Rubber boots are worn by anglers and children when they jump through puddles. These are usually associated with this and are viewed more as equipment than as beautiful shoes or fashion accessories. In equestrian sport they are part of the equipment. Not entirely wrongRubber boots for womenvery popular especially in autumn. In bad weather, in the rainy season, they come in handy with their waterproofness and durability. Produced in numerous designs, they provide a fresh touch to autumnal outfits that are otherwise predominantly cloudy.
Rubber boots for women create a good mood in the rainy season
Multifaceted models from trend labels give a fashion update to the useful shoes and rubber boots for women are becoming more popular than ever. Outgrown from rural use, colored or classic black versions are considered fashionable and super stylish accessories that no shoe cabinet should be without.
Stars love them!
Stars and celebrities like to use their rain boots when the weather is bad or when they go for a walk with the children. Great addition to the casual, everyday outfit, when it's rainy, the durable shoes are highlighted. Characteristic of Rihanna's individual style, she chose some in red, while Sarah Jessica Parker opted for basic black rain boots, like these ones worn by her son. Actress Liv Taylor and Duchess Kate of Camridge showcase British style with pastel green boots.
Transparente High Heels
Poor quality rubber boots become brittle in cold weather and sticky in slightly higher temperatures. This indicates a low rubber content. It makes the boots more plastic and permanently elastic. Designers and labels have dealt with the topic and ensure the comfort and sustainability of the materials used. They also seduce with multi-faceted models that transform the practical boots into a fashion must-have.
Footwear and accessories from Miu Miu
The little daughter of Prada - Miu Miu, presents unusual models of boots, accessories and clothing made of transparent rubber or PVC in 2014/2015. The heel of the shoe is reminiscent of threads and the shoe is laced at the calf. Of course, a raincoat made of the same transparent material, but this time tinted, goes well with it.
Street Style
Maybe Miu Miu's unusual heeled rubber boots look unwearable. A fashionista from New York proves the opposite when she boldly combined ankle boots with an oversized sweater. An important part of the clothing are the small accents and details, as they create the unmistakable look. The connecting element here is the edge of the shoes and the edge of the top, which are the same pink.
Famous labels also offer rubber boots for women to choose from in their autumn collection. The Burberry brand is unmistakable due to its design, which relies on classic models and always presents the timeless trench coat. The brand's checked pattern, designed in only three colors, is the perfect companion for every woman who wants to appear chic, but also inconspicuous or extravagant.
The Chanel brand is without a doubt a symbol of timeless fashion. Surprisingly, you can also discover rubber ankle boots among their product line. But these are very special, with the label's typical sensitivity to detail. In black and white, the autumn shoes are more reminiscent of retro chic than rubber. They shine in patent and are decorated on the side with the brand's true trademark - the camellia.
Ralph Lauren
The Ralf Lauren fashion house also annually presents classic models as part of the product line of its sports department 'Polo', aimed at leisure and classic sports such as polo and golf. The brand's trademark is the silhouette of a polo rider, which appears as a pattern on a monochrome design.
The bestselling Hunter
The most popular among all brands that also produce rubber boots is one that always refreshes the old love and beautiful memories of childhood playing in the puddles. Hunter Wellies is a traditional Scottish company specializing in the production of weather-resistant, robust boots. The climate in Scotland is humid and rainy, which creates the need for waterproof shoes and thus creates a whole trend through color selection.
Hunter in numerous colors and color combinations
Hunter rubber boots for women come in all sorts of colors, with or without patterns, and in two heights – below the knee and up to the ankle. Matching accessories such as socks, shoe linings and 'lids' are optional and a good way to match the boots to the rest of the outfit.
Autumn outfits in bright colors
The rain boots can set accents similar to other clothing accessories and, in addition to being practical, look wonderful in bright colors. Combine this with another part of the outfit in the same color to create a harmonious ensemble.
Red the true classic
Along with black, white and gray, the color red is one of the true classics when it comes to women's clothing and fashion. You can put the bright shade next to other muted ones, such as dark blue. Red rain boots are the ideal way to add playful character to your autumn outfit.
Colors should be reflected throughout the entire ensemble
Classic black
With classic black and rain boots, every elegant woman can stay true to her individual style. The jeans shirt brings a playful, slightly sporty touch to the look.
Ankle Boots
Rubber boots are available on the market in the ankle-high version - ankle boots. Boots with length up to the ankle make the silhouette appear slimmer and more elongated. As with the classic variant with a length below the knee, it is advisable to choose tight trousers with a slim or skinny cut or, even better, a skirt or dress that reaches the middle of the thigh.
March into autumn with rubber boots for women - classic flat ankle boots
Perhaps the best possible combination is with classic blue jeans, made of elastic denim. You can wear a poncho, oversized sweater or cardigan as a top, which gives the entire look a fresh, casual touch.
HerbstOutfits with low black boots
Outfits for a better mood in the autumn days
Chic in the city with rubber boots for women - autumn fashion
As already mentioned, high-quality rubber boots can also be worn at slightly higher temperatures. At the end of summer or early in the season, the weather can change in a really surprising way. Storms are not ruled out, as well as short-term rain and then of course mud. You would always have a pair of rain boots on hand for such cases. Some with color patterns and cheerful motifs would certainly bring back the good mood.
BasicDecorate rubber boots for women yourself
Basic, plain-colored rubber boots for women can also be designed to be distinctive and individual. Simply take a permanent marker of any color and create a pattern if you wish. In the example, someone has decided on a kind of Leo pattern in gold. Try it out!