Halo eye make-up in silver and shiny, flushed lips

Smokey eyes are the most popular evening outfit for eyes. But if you want to try out a new eyeshadow placement, you can do halo eyes make-up for the next party. In this look, the light eyeshadow is dabbed in the middle of the movable lid, while the dark eyeshadow is applied to the edge of the eye and the inner corner of the eye. In this video we show you instructions for shimmering halo eye make-up in silver in combination with subtly tinted lips.

One of HaloEyes Make-upTo make up in silver, you will need the following make-up products and make-up tools:

Eyeshadow in taupe, matte
Silver eyeshadow
Black gel eyeliner
Eyebrow pencil
Lip Gloss
Liquid lipstick in red
Make-up sponge

flat foundation brush
small blender brush
large blender brush
Smudger eyeshadow brush
slanted eyeliner brush
big fluffy brush
Sculpting facial brush
conical contour brush
flat eyeshadow brush

1. Dab some concealer onto the eyelids and work it in with your fingers or a make-up sponge.
2. Set the concealer with powder and a flat foundation brush.

3. Using the small blender brush, apply gray-brown eye shadow into the crease of the eyelid and blend it out.
4. Apply the dark eye shadow to the outer and inner corners of the eyes, leaving the middle of the lid free of eye shadow.

5. Blend with a blender brush so that the contours don't look quite as harsh.
6. Then use your finger to dab silver eyeshadow onto the center of the lid.
7. Blend the eyeshadow transitions with the small blender brush.

8. Use the brown eyeshadow to create a smoky effect just below the lash line. Leave the middle free again.
9. Using the Smudger eyeshadow brush, apply silver eyeshadow to the center of the lower lash line.

10. Using eyeliner gel and an eyeliner brush, apply oneDraw eyeliner with a swallowtail. Draw a continuous line from the inner corner of the eye outwards very close to the upper lash line. To make the wing, move the brush slightly upwards towards the eyebrows.

11. Shape the eyelashes with the eyelash curler.
12. Then fix the eyelashes with mascara.

13. Comb your eyebrows.
14. Lightly emphasize and fill in the brows with eyebrow pencil.
15. Fix the hairs with eyebrow gel.

16. Using a large, fluffy brush, brush away any fallen eyeshadow residue from your cheeks.
17. Apply a primer as a base before foundation.
18. Now spread the foundation onto your face with the make-up sponge.

19. Use concealer to cover dark circles and emphasize the center of the face.
20. Blend everything well with a makeup sponge.
21. Set the concealer with powder and a flat foundation brush.

22. Apply mascara to the bottom lashes.

23. To contour, apply dark concealer to a sculpting brush.
24. Gently move the sculpting brush along the hairline, below the cheekbone and along the edge of the face.

25. Also contour the nose.
26. Then blur the lines with a makeup sponge.

27. Add a little highlighter to the top of your cheekbones, brow bone and bridge of your nose.
28. Also use the highlighter on the inner corner of the eye to make the eyes appear larger.

Lippen im Flushed-Look

The eyes are the focus of this makeup look. That's why the lips remain subtle and look almost as if they have no make-up on. According to the latest trends, opaque ones are being usedLipsticks replaced by lip tints.

29. Apply lip gloss on your lips.
30. Add a dab of red lipstick to the center of your lips.
31. Work gently outwards with your fingers.