Why don't gel nails last? Here's what you can do to keep your beautiful manicure longer

We've all been there: You've spent a lot of time thinking about which gel nail polish would best fit your wardrobe. But just a few days later, just as you're about to admire the beauty of your fingertips, you take a look at your keyboard and realize that something is wrong. You can see where your gel started flaking: right there, at the tip of your fingertip. If you're wondering - "Why don't gel nails last?" - we'll tell you what the possible causes are and what you can do to keep your manicure longer.

Why don't gel nails last? The most common causes

  • The cuticles have not been prepared, which may be the reason why lifts occur.
  • There is insufficient curing of the nail polish due to an excessive amount of oil and moisture on the nail plate.
  • Several coats of gel nail polish were applied.
  • Neither a base nor a top coat was applied.
  • The edges of your nails were not well painted.
  • The nails are exposed to difficult conditions.

Gel nails are peeling off - here's what you can do about it

Here's what you can do if you notice a problem.

Adhesion problems with gel nails: Do not pull anything off

It takes a lot of self-control not to pull the gel off and pick at it when you see a small splinter on a nail. Although at first it may not seem like removing the gel will cause much damage, it can severely damage the nails, leaving them feeling brittle afterwards.

Keratin, the same protein that makes up your hair, also forms your natural nails. When you apply a gel nail polish, the ingredient binds to the nail bed and ensures the color stays intact for a longer period of time. However, if you pick and peel the gel, some of the keratin will be removed. This will give your nail bed grooves and a fuzzy texture. It can take many months for all the damage to come out of the damagedNails grew outand are replaced by healthy nails.

Apply a layer of top coat

File the nail where the gel has problems and seal it with a top coat.

After your manicure, you should not cut or file your fingernails

Once the gel polish has been applied and has dried, one of the most important pieces of advice is that you should definitely not file or cut your nails. Instead, wait until you're ready to remove your manicure.

It is possible that after two to three weeks your nails will have become so long that you no longer like them. However, do not file or trim them because this will remove the sealant (top coat) on the edge. It is almost certain that this will lead to lifting and chipping or, even worse, moisture retention that can lead to infection of the nail.

Why don't gel nails last? prevention

For many problems, prevention is almost always better than trying to find a cure. To extend the life of your gel manicure as much as possible, do not open boxes or cans containing your nails and wear gloves when washing dishes and cleaning. Anyone who bites their nails or bites cuticles should keep their hands away from their mouths. In addition, you should not use water that is too hot when bathing or washing your hands.

Keep your hands moist

Even if you pick at your nails, be sure to keep your hands and nails moisturized. Use hand lotion after each hand wash and regularly massage cuticle oil over the gelled nail to promote flexibility and prevent chipping.

Why don't gel nails last? Use cuticle oil

Purchasing a cuticle oil will help maintain the condition of your nails and skin. The nutrient-rich oils have the potential to improve blood circulation around the nail, which in turn promotes nail development. In addition, it can protect the shine of nails. Apply the oil twice a day.

Also read:Removing gel nails with dishwashing liquid: This is how it's easy to do at home - even without acetone!

Gel nails are peeling off at the front - apply layers of varnish correctly

Thin, smooth layers are essential for a long-lasting gel manicure without lifts, no matterthe manicureperformed at home or by a professional. To save time, you may find it more convenient to apply a single thick coat, but this strategy is not beneficial in the long run: the thicker the coats, the easier they come off. Start with a thin layer and build up the color gradually to prevent lifts.

Have manicures done regularly

It is strongly recommended that the shelf lifeyour gel manicurenot to test by trying to see how long it will last without chipping. A gel manicure should last at least two to three weeks before you risk damaging your nail bed. If you leave the gel on your nails for too long, you risk weakening your nails and causing moisture problems. Once the gel begins to peel off, moisture can build up underneath the gel, which is difficult to clean and can lead to bacteria growth.

Why don't gel nails last? Remove gel correctly

It is strongly recommended that you have the gel removed by a professional. Getting it done at a salon is quicker and safer too.