Saving ruined eyebrows: Helpful tricks to get them back into shape

In the search for the perfect eyebrows, we've been known to accidentally bleach them a little too light, dye them too dark, pluck them too much, or completely ruin their shape. The good news is that there are some clever tricks that can make these faux pas look like they never happened. Find out here how you can easily save ruined eyebrows.

The best tricks to save ruined eyebrows

Eyebrows are one of the first features of your face that people notice. So if they are out of order, they need to be corrected as soon as possible. Learn how to properly conceal the problem areas of your eyebrows and avoidsame error in futureclose.

Brows bleached too light

Bleached brows are an art and you could end up with yellow eyebrows instead of the desired result.

Try neutralizing the unwanted shades with purple shampoo or toner. However, if you find that the lightened eyebrows don't suit your face, you can improve the situation with a little beard dye.

First, line your brows with a layer of Vaseline to avoid color stains. Apply the product with an eyeliner brush or wooden stick for better control. After getting the desired color, wipe the product completely with a damp towel.

The eyebrows are colored too dark

First, calm down, the color is rarely the exact shade you end up with. Wait a week and you will notice that your eyebrows have lightened and become a normal shade. If not, be assured that the color will fade over time, but this may take a little slower, from three to four weeks

Use a lighter shade of eyebrow gel to soften the effect of the bold color.

In the meantime, you can try lightening your brows by gently scrubbing them with a clarifying shampoo for a minute. The more often you wash them, the faster the color should fade.

Or mix baking soda and regular shampoo in a 1:1 ratio to create a thick paste. Apply the paste with a brush, leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse.

To avoid this mistake in the future, we recommend that you follow the instructions on the package and check the coloring progress regularly.

Save ruined eyebrows after over-plucking

One of the most common eyebrow problems is over-plucking. If you're plucking them yourself, it's important to stay within the natural hairline. Once the damage has been done, it can be concealed with the following tips and tricks.

Let them grow back

Remember that eyebrows grow back, just like any other hair on your body. Stay patient and it's best to leave them alone. With enough time and care, you'll create enviable brows that beautifully frame your eyes and add definition to your face.

Stimulate hair follicles by gently massaging them for one minute twice daily.

Rub them with castor oil, which promotes hair growth while strengthening and moisturizing the hair. If you don't have castor oil, try using a little extra virgin olive oil, which is said to have a similar effect.

Conceal hairs with concealer

If you're trying to grow your eyebrows back because you've plucked them too much, you probably have one too many hairs. Resist the urge to pluck it out and do your best to conceal it. Apply a small amount of concealer to the back of your hand. Use a small brush and start blending any stray hairs. Choose a shade or two lighter than your natural skin tone if you crave a brightening effect that draws attention away from your brows.

Save ruined eyebrows with makeup

To fill the gaps in the eyebrowsWe recommend using a thin pencil, brow gel or pomade. These three makeup products are precise and natural looking.

  • Augenbrauengel:Tinted eyebrow gels are an excellent option for anyone who has sparse areas in their eyebrows and wants to make them look as natural as possible. First, fill in your brows slightly from the front. Go slightly darker towards the arch to give you a trendy ombre effect. Make sure you choose the shade that is closest to the natural color of your eyebrows.
  • Eyebrow pencil:You can also use an eyebrow pencil to add texture and shape. Choose the color of your pen according to your skin and hair tone. Use feather-light strokes to mimic real hairs and build the color to your ideal shade.
  • Augenbrauenpomade:Opt for a pomade to correct patchy or uneven eyebrows. This makes it very easy to underline them and give them a shape that mimics the natural look of hair growth.