Not only couples can choose a tattoo design for two - friends do it too! Relationships come and go, but true friends last a lifetime. Then…why not? Some people who are bound by strong friendships use the friendship tattoo to emphasize the strength of their affection for each other. Whether it's a friendship between a husband and wife, best friends, or a group of 3 or 4 friends - the possibilities are limitless.
Tattoos for friends are becoming more and more popular every year because they are a good way to show loyalty and fidelity to each other. Tattooing is a very symbolic process and this decision must be carefully thought out. Choosing the perfect friendship tattoo is in many ways more difficult than with ordinary tattoos because the wishes of both should be taken into account. Friends must decide together on the location of the tattoo, its style and size.
Why do two people get a friendship tattoo?
It is believed that sooner or later every person meets his soul mate, who is waiting somewhere on life's path. Friends who accompany and support you throughout your life are difficult to find. However, anyone who is so happy to have found a true friend wants to share it with the whole world. However, everyone decides for themselves what constitutes a real friendship.
Friends always support each other concretely and emotionally with their problems. Good friendships are sometimes born in childhood and continue to develop well into old age. You can find a real friend even in adulthood. Whatever the case may be, sincere friendship is a source of great joy.
A trip to the tattoo studio together will be an unforgettable event for you and your friends, after which a beautiful souvenir will remain on your body.
Choose the best part of the body for the tattoo
When choosing a tattoo, you not only need to consider the meaning of the motif, but also decide on the size and features of the tattoo. Do you want a small tattoo that is also easy to hide? Or would you rather have a medium-sized motif on your thigh?
Small tattoos are perfect for these parts of the body, for example:
- on the wrist
- am Finger
- at the ankle
- behind the ear
- in the neck
But if you want a medium or large size subject, such small parts of the body won't work.
- On the thigh
- on the shoulders
- under the collarbone
- under the breast
- on the forearm
- A medium-sized friendship tattoo looks good on the calf.
Whether it's a funny motif, a multi-piece puzzle tattoo, memorable events related to friendship, shared interests or the same tattoos - the possibilities are endless. Below we give you a few ideas for a great tattoo as a sign of eternal friendship.
Get the same motifs tattooed
The most popular option for a friendship tattoo is to choose the same tattoo for both of you. Such a tattoo makes it clear that you play an important role in each other's lives. Your friendship is like a strong relationship. Symbols, drawings or hieroglyphs that represent friendship are usually chosen for such a tattoo. You can also choose something that only the two of you know.
Fan tattoos – When your shared passion gets under your skin!
The love forHarry Potteror Star Wars is forever. And how wonderful it is to have someone close to you who shares this love! Disney films also provide plenty of ideas for good friends: Bambi and Thumper, Timon and Pumba, Pooh the Bear and Tiger, Nemo and Dori. These motifs are particularly suitable for childhood friendships.
Different tattoos but in the same style
Friendship tattoos don't always have to be the same. They can be designed in only one style or dedicated to the same theme. Here, for example, the sailboat and the airplane in an origami look fit the theme of travel.
A friendship tattoo that represents two halves of a whole
The concept is simple: choose a motif that consists of two parts and decide who will get which half. For example, the yin-yang symbol, two puzzle pieces and two heart halves are particularly popular.
This idea has been very popular lately: two avocado halves - one with the pit, the other without. Together they form the perfect whole. The tattoos can be either black and white or colorful.
Things that belong together
Also think about things that usually go together like peanut and jelly, cup and saucer, sun and moon, pot and lid, rose and thorns, rainbow and rain, key and keyhole, etc.
Coordinates or an important date
A long friendship has its memorable days that you don't want to forget. You can have an important date tattooed with Roman numerals. Coordinate tattoos that represent a significant location as longitude and latitude are also a good idea. The coordinates can show the place where you first met or the hometown where you both grew up.
What they both like
Do you like cute unicorns in rainbow colors? It's good to have someone who shares this unusual love with you. Think about what connects you. Even if it's just a glass of wine at the end of a long day at work or a tea party on the weekend. You and your girlfriend or boyfriend probably have a lot of common interests and stories behind them.
Friendship tattoo symbols
There are many different symbols of friendship - from two hearts to friendship arrows and other motifs invented in different parts of the world. Regardless of whether symbols are engraved on jewelry or engraved as tattoos - they all mean the same thing: friendship, loyalty and trust. Below are some of the most commonly used friendship tattoo symbols.
Das Claddagh-Symbol
This Celtic (or Irish) symboldepicts two hands holding a crowned heart. According to some sources, the meaning of the symbol is expressed by the following phrase: “With both hands I give you my heart and crown it with my devotion.” This symbol is the embodiment of friendship, love and loyalty. The Claddages symbol is often used in the design of wedding rings. But if your friendship is as strong as love, such a motif will be an excellent idea for a tattoo.
Friendship arrows
For Indians, two arrows crossing in the middle are a symbol of the union of two clans or two people. These two arrows represent friendship. The motif is not complicated and can be depicted in different variations.
Difficulties Engelssymbole
Zibu symbols were originally created by Debbie Zylstra Almstedt of Arizona, USA, who claims to have communicated with the angel guides to discover this work of art. The above symbol represents the presence of God in every person. When we make friends, we honor these divine qualities within the other person, and the same is done by him too.
Shrivatsa (Sanskrit Srivatsa śrīvatsa) – Der Endlosknoten
The Buddhist Infinite Knot, also known as “Shrivatsa” in Sanskrit, is one of the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhist culture (Ashtamangala). In this context, it is a symbol of eternal love and friendship, as well as the interdependence between the two.
Chinese characters for friendship
These two characters (友谊) mean friendship in Chinese and are written as Yǒuyì. This tattoo is small and can look good on almost any part of the body. One can also write the best friend's name to give the tattoo a more personal effect. There is also another symbol of eternal friendship.
Note that a tattoo artist is not a professional linguist and cannot know about the variety of meanings of Chinese characters. You are responsible for the accuracy of the translation. Therefore, carefully check the spelling of the hieroglyph.
What does “Ohana” stand for?
The Hawaiian word from the Disney film “Lilo and Stitch” has become world famous. Ohana means family and family means that no one is forgotten or left behind. Many people consider their close friends to be family, which is why Ohana is also ideal as a friendship tattoo.
In Buddhism, Unalome represents the path that every person takes throughout their life. This path can be straight or winding. There could be fear, obstacles, happiness or love. This path begins at the center of a spiral that represents how we are trapped in our own fear and insecurity. As the path unfolds, the mind finds clarity and ultimately breaks away from suffering. This symbol is a visual metaphor for this life journey.
Friendship tattoo as sayings
Sayings in English:
Together forever never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.
Things are never quite as scary when you’ve got a best friend.
Two hearts, one soul.
To infinity and beyond.
Sayings in Latin:
Best friends forever:
Ubi amici, ibi opes. – Where friends (are), there (is) wealth.
Novos parans amicos, ne obliviscere veterum. – Anyone who makes new friends should not forget the old ones.
Old ipse amicus. – A friend is a second self.
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