Applying makeup and concealing droopy eyelids – helpful tips and instructions

Droopy eyelids sometimes arise with age, but are also the result of predisposition. This is naturally sagging skin or skin that has slackened due to aging and is located over the eyelid and ensures that the eyelid cannot be seen when the eye is open. There are certainly cosmetic procedures that can be used to combat drooping eyelids. This is especially an option if they limit your view. However, if you do not have to deal with such problems, it may be enough to know how best to apply makeup to droopy eyelids so that they no longer stand out. In this article we have put together some tips and instructions that will help you make up your droopy eyelids the right way by applying perfect eye make-up. So, what is the best way to make up for droopy eyelids? Find out now!

DieInstructions for applying make-up to droopy eyelidsit's not that complicated. As is well known, makeup is usually applied to the movable eyelid directly above the eye. But that doesn't make sense if you have droopy eyelids, because they would simply cover up the eyeshadow or other make-up. That's why the drooping eyelids have to be made up themselves. This may sound strange at first and may cause some uncertainty. But you should definitely try it out. This is the best option because your eyes will automatically appear larger.

Step by step to the best result

No matter what type of eye makeup you're doing, foundation is an important step you even start with. This will ensure that the eyeshadow looks better later. Especially if you are applying make-up to droopy eyelids, you should not skip this step. The excess skin causes friction that would smear the eyeshadow and other make-up. It is also recommended that you highlight your eyebrows to further distract from the droopy eyelids. But here too there is a rule: eyebrow powder is preferable. It makes the eyebrows look more natural while emphasizing them at the same time. If you use a pencil for eyebrows, the contrast will be too great and the eyebrows will visually press on the droopy eyelids. So exactly the opposite effect occurs.

with eyeshadow

It is best to use light eyeshadows, as well as those from the brown palette. They are perfect for everyday wear. We have already mentioned that the upper area should be emphasized. After foundation, apply brown eyeshadow above the movable eyelid. Next, use a finger to pull up the overlapping skin and apply a slightly lighter eyeshadow, but still darker than your skin, to the visible crease. It is important that you create an even transition from the brown to the lighter color and create a semicircular shape, i.e. the way the eyelid crease runs naturally. Note that this eyeshadow, which is on the overlapping skin, should not contain glitter. Applying makeup to the droopy eyelid in this way will only make it stand out more.

with eyeliner

Now you can also apply eyeliner. To do this, use an eyeliner pencil to create a soft line. Alternatively, you can also use eyeliner to apply make-up to droopy eyelids. But then you have to make sure that the...Eyeliner as thin as possibleis designed. You should also lightly smudge this at the edge, which can be easily achieved with a cotton swab. A hard line again ensures that the droopy eyelid is highlighted, which is what you want to avoid. Thick eyeliners are not only unsuitable from a visual point of view because some of them are not even visible. They would also smudge over time and ruin all makeup.

Eyeliner on the lower eyelid

You should also emphasize the lower eyelid. The best way to do this is with eyeliner. But be careful! Be sure to apply a straight eyeliner. If this is curved instead, an owl effect is created, which is not at all an advantage, especially for eyes with drooping eyelids. Pull the eyeliner towards the outer corners of your eyes so that you can connect it to the upper eyeliner. The so-called waterline should be left out, especially if you are applying make-up to pronounced droopy eyelids. If this is done with a dark eyeliner, the eyes appear smaller. And ultimately you want to make your eyes appear larger. Instead, choose a light eyeliner (preferably white) for the waterline of the lower lid, which visually opens the eye.

Make up the eyelashes of the eyes

The eye also appears visually larger when you are bent upwards. You can achieve this eyelash curl with an eyelash curler. Especially if yoursNatural eyelashesIf your hair is straight, we recommend using an eyelash curler before applying mascara. Then apply heavy make-up to your eyelashes with black mascara. You will be amazed at how well this opens your eyes. That's why you shouldn't do without it when you apply make-up to your droopy eyelids.


You can apply dark make-up to your droopy eyelids, especially in the evening. The trendy smokey eye is perfect for this and is also suitable for droopy eyelids. The procedure for applying make-up to droopy eyelids is the same as described above. The darker colors emphasize the excess skin again. Feel free to be a little bolder here and apply the eye shadows to the outside of the eyelid. So pull the eyeshadow outwards.

Sometimes you just don't have the time or desire to put on makeup. So if you are looking for an alternative to applying make-up to droopy eyelids, the so-called Magicstripes are a wonderful idea. These are thin, transparent strips that are coated with adhesive and are stuck to the eyelid. They are slightly curved and adapt to the shape of the eye. They essentially hold the excess skin in place, making your eyes look more open. These stripes can also be applied before applying makeup. Before applying, clean the lids well. Oily or made-up skin prevents the strips from adhering well. The strips are attached to the natural crease of the eyelid, which you find best when you close your eye. If the eyelids are more droopy, the strip is fixed directly above the fold.

People who wear glasses should follow additional rules, regardless of whether they have droopy eyelids or not. Depending on the type of glasses, a different effect is created, which can be corrected with the right eye make-up. If you are nearsighted, the lenses make your eyes appear smaller. In people who are farsighted, the exact opposite occurs - their eyes look larger. You can find out what you should pay attention to when applying make-up to droopy eyelids if you also wear glasses in the following video.

You may be wondering how best to apply makeup to your eyes to match your eye color. Sometimes you want to add some color instead of subtle eye make-up. Then instead of brown and beige tones, simply use colors as follows: It's best to always use complimentary colors. These are always the colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. Blue eyes with droopy eyelids are best painted with apricot colors or from the orange color palette. Bronze tones are also suitable if you have droopy eyelids and blue eyes. If you have droopy eyelids, it is important that you avoid glitter.

If you want to emphasize brown eyes, violet tones are very suitable. This is especially true for light brown eyes. They bring out the warm, brown color particularly well. Blue and green tones are also suitable. Green eyes are best painted with shades from the red palette. Copper, orange-red and similar colors are the best choice for a perfect result.

Here you can see once again what miracles the right eye make-up can do. With the right tips, droopy eyelids can quickly become a thing of the past. Shades of brown and artificial eyelashes were used to distract from droopy eyelids. Artificial eyelashes are a great option that you can use when you apply make-up to droopy eyelids.