20 inspiring tattoo templates and their meaning

Regardless of whether it is about the first tattoo or you already have some to find the right motif, is usually not so easy. It is always recommended that the tattoo is designed individually. Even if you cannot draw well, you should already have a certain idea of ​​the desired motif. The respective tattowier will be based on this and can design a unique tattoo. Depending on the desired tattoo style, you can find inspiring ideas everywhere. The most popular source for tattoo templates is the Internet. In this article you will find a little more about the most famous tattoo style and 20 of the most popular tattoo motifs, as well as helpful information about it.

You can get a tattoo for several reasons: as an artistic body jewelry or to remember special events in life. Each design is individual and reveals something about its wearer. Therefore, not only the representation of the selected tattoo motif is particularly important, but also its symbolism for the respective person. When choosing a suitable tattoo motif, you should first choose a tattoo style and then inform about the meaning behind it.

Choose the motif for tattooing - style types, inspiring tattoo templates and their meaning

Due to the many different styles you have an incrediblelarge scope. In this way, entire life stories can be shown on the skin. However, if you plan more than just a tattoo in the future, you have to consider whether the motifs would go together or not. Ultimately, every carrier gives his tattoo his personal meaning. In addition, the selected motif has to match the body, because not everything that looks good on paper also seems so well stung on the body. Under the skin are muscles and bones that make a motif look different from a flat surface. Another important point is that the body does not always stay the way it is now. Pregnancy or simply old change the skin and can leave visible traces. On the other hand, scaters are often stabbed and thereby nicely covered. But this is a difficult matter and not every tattoo artist dares to tattoo scarred skin.

You can first determine a body area and then choose a suitable motif or maybe you already have the ideas and desired motifs in your head, which can be adapted to the respective part of the body. However, it is advisable to get an overview of the most popular tattoo styles before you choose a precise motive. The different tattoo styles offer different design options and can also be mixed nicely, so that a unique tattoo is ultimately created.

A brief overview ofdiebest known tattoo style

Old SchoolAlso called American tradition, the presentation for the tattoos is related to the sailors. Thick contours, bright colors and two -dimensional, decorative, relatively simple motifs mostly from swallows, stars, women, anchors and roses act as an ode on traditional body art.

New SchoolOr NEO traditional is based on the techniques in traditional tattoo art and achieves significantly realistic representation through more color and shades, but still looks very decorative.

TRASH POLKAcombines photo -realistic illustrations with geometric shapes and is mostly designed black and gray. Coloring is set by coloring, mostly in red or orange.

WithBlackworkYou actually refer to almost everything that is stung on the skin with black ink. This also includes the high-contrast tribal motifs.

AtDotworkit is worked with black or colored ink in point form on the skin. It is said that this method is less painful. This technique often achieves beautiful, gentle shades and color processes.

Geometric Tattoosare currently very popular and especially popular with the so -called hipsters. Geometric shapes such as circle, triangle and others are extremely multifaceted and have a certain meaning in many cultures.

Sketch WorkOr just sketchy and watercolor are particularly artistic tattoo representations that look spontaneous and unfinished. Most of the time, there are no clear contours and it is worked with chicked colors and strokes.

Realistic Tattoosare really something for aesthetic. The motifs, mostly an entire picture, are engraved and convince with a realistic effect. Excellent picturesque knowledge and experience are important prerequisites for a successful tattoo.

When choosing a tattoo motif, but also a tattoo artist who will realize it on the skin, generally applies: if you want to be beautiful forever, you have to research and have a good eye for aesthetics. Since a tattoo decorates the body forever, it is definitely worth learning a little more about the best known motifs. Many of them can also be combined very well.


The skull motif is an absolute classic and usually stands for religious faith and for the transience of life. The meaning of a skull tattoos does not have to be as negative as you suspect it at first glance. Some get a skull because they have completed a difficult chapter in their lives. Toten heads can also be real symbols of happiness that should give their carrier strength. On the other hand, a dead head tattoo often illustrates belonging to a certain milieu. The motif is very popular with both men and women.

Mexican skull or skull is mainly associated with one of the most famous festivals in honor of the dead in Mexico: the Dìa de los Muertos, the day of the dead. Senmement of colors and flowers adorn the skull and it is more than just design. Additional elements and their meanings can be incorporated into the Mexican skull tattoo, for example:

Flowers - life
Cobwebs – Tod
Diamond cycle of life and legacy
Candles - memories
Cross - protection


Flower motifs are multifaceted as a tattoo and can mean a lot. Most of the time they are preferred by women and express the connection with nature, playfulness and creativity. The flower can also stand for youth and beauty.
The rose is one of the best known and most popular motifs and symbolizes love in today's use. Most of the time it occurs in combination with key, lock or clock.


The swallow is a popular motif for seafarers and symbolizes freedom, as well as the firm country, home. Two swallows are often shown, which significantly represent love and soul relatives.


A heart tattoo is a classic and very popular motif and usually stands very classic for love. The tattoo is reminiscent of a specific person.


The key was considered a symbol of power in the past. Today it has an individual meaning for everyone. For example, he can be seen as a key to the heart and worn by a partner, while the other wears the right lock motif as a tattoo.


Stars often have individual or decorative importance. Most of the time, stars can be stung as a symbol for beloved people and the motifs are often provided with their names.


A clock usually occurs in combination with another motif such as flower or angel and stands for imperishable. A watch can also show a precise time that should remind a certain event and is of great importance for the carrier.


Pen and wings symbolize ease and reveal through their wearer that he wants to live freely and carefree. He can also express his creativity.

Dream catcher

A dream catcher catches the bad dreams and keeps them away from the sleeping person.As a tattoo, the motif shouldalso perform a protective function. It also embodies the meaning of the wearer for the spiritual.

Minimalist tattoos

Hipsters and young people who are at the beginning of their professional life often opt for minimalist tattoo templates and choose muted parts of the body. Most of the time with black ink, the minimalist symbols have a very personal meaning.

Pin upGirlsTattoo templates

Pretty girls adorned American advertising posters, magazines and packaging after the Second World War. Most of them are beautiful drawings of real people, others symbolical the perfect woman. Pin up girls stand for the beauty and femininity of the woman, which is why men are mostly preferred as a tattoo motif.


The loop, infinity signs and other symbols are usually stabbed small and, above all, have a decorative effect. They serve as a delicate body jewelry and are particularly popular with women.

Animal motifsand their meaning

Animal motifs are mostly shown realistically. They have an individual meaning for the carrier and serve more or less than a Totem tattoo. For example, the snake is a symbol of temptation in the Bible, but as a tattoo it can also protect its wearer from dangers.

In today's life, a tattoo has the meaning that its wearer assigns to him. However, every symbol has no conventionally defined meaning. Nevertheless, tattoo templates and motifs have origin and a social context in which they arose and through a new development. For example, today Knast-Tattoos are also preferred by hipsters.