40 tattoo sayings in Latin and Greek to think about

No matter whether Hebrew, Japanese or Sanskrit - ancient languages ​​and unknown characters always seem mysterious and give every tattoo a touch of mysticism, charm and originality. So if you're looking for a new idea for your next tattoo, you'll find it here. We have compiled some of the best Latin and Greek sayings. They are ideal as short tattoo sayings because they usually consist of 2, 3 and 4 words. Many of the quotes convey a message that is meant to last forever and is thought-provoking.

Ideas for lettering tattoos: popular Latin sayings and their meaning

“Carpe Diem”(“aprovecha el día” in Spanish) translates to: “Enjoy the day”, or literally “Pick the day”. This saying was used by the Roman poet Horace in one of his odes. It's strange how it has been given so many different meanings over the centuries. In the Middle Ages, for example, it stood for: “One should enjoy life because death will come soon.” In the Renaissance the quote was more likewith the ideals of beautyconnected and was to be understood as: “You should enjoy life while you are still young.” Nowadays it can be interpreted in very different ways and can also be easily combined with “You only live once”. But few people know that “Carpe diem” has a sequel in the original. The whole quote is: Carpe diem, velut unda fugit. (Seize the day that passes like a wave.)

The expressions“Memento Vivere / Memento Mori”(“acuérdate de vivir / de que vas a morir” in Spanish) come from medieval monastic Latin and translate as “memory of life/memorial of death”. But it could also be translated as “Remember that you will die.” The quote is a symbol of earthly transience.

Time flies(“el tiempo huye” in Spanish) stands for “time escapes / passes” and refers to the irretrievable passing of time. The Latin phrase comes from the work Georgica by the Roman poet Virgil. As a proverb, the expression is also combined with the words “amor manet” (love remains).

"I won't lose this, I'm stronger"(What does not kill me, makes me stronger). Of course you know the quote from Friedrich Nietzsche. In Latin, the phrase looks completely different as a tattoo.

"While I breathe, I hope"(As long as I breathe, I hope.) The quote comes from the Roman politician, writer and philosopher Marcus Cicero and has proven itself today as a motto with many facets.

"Flies with its own wings"(She flies with her own wings). This Latin phrase is actually the motto of the US state of Oregon, which refers to the independence of settlers in the region. But you could also use this as a tattoo in the direction of freedom/independence.

“If you see amari, love”(If you want to be loved, then love!) The quote comes from Seneca's book “Letters to Lucilius” and refers to the argument that love and friendship want reciprocity.

"Love conquers all"(Love conquers all.) The full quote is actually: “Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori!” Love conquers everything, let us also give in to love. But it is better suited for larger tattoos.

"If you want peace prepare for war"(If you want (peace), prepare (for) war.)

"Always faithful"(Always faithful / always loyal) is the motto of the Swiss Grenadiers, the English city of Exeter, the Ukrainian city of Lviv and a march of the United States Marine Corps.

“Per aspera ad astra”is a Latin idiom and has its origins in Seneca. Literally translated, the sentence means: “Through the rough to the stars”.

"Long art, short life"(Art is long, life is short.) Hippocrates

Other short sayings in Latin to ponder:

Amicitia vincit horas. (Friendship transcends time.)
Caelum mea regula. (Heaven is my measure.)
Cita mors ruit. (Death comes quickly.)
This diem docet. (Every day brings new lessons.)
Ex umbra in solem. (From the dark into the light. / From the shadow into the sun.)
Each is the maker of his own fortune. (Jeder ist seine Glückes Schmied.)
Festina lente. (Haste makes waste.)
Fortes fortuna adiuvat. (Fortune helps the brave.) Fortune favors the brave.
Nihil fit sine causa. (Everything happens for a reason.)

Hora fugit, facta manent. (The hour flees, the deeds remain.)
Horas non numero nisi serenas. (I only count the happy hours.)
In sole solum solamen. (There is comfort in the sun alone.)
Mors certa, sed hora incerta. (Death is certain, the hour uncertain.)
Omne principium grave. (Every beginning is difficult.)
Qui vivra, betray. (The future will tell.)
Times are changing. (Alles wanders sich.)
Tota vita, this is unus est. (The whole life is like a day.)
Ubi amicitia ibi opes. (Where there is friendship, there is wealth.)
Vita somnium breve. (Life is a short dream.)

Greek sayings as a tattoo motif

Greek is the language of antiquity. The Latin alphabet developed from the Greek letters. European literature, philosophy and science begin in the Greek language. Major works of world literature, the writings of philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle, and even the New Testament were first written in Greek. Greek writing has existed for around 3,400 years and exudes a mysterious charm.

The inscriptionknow yourself(Know yourself) was written next to itNot at all(Nothing in excess) on a pillar of the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. Chilon of Sparta, one of the “Seven Wise Men”, is considered to be the author. In ancient times it was seen as a call to human self-knowledge. The saying was adopted into Latin as “Nosce te ipsum”.

always ῥεῖis pronounced Panta rhei and can be traced back to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus. The entire sentence is also very popular for a tattoo: πάντα ρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει (Everything flows and nothing stays.)

Kállio steams after that(Better late than not at all / Better late than never) is also a cool saying that is ideal as a life motto.

loveAgape means “love” in the sense of perfect, divine love. The term is used in the New Testament and differs significantly in meaning from Eros, Stoika and Philia, the other Greek words for love. Agape is the unselfish giving of love and can also describe the feelings of parents for their children or the love of spouses for each other. The combination of the three words faith, love, hope is also very popular: “πίστις αγάπη ἐλπίς”.

Even just a single word in Greek can have a very delicate and decorative effect on the skin. You can also incorporate several words that have a special meaning for you into the tattoo design.

freedom(Freedom),Family(Family),friendship(Friendship),Phoenix(Phönix),sister(Sister) for example are beautiful Greek words.

However, if you want to get a Greek tattoo but don't speak Greek, definitely don't rely on Google Translate. The best thing to do is to ask someone for an accurate translation.