The make-up is flawless, we have chosen the outfit and it is already visible - the greasy hairline! Greasy hair looks unkempt and can quickly ruin your mood. But what should we do if we don't have enough time to shower or if we only washed our hair yesterday? Then we turn to one of the best discoveries in the beauty world of all time: dry shampoo! Dry shampoos give our hair a beautiful shine and are a must for absolutely all busy ladies out there! But as popular as the product is, there are a few things we should keep in mind when using dry shampoo. How exactly is it used and what are the most common mistakes that we have all made, we will tell you below!
Chances are good that you are somewhat familiar with or even use dry shampoos, but just in case, here are the basics. Dry shampoos are starch and silicate-based hair care products that absorb excess oils on the scalp. We all know that washing too often can damage our hair in the long term. And this is exactly where dry shampoos come into play. Dry shampoo application is an excellent way to do oneto conceal greasy rootsand to give our hair an extra portion of freshness.
How to find the right dry shampoo for you
Whether as sprays, powder or foam – dry shampoos are now available in a wide variety of versions and finding the right one for us can be a real challenge. The right dry shampoo can make a big difference. For example, powder dry shampoos are perfect for thick and greasy hair and provide a wonderfully light feeling. Sprays, on the other hand, also create the illusion of more volume and are therefore the perfect choice for women with thin and fine hair.
Dry shampoo application: How to do it right
Without a doubt, dry shampoos are one of the most useful discoveries in the beauty world and should not be missing from any cosmetic bag. But to make your hair shine, there are a few things you should pay attention to when using dry shampoo.
Part your hair and apply the dry shampoo part by part
This is probably the most important tip and one of the most common mistakes women make when using dry shampoo. Before spraying it into your hair, shake the bottle well (unless you are using powder dry shampoo). To ensure that the shampoo absorbs the oils optimally, divide your hair into small sections. Always start at the top of the scalp and work your way down.
Always spray from a distance
Sounds logical, right? Actually yes, but this is still an important step that is often neglected when using dry shampoo. Has it ever happened to you that white residue remains in your hair and is difficult to remove? The reason for this is that you are spraying the dry shampoo too close to the hair. To avoid such accumulations and to make your mane shine, a distance of around 25-30 cm is considered optimal. The further we hold the bottle, the finer the spray becomes and this ensures that the particles are better distributed throughout the hair.
Dry shampoo application: Leave it on briefly
Just spray your hair and get started right away? Incorrect! When it comes to proper dry shampoo application, patience is key. So make yourself a coffee and let the product work for about 4-5 minutes after spraying it on. The golden rule is: the longer the wait, the better your hair looks. And that's exactly what we want to achieve, right?
Massage in dry shampoo and brush through hair
To achieve the best possible results, experts recommend gently massaging the dry shampoo into the roots and scalp with your fingertips after it has been allowed to take effect. It's a small step, but trust us - you'll immediately notice the difference when using dry shampoo. To remove any residue, brush your hair well and voilà - you're ready to go!
Dry shampoo application: You should avoid these mistakes
To help you make your hair really shine, we've looked into some of the most common mistakes people make when using dry shampoo.
You are using too much product
When using dry shampoo, it's actually super easy to overdo the spraying. The more the better, right? Not quite - it does absolutely nothing and you actually achieve the opposite and the hair ends up feeling even greasier. So it's better to start with a small amount and wait a few minutes. If necessary, apply a little more if needed.
Use dry shampoo every day
Dry shampoo is not and should not be used as a replacement for classic shampoo. The hair product is designed to keep your hair fresh between washes. Daily use can actually do more harm than good and clog hair follicles in the long run. You should also never use dry shampoo on wet hair, as this will cause residue to build up, which will look unkempt on dry hair.