Caring for leather shoes in winter: With these tips and home remedies, your shoes will always look like new!

Christmas carols are already playing in the shopping centers, Christmas cookies are being sold and soon the ground will be covered in snow. It's no secret that the winter season is a magical time of the year. Whether you're going to a Christmas party, spending the afternoon strolling the streets, or shopping for gifts, leather boots add a great touch to almost any outfit. This unbeatable footwear will last a long time if you care for it properly. Find out below how you should care for your leather shoes!

Caring for leather shoes in winter: Keep your boots dry and clean

Remember that shoe leather is a natural, porous material. That's why you need to make sure your boots stay dry and clean in winter. As leather absorbs moisture from snow or slush, it also absorbs dirt, which over time clogs and cracks the material. To keep your boots or shoes clean, use a brush and leather cleaner or household cleaner to clean the surface of dirt and a separate rag to wipe away excess leather cleaner. You don't have to do this every day, but you should make sure your boots stay dry by storing them indoors.

Proper leather shoe care and regular cleaning

When you've purchased a new pair of smooth leather shoes, the last thing you want to notice is that the leather is losing its shine, cracking, and drying out. In winter, many roads are covered with road salt, snow and slush. If your boots come into contact with anything that could cause stains, you should wipe them off immediately. Salt leaves white spots on boots and ruins their appearance.

Fortunately, there are many optionsto remove stains, without having to leave the house and buy an expensive product. If you take a look in your kitchen cupboard, chances are you already have the natural remedies you need to clean your boots.

  • Use home remedies – water and vinegar

Mix an equal amount of water and vinegar in a cup and dip a clean cloth in it. After soaking a generous amount of the mixture into the cloth, blot it onto the stains.

  • Care for leather shoes with baking soda

Soak a soft cloth in water and then dip it in a cup of baking soda. Gently rub the cloth over the stains and you will see them disappear. Before you finally polish your shoes, you should let them dry naturally.

Note the following:It is important that you never place your shoes near a heat source as this increases the risk of cracking the leather. Instead, let your leather boots dry at room temperature at their own pace.

  • Conductor cleaner

In particularstubborn stainsand scratches that have been on the genuine leather shoes for a while, you should use a brush and a leather cleaner. Regardless of which product you use, you should always start by applying a small amount to one area of ​​your shoes to test the product.

  • Olive oil for polishing

A drop of olive oil is enough to make a pair of shoes shine. This trick works best on black shoes because there is no risk of the oil changing the color of the leather. Simply dab a small amount of olive oil on a cloth and gently wipe the surface of your shoes!

Make real leather shoes beautiful again

Think of your favorite pair of leather boots like your skin. To work optimally, the skin needs to be moisturized, nourished and cleansed - just like your leather. A good leather care product makes the fibers supple again and prevents cracks that can occur due to harsh weather.

Steps to properly care for your leather shoes and boots in the winter:

  • Remove the laces from your boots to preventthey get stains.
  • Allow your footwear to air dry before applying any products.
  • In winter it is extremely important that your shoes are waterproof. Therefore, use an impregnation spray. Nobody likes coming home with wet socks and damp feet. Aside from the unpleasant feeling of having toes that look like plums, water destroys the suppleness of your leather boots. After waterproofing, allow your shoes to dry at least overnight.
  • The next day, apply the leather care product (shoe wax or shoe polish) to a cloth or sponge. Use the sponge or cloth to apply the shoe polish around your boots. Wipe off excess conditioner with a soft towel. Leave your footwear unworn overnight so that the care products can absorb into the leather.

Caring for leather shoes in winter – how you should store them

When letting your boots and shoes dry (either after cleaning or when they are wet outside), you should store them in a warm place, but not right next to a heat source (for example, next to a radiator). Excessive heat can make the leather brittle and lead to cracks later. Do not store leather shoes in plastic bags as the leather needs to breathe and a lack of air can cause the shoe to dry out or even become moldy. You should choose a box with a loose lid or a cloth bag for storage. Before storing your boots, make sure they are clean and dry to avoid salt attacking the leather for months during the off-season.

How to clean patent leather shoesfind out here.