In ancient times, all insects were classified as mythical creatures and were considered mediators between the world of humans and spirits. It was believed that insects had supernatural abilities and were messengers of higher powers. The moths are no exception. There are over 160,000 species of moths worldwide. And while some moths are not very attractive, other specimens impress with very colorful, often really large wings. Butterflies live during the day and moths live at night. As night dwellers, they symbolize the power of the moon and have a mystical charm. The symbolism of a moth is very complicated and beautiful, which is why more and more people are getting a moth tattoo.
A symbol with mystical charm
In Mexico, moths were a symbol of the boundless starry sky and the flame and were also reminiscent of theTransience of human existence. In the East (China and Japan), moths represented family harmony and elegance. It is not for nothing that Japanese princesses were compared to this insect, for such qualities as grace, lightness and beauty. According to Celtic legends, the Welsh believed that a departed soul would sometimes return in the form of a moth to say goodbye to a loved one. In Germany, these insects are generally considered a symbol of rebirth.
The moth represents rebirth and change
A moth always finds its way by the moonlight. His persistence in following the light, trusting their instincts, and ignoring or resisting danger makes him as spontaneous and determined as he is vulnerable. Something that reminds us of our need to listen to the inner voice and follow our intuition. The insect also symbolizes the development of trust in one's own intuition.
Just like butterflies, moths are ancientSymbols of change, transformation and new directions. There is a certain vanity sometimes associated with the moth - dancing around a flame, craving light. The insect has a fragile vulnerability.
The desire for self-improvement is an integral part of the psychological culture of the individual. For this reason, moth tattoos are becoming increasingly popular among men and women as a symbol of new beginnings and the beauty of self-change. Many feel more like moths than butterflies. These insects have a raw beauty and the feeling of perfection that butterflies provide is missing.
Kaley Cuoco
Kaley Cucco, the actress who played Penny in the popularTV-Serie “The Big Bang Theory” plays, got a tattoo of a moth between her shoulder blades in 2016. You could say it symbolized the change and new direction of her life because it was a cover-up for the Roman numerals of her wedding date to her ex-husband Ryan Sweeting.
Silence of the Lambs Moth Tattoo – The Skull Moth
A very popular tattoo motif is the Acherontia atropos, better known as the skull moth. The name refers to one of three species of moths, each of which has an easily recognizable human skull on its thorax. This unusual pattern has both fascinated and frightened people. Long ago, its ominous marking was considered a bad omen; Entomologist Moses Harris wrote in 1840 that the moth "is not regarded as the creation of a benevolent creature, but as the agent of evil spirits devised and invented in the dark, and the gleam of its eyes is thought to represent the fiery element whence it may have emanated." should."
The skull hawkmoths appear in pop culture. They are mentioned in the 1897 classic “Dracula” by Bram Stoker, in which the main vampire sends them to his servant Renfield. And in Thomas Harris' novel “The Silence of the Lambs,” Buffalo Bill stuck the insect dolls down the victims' throats.
Achertontia atropos is a particularly popular motif for moth tattoos. Although contemporary interpretations vary in style, the eerie skull is always the focus.
Ascalapha odorata – The Black Witch
Ascalaha odorata is an unusually beautiful moth. Both sexes are fascinating with a highly complex pattern on the upper sides of their wings, which consists of several shades of brown with white and black accents. The female has an additional feature - a white band with purple accents running across the top of the forewings and hindwings.
In Mexico, this moth is colloquially known as the “mariposa de la muerte” (“butterfly of death”) and it is said that when such a moth appears in a house, it brings death with it. In Jamaica, the species is called the “Duppy Bat” and is said to symbolize the soul of a deceased person who has not found rest.
Comet butterfly (Argema mittrei)
The comet butterfly (Argema mittrei) is one of the largest species of peacock moths (Saturniidae) that only live in the rainforests of Madagascar. A male moth has a wingspan of up to 20 cm. Its caterpillars only feed on fresh eucalyptus leaves. The adult moths only live 4 to 5 days. They are only fertile on the first day after emerging from the cocoon. The species is seriously threatened in the wild due to habitat loss.
Actias luna – The green luna moth as a symbol of love
The luna moth (Actias luna) is common in the United States, Canada and northern Mexico. The average lifespan is one week during which they do not eat food. Their goal in life is simple: to reproduce. For this reason, this moth is considered a symbol of love - one of the strongest human emotions. A moth tattoo like this is meant to remind the wearer of the importance of loving to the fullest and enjoying every day.
These are just a few of the most beautiful moths that are particularly popular as tattoos. The variety of beautiful moths is even greater. So you can find the perfect type of moth yourself and get a unique tattoo done.
The moth tattoos range from monochrome to colorful. Dotwork, NeoTraditional, Watercolor and OldSchool are popular tattoo styles. Adding additional elements enhances and emphasizes the symbolism of the tattoo. The insect can be wonderfully combined with many drawings such as jewels, mandalas, moon phases, etc. Check out the inspiration below and collect ideas for your own moth tattoo!