The eyes are considered the window to the soul and make-up is always an excellent way to showcase our assets or conceal small flaws. Whether blue, green, gray or colorful – every eye color is special and unique. But in order to further emphasize our eyes and achieve the most perfect result possible, not only the color but also the shape of the eyes plays an important role. Have you ever noticed that some colors and make-up techniques just don't work so well for you? Of course, this is because eye shapes always vary from person to person. Are you wondering how best to make up round eyes? Which eyeshadow would be right for you? And what about eyeliner for round eyes? We've done some research for you and put together the best make-up tips to show off round eyes perfectly!
Make-up for round eyes: the perfect eyeshadow for your eye shape
When it comes to makeup, there is no universal rule that applies to everyone as we all have different facial features. There are some thoughMakeup mistakes that make you olderand the ones we should avoid, but the most important thing is to find the look that works best for us. In order to achieve a harmonious overall look, the eye shape should first be determined when applying make-up. With round eyes, the iris is always visible, which makes them look very large and like doe eyes. If you want to make up round eyes in an almond shape and visually stretch them, you should pay attention to the choice of eyeshadow color.
The easiest way to do this is to emphasize the inner half of the movable eyelid with light eye shadow and the outer half, starting in the middle, with dark eye shadow. Depending on what eye color you have, there are countless options to choose from. While gray, brown or black are perfect forgreen eyespurple and blue bring out darker eyes perfectly.
To add depth and drama to the look, avoid glittery eyeshadow and opt for matte products instead. A touch of highlighter on the inside also reinforces the stretching effect and literally makes your round eyes shine. For round eyes, we want to avoid harsh lines - so remember to blend the eyeshadow well.
Make up your eyelashes properly
To create round eyes, we should also pay attention to our eyelashes when doing makeup. To visually elongate and balance the shape of your eyes, use mascara sparingly and try to avoid dark colors. Lighter shades, such as brown, gray or blue, are on trend this year and create a fresher look. You can enhance the effect with a very simple trick by applying mascara mainly to the outer eyelashes. To prevent your eyes from appearing even rounder, either do not emphasize the lower lid at all or only emphasize it very subtly and use lighter shades.
Make up round eyes: Eyeliner for a dramatic look
Round eyes are often described as “sweet,” which is great if that’s the look you’re going for. But, if you want something that looks sexy and grown-up, then we have the perfect solution for you! The good old cat eye is probably the easiest way to make up round eyes elongated and looks really excellent. The curved eyeliner exudes a timeless elegance and, as a plus, optically stretches the eyes. To create an almond-like shape, draw the line up to the outer corner of your eye. If you like it even more dramatic and eye-catching, connect the upper eyeliner with a second, fine line on the lower lash line.
Also interesting:6 Common Eyeliner Mistakes We All Make!
And here's a small but nice tip - to make the eye appear even wider, the eyeliner should start in the middle of the eye and become even wider towards the outside. However, some caution is required, because a very curved eyeliner looks great, but it emphasizes the round eye shape even more. So to avoid this, keep the stroke subtle. And when it comes to colors, absolutely anything is possible. Whether a black eyeliner for more depth or awhite eyelinerFor a fresh look - don't be afraid to experiment with different styles.
Which eyebrows for round eyes?
Round, square, thin or bushy – eyebrows give our face more contour and are the perfect secret weapon to bring out our facial features to their best advantage. Eyebrows with a slight arch that taper towards the back make round eyes appear longer. You can easily create the arch yourself by plucking the hairs below the highest point. UmGaps in the eyebrowsTo avoid this, it is better to proceed carefully and slowly.