The change of long hair is a real transition that can bring you into real distress in a few moments. I understand her because I experienced the same thing and as a woman who is important her look, I can really describe it as a nightmare.However, I have found that the transitional hairstyles from shortly too long should not be a painful phase.At the moment I let my hair grow again, this time from a pixie to a bob, and thanks to the professional advice of my hairdresser, I have fun with every new length that also looks great. What the bestTips for transition hairstylesFor women, I will tell you in this article.
Transitional hairstyles for women: How you can style your hair in the growth phase
The first time I had a pixie and decided to let my hair grow, it didn't go very well. It looked terrible, so I missed a second, third and fourth pixie cut. Then I changed the hairdresser and told him that I had tried to leave my hair long for at least one year, but I couldn't endure the terrible transition hairstyles for women from short time at medium.
Afterwards we both started the process. Now I am here to accompany you on the long but not necessarily difficult way, to grow a pixie.
Let your hair grow in sections
It is important to suck the hair on the back of the head as you can grow the hair on the top and the front. You want a look that lies between a shaggy pixie and a short haircut. If you let the upper layers (as well as the pony in front) grow and cut the rear layers, you can style your hair more easily when transitioning from one phase to the other.
If the pixie grows out, you have a pony in a minute. That is a fact of life. You don't necessarily have to style this strand on your forehead. I like to remove my hair back and to the side. I also like to wear it shaggy, which creates the illusion of more volume.
Transitional hairstyles for women - hug the shaggy look
This intermediate stage is most difficult to style because they have got used to the convenience of a short pixie that requires almost no effort in styling. All you needed to look cared for is a clear hair color and regular trimming. But now your hair has length - it says where it wants, and if you, like me, were a platinum -colored lady up to this point, now start to see the damage to the bleaching clearly. That's why my hairdresser and I decided to darken my hair so that they become healthier. We mixed them with lighter strands to create the illusion of more dimension.
Learn some stylistic tricks
As you drive freely through the intermediate sea, you can experiment with sapping your hair differently and wearing your pony in a strange way. It is important that you keep your hair interesting so that it doesn't get bored and you cut it off again and waste your hard work and patience. For example, I used a tiara or a headscarf. Sometimes I showed a small part of my pony underneath, another time I held it back. In this phase of my hair growth, I also had more fun putting on make -up because I had the feeling that I was looking different every day.
At the first option, start styling your strands as a bob
As soon as the strands on the sides almost cover your ears, you start style your hair like a very short bob. Although my hair was the longest in the back at that time, the pages (as you can see in the picture) only reached up to the ears and the layers had all possible lengths at the top, I was now able to wear it as part of the bob hairstyles. Sometimes I pulled a middle parting and put the shorter curls back with hair clips. However, I usually wore it the way you see it in the picture - with a side parting that I rounded off in some places with a hair straightener.
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Treat your hair well while you wax
Use regularly -effective care products and hair masks and pay attention to things you know that you can damage your hair. Although my hair is still in good condition, it would probably have grown a little faster, I hadn't bleached it for years, smoothed and tortured. So now I have a system - if my hair is too short, I allow myself to dye it in my favorite platinum blonde. However, when I grow it, I stop treating it with strong chemical products and start to experiment with new, more hair -friendly colors and looks. Of course, some are better than others.
Trend hairstyle Mixie Cut is still a transition hairstyle that is currently completely coming. How you can style the cut,Find out here!
And I lifted the most important thing for the end. So that this whole journey of the transition hairstyles becomes successful for us women, it is important that we go into the hands of the right hairstylist. He can make the adventure nightmarish or wonderful, so select carefully.
Tips and inspirations from the stars on how to survive the transitional hairstyles,Find here!