Tooth jewelry trend 2022: Here's everything you should know about the glittering tartars!

It doesn't matter whether it's aboutModeor skin care - every generation has its own trends and the 90s are making a big comeback in the last few months. However, if you've scrolled through social media lately, you've probably noticed - glitter and gold are on everyone's lips. And literally. Do you still remember the little pieces of tartar that glittered in everyone's mouth about 20 years ago? The glittering accessories were THE trend piece back then. Since the summer film festival in Cannes at the latest, the decorations have become increasingly popular again. Yes, the tooth jewelry trend is back and makes our teeth shine. The different glitter and stones are now very creative and diverse and are a real eye-catcher. What's all the hype about? How much does dental jewelry cost and what does proper care look like? We'll tell you all of this and everything you should know about tartars below!

Yes, we can hardly believe it ourselves, but the tooth jewelry trend is actually in vogue again. At the summer film festival in CannesSupermodel and trendsetter Bella Hadidenchanted everyone with her sparkling smile and created a real hype. The tooth jewelry has been going viral on TikTok for weeks and Google searches for the so-called “Tooth Gems” have increased enormously worldwide. But in contrast to before, the stones are no longer so small and subtle. Large symbols and brand logos in particular are currently very popular and are a real eye-catcher. So if you like to draw attention to yourself, you should definitely try out the 2022 tooth jewelry trend.

How much does dental jewelry cost and how is it attached?

The tooth jewelry trend involves decorations and stones that are glued to the front teeth or incisors using a special adhesive. When attached correctly, the tooth jewelry leaves the hard tooth structure intact. To attach the tartar, the dentist must first clean and polish the surface of the tooth. The tooth is then sprayed and dried. The tooth jewelry is then applied with liquid plastic and dried with light curing. Would you like to make your smile shine, but don't know when you can start wearing tooth jewelry?

If you are under 18 years old, you usually need your parents' consent to do this. And how much does dental jewelry cost? Unfortunately, this cannot be answered in general. The costs can vary greatly depending on the dental practice. It is also crucial what type of dental jewelry you would like to have. As a rule, the prices for pre-made tartars are between 30 and 60 euros. Attaching it by a dentist shouldn't cost more than around 40-50 euros. However, you should note that this is a purely aesthetic treatment and the costs are not covered by health insurance.

How long will the tooth jewelry trend last?

Gluing and attaching the tartars is pretty quick and not particularly difficult. But would you like to know how long the tooth jewelry trend will last? The cheap versions from drugstores usually fall off again after about 4-5 weeks. On the other hand, tooth jewelry glued on by the dentist usually lasts at least one to two years. Often the decorations stay in place for much longer.

In addition, many dentists offer a 6 or 12 month guarantee and within this period you can touch up the stone free of charge if it becomes loose. Oral hygiene and eating habits are also crucial for how long the dental jewelry lasts. In some cases it may come off on its own and be swallowed.

Can you attach the tartars yourself?

Attaching the tartars is actually not particularly complicated and completely painless. But in order for the tooth jewelry trend to really come into its own, the decorations should only be on absolutely healthy onesteeth and with professional onesmaterials are attached. And this can only happen at the dentist. If you just want to spice up your smile for a party, you can of course stick the rhinestones yourself. You can now find tooth jewelry sets in all imaginable sizes and shapes in drugstores. To avoid causing any damage, it is important to ensure that the tooth is properly cleaned and prepared before application.

Incorrectly placed dental jewelry can actually promote the formation of tooth decay and plaque. Also adhesives from DIY sets andSuperglue can damage the skinand permanently damage tooth enamel. And after all, we don't want to ruin our beautiful smile, right? It's best to avoid self-experimentation and cheap products and let the dentist install the tooth jewelry.

Tooth jewelry trend: This is what proper care looks like!

Either way it shouldoral hygienebe the be-all and end-all for everyone who wants to take part in the tooth jewelry trend. To ensure long-term beautiful and healthy teeth, care for tartar goes far beyond just brushing your teeth. Since the small decorations have an irregular surface, it is much easier for bacterial plaque to build up on them. To prevent tooth decay from spreading, in addition to brushing your teeth, you should also floss between your teeth at least once a day.

Since the irregular surface offers ideal conditions for bacteria, you should also clean the tooth jewelry itself properly. In order to avoid any damage to the tooth structure, we would recommend that you have your teeth professionally cleaned by your dentist every 3-4 months.