Apply makeup for thin eyebrows after 60: Here are some useful makeup tips for older women

As we get older, we learn to accept our aging bodies. At the same time, we still want to present our best side to the world. Contrary to what many people think, women over 60 still care about their appearance. They say no to invisibility and experiment with new make-up techniquesclothing styles. Light and thin eyebrows: These are two of themost common cosmetic complaintsof women in old age.

Eyebrows are something of a secret trick. They frame our eyes and give our face character. But as they age, they tend to become thinner. Plus, they gray over time, sometimes on a completely different schedule than the rest of our hair! If this applies to your eyebrows, we have some tips for you and reveal how women over 60 can properly make up thin eyebrows and make them appear thicker.