Make your own eyelash serum: Helpful tips on how you can get long eyelashes naturally

Beautiful eyes and eyelashes are the most characteristic female featuresthe beauty of a womanturn off. Women long for beautiful eyelashes and will do anything to care for them. Some people naturally have longer and fuller eyelashes, others don't. Nevertheless, beautiful eyelashes are an attainable dream for all women. Your eyelashes can grow naturally with the help of a homemade eyelash serum. We give you a few ideas on how you can make your own eyelash serum at home so that you get thick eyelashes.

Make your own eyelash serum with home remedies: coconut oil + castor oil

This is what you need to make your own eyelash serum with coconut oil and castor oil at home:

  • 2 TL Rizinusöl
  • ½ tsp coconut oil
  • 5 drops of vitamin E oil (optional)

Castor oil is a natural source of omega-6 fatty acids, proteins and vitamins that promote strong hair growth. It produces remarkable results when it comes to lengthening and thickening eyelashes, and the addition of coconut oil and vitamin E gives this serum a broader range of fatty acids and nutrients that accelerate eyelash growth.

Prepare the eyelash serum as follows: Place all ingredients in a small dropper bottle and stir gently to combine. To use, place a drop on your finger or a cotton swab and massage gently into the lash line. It is best to use the homemade eyelash serum in the evening and leave it on overnight. You can also use it daily for better results. Store the serum in an airtight container for up to a year.

Make your own eyelash serum with neem and almond oil

These are the ingredients to make your own eyelash serum without castor oil:

  • 1 THE Neemöl
  • 4 tbsp almond oil

This natural DIY eyelash serum supports the growth and strengthening of eyelashes. Neem oil and almond oil are known to promote growth and provide fuller, more beautiful eyelashes. Almond oil is rich in vitamin E, monosaturated fatty acids and calcium, which strengthens eyelashes and prevents them from breaking. Neem oil is rich in fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid, which moisturize and condition brittle eyelashes. It is known to have regenerating properties that bring your lashes back to life.

Mix all of the above ingredients in a bottle or container of your choice by shaking the bottle well. Store the homemade eyelash serum in a cool, dry place. Use it every night before bed using an eyelash brush. Gently apply the mixture to your eyes from root to tip.

Natural eyelash serum with aloe vera for thick eyelashes

Ingredients you need to make this serum:

  • 2 tablespoons castor oil
  • 2 THE Aloe-Vera-Gel
  • 4 Tbsp Vitamin E

The magic of castor oil, vitamin E oil and aloe vera gel will help you achieve dreamy eyelashes. These two oils and aloe vera gel help fight microorganisms that have settled in your eyelashes and cause them to fall out. They moisturize them, making them stronger, denser and longer.

Now take all the ingredients: castor oil, aloe vera gel and vitamin E oil and mix them well until it forms a smooth paste. Be careful not to form any clumps or your eyes may become irritated. Use a clean eyelash brush, dip it in the serum and gently apply it to your lashes. You can also use a cotton swab and dab the eye area. Apply this serum before bed and leave it on overnight tothick and smooth eyelashesto obtain.

Make your own argan oil and biotin as eyelash serum

This recipe is one of the best DIY eyelash growth serum recipes. Biotin and argan oil are available in all stores, so you can make your own eyelash serum without any problems. The following is needed:

  • approx. 15 drops of biotin
  • Argan oil as needed

Biotin is mainly composed of vitamin H, which is beneficial for eyelash growth. It thickens the eyelashes and prevents them from breaking off. Vitamin H is best known for its hair regenerating properties. Argan oil is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants that nourish eyelashes and promote healthy eyelash growth. It also negates the side effects of chemical eyelash growth serums.

Take a container and a clean eyelash brush. GiveArgan oil as neededinto the container. Then add 10 to 15 drops of biotin to this mixture. Seal the container and shake to mix the eyelash serum well. Dip your eyelash brush into the homemade serum and gently apply it to your lashes from root to tip to test the thickness of the serum.

Unexpected eyelash growth helper – green tea

Green tea is ideal as a homemade eyelash serum because it helps you get longer and darker eyelashes. Just boil a cupgreen tea(without sugar!) and wait until it cools down. Dip a cotton ball in it and brush the liquid over your eyelashes. Green tea is full of helpful antioxidants that keep eyelashes healthy and caffeine and flavonoids that stimulate growth.