautiful hair. Dandruff, hair loss and brittle and dry hair - we've all been there. But this doesn't have to be a permanent condition and in order to avoid or prevent all these problems, appropriate scalp care is necessary! With a little effort and the right scalp care tips, we can actually do a lot for the health of our scalp. But what makes a healthy scalp and what care steps should you know? We'll tell you all of this as well as simple recipes for homemade hair masks in our article!

The scalp is the thickest layer of skin on our body. It regulates body temperature and protects the head. These are just some of the reasons why it's worth paying a little more attention to our scalp. According to a study by the market research institute “Ipsos”, every second woman in Germany suffers from irritated and dry skin. This not only feels pleasant, but also damages the surface of the skin and can lead to various diseases such as fungal infections, psoriasis, warts, etc. A healthy and well-groomed scalp allows hair to grow much better and faster and makes it shiny. And it's actually pretty easy to do something good for our scalp.

What does an unhealthy scalp look like and what are the most common causes?

When it comes to scalp care, it is important that you take into account the actual condition and be able to quickly identify the problems. To have a healthy head of hair, the hair follicles should remain clean and well-maintained. This means it shouldn't be weighed down with sebum or oils or clogged with dead skin and flakes. As a rule, with oily and thin hair, it is not the hair itself that is the problem, but rather the scalp. Unfortunately, most scalp problems are caused by improper hair care. Too high a temperature when washing your hair, dry heating air and hot blow-drying can lead to a stressed scalp. Stress or an unhealthy diet can also stimulate sebum production and promote dandruff.

Many people are under the misconception that dry scalp, itchy scalp, and flaky scalp are all the same thing. However, the reality is that these are different conditions, each with different symptoms.

  • Scalp psoriasis– Dandruff refers to the dead skin cells that appear as white flakes. Psoriasis usually occurs when the scalp is irritated and often spreads from the hairline to the face. Thickened and reddened areas of skin, which lead to intense itching, are characteristic.
  • Dry scalpcan be caused by too little moisture or skin sebum. This means that the protective layer cannot spread sufficiently, which in turn leads to feelings of tension on the skin and itching. Dry scalp usually occurs due to illness, environmental influences and a hormonal imbalance.
  • itchy scalp,also known as scalp pruritus, is a common condition that causes the scalp to become incredibly itchy. The itching is mainly caused by sweat, sebum and dirt on the scalp. Another common cause of itchy scalp is hair products that are not rinsed out thoroughly.

Scalp care tips: Wash your hair regularly and thoroughly

Just like our face, our scalp also becomes unclean. Just think about the dirt that shows up on your face towel after a long day - this dirt is also on your scalp. The accumulated oils make the hair look dull and dull. To avoid an oily scalp, it is important to wash your hair frequently. However, you shouldn't overdo it either! Just as daily washing strips hair of its natural oils, causing dryness, flakiness and irritation, infrequent washing can also be harmful. The key is to find the right balance and find what works best for you. However, the general rule of thumb is to wash your hair a maximum of 2 times a week in winter and 2 to 3 times in summer.

Use a scalp scrub

This is probably one of the most important scalp care tips every woman should know. You use facial scrubs to keep your skin healthy. So why should the scalp be any different? Especially if you often use dry shampoos, gels, hair sprays or other styling products, you should gently exfoliate your scalp at least once a week. The buildup of product residue makes the hair look greasy and dirty, ultimately leaving it flat on the head. The massage stimulates blood circulation and removes dead skin cells, which means the hair roots are better supplied with important minerals. To do this, you can either use a peeling shampoo and massage it intensively into the scalp or simply brush the hair with a brush or a fine brush. Always start at the root of the hair and always brush with gentle pressure. There are now even special and innovative models on the market that are equipped with special bristles and massage the scalp every time you comb.

Scalp Care Tips: Moisturize your hair

Many experts advise against using conditioners because they are said to weigh down thin hair and clog pores. But just as a dry face needs to be moisturized, the same goes for a dry scalp. Although it sounds pretty obvious and logical, we recommend you use shampoos and conditioners with natural ingredients and healthy ingredients. Make sure that you apply the hair conditioner directly to the scalp and then rinse thoroughly. To restore shine and health to hair, you can additionally use hot oil treatment once a week. tea tree oil orArgan oilare known for their antibacterial properties and are therefore ideal for combating dandruff.

Styling tools and chemical treatments can irritate the scalp

Beautiful straight hair or glamorous curls – we all dream of that. However, it's no secret that heat styling tools like flat irons and curling irons damage hair, leaving it dry and dull. The chemicals contained in hair dyes can also irritate and dry out the scalp. To limit the damage and ensure that all of the scalp care tips mentioned so far work, you should only have your hair colored by a professional hairdresser. Watch for signs of irritation, such as itching and burning, with any treatment.

Make sure you eat a balanced and healthy diet

You probably didn't expect that, did you? In fact, eating the wrong foods or a vitamin deficiency can also have a negative impact on your hair and scalp.A balanced diet, which is rich in fruits and vegetables, provides the scalp with all the essential nutrients required for the production of new and healthy skin cells. So reduce salt and alcohol consumption and try to avoid junk food. In order to naturally supply the scalp with plenty of moisture, you should also drink enough water.

The best home remedies for perfect scalp care at home

Itching and feelings of tension on the skin are the first warning signals that the natural functions of the scalp are out of balance. Luckily, there are many tried and tested home remedies that can help you with an itchy and dry scalp. And the best part is that you most likely already have most of them in your closet.

  • Coconut oilhas long been used in skin care for its health benefits and dry scalp is no exception. Thanks to the high concentration of saturated fatty acids, it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effects and can relieve itching. Simply massage a small amount of coconut oil into your scalp and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo. However, if you don't have coconut oil on hand, you can also use olive oil.
  • Honigis a very versatile product and due to its nourishing and disinfecting effect it is one of the most effective scalp care tips. Mix honey and curd in a 1:1 ratio and apply the mixture on the scalp. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
  • Hamamelisis often used in products for dry and sensitive skin and has always been considered an all-rounder in herbal medicine. Therefore, it is no wonder that it can also help with scalp problems. Mix it with a little water and massage the scalp thoroughly. Then leave it on for 5 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Scalp care tips: It's so easy to make your own scalp peeling yourself

Homemade hair masksare an excellent way to naturally care for your hair and scalp and provide them with all essential nutrients. Below we will show you how you can make a scalp peeling yourself.

Brown sugar and oatmeal scrub

  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp finely ground oat flakes
  • a squirt of hair conditioner
  • Mix the ingredients together well. Wash your hair as usual with shampoo and then apply the mixture to the scalp using gentle, circular movements. Leave to act briefly and rinse thoroughly.

Aspirin scalp peeling

  • The salicylic acid contained in aspirin is an excellent way to remove dead skin cells.
  • Simply crumble 6 pieces of aspirin and make a paste with around 30 ml of water. Gently massage the scalp for 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Banana and Coconut Oil Hair Mask –Bananas have a nourishing and moisturizing effect and are a real superfood for your hair.

  • Depending on the length of the hair, mash 1 or 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 Tbsp Coconut milk
  • 1 EL Honig
  • Mix the ingredients together well. Wash your hair with shampoo and then apply the hair mask. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

Yoghurt and egg –Although this sounds more like breakfast, it is actually an excellent remedy for dry scalp. Yogurt has a calming effect, while the high protein and fat content in eggs nourishes and moisturizes the scalp.

  • Simply mix 4-5 tablespoons of natural yogurt with no added sugar with an egg and massage the mixture into your scalp. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm or cold water.