Tattoos for women over 50: It's never too late for a beautiful, modern tattoo!

Our desire to push back against age stereotypes and define our self-expression on our own terms is a common theme in discussions in our society. It's ridiculous to think that women over the age of 50 can't get tattoos. Would you like to be inspired and collect cool ideas for tattoos for women over 50?


Many younger ladies may be surprised to discover a tattoo on their grandmother's arm. For many women, tattoos are a means of expressing their values ​​and authentic self, even if only for themselves - that's why tattoos for women over 50 are wonderful!

Tattoos for women over 50 – ideas and tips

Photo: Simona pilolla 2/ Shutterstock

A small tattoo of a flower or butterfly can be hidden under a sweater without anyone seeing, making it perfect for those who aren't very outgoing but still want to get a tattoo.

Foto: WHYFRAME/ Shutterstock

Even though tattoos on women's bodies are the greatest thing about women over 50, there is a lot of discussion on the Internet about what is "too old" for women to get tattoos. But reputable tattoo artists know that women of all ages can have a tattoo!

The increasing rate of tattoos among mature ladies

Photo:@ronaldr_tattoo/ Instagram

You can use a tattoo as a symbol of your hidden identity. On the other hand, a tattoo can be a powerful way to show the world your individuality, your views and ideals. One way to show yourself as an individual with limitless energy is through a tattoo. Tattoos are a great way for older women to show the world who they are: brave, independent and full of life! You probably already know: “50 is the new 30!”

Photo:@not_ordinary_granny/ Instagram

Many of the negative associations that were associated with tattoos have faded, and they are now widely accepted. Tattoos may be more mainstream today than they once were, but they still serve as a means of self-expression and cultural identification.

Photo:@stylenik/ Instagram

Today's mature ladies are not afraid to flaunt their tattoos. Tattooing for women of a certain age is a great way to express their growing sense of autonomy and self-confidence. Women over 50 have lived long enough to no longer care what others think of them.

Important tip:Ink and tattoo needles have different effects on skin as it ages. However, choosing a tattoo artist who is knowledgeable about the application is crucial. An appointment with a dermatologist should not be underestimated either. Make sure you are not allergic to anything else.

Elegant and stylish tattoo for shoulder

Photo:@gaia_inks/ Instagram

Because it doesn't change much throughout life and is easier to hide, the shoulder is a fantastic spot for a tattoo for mature ladies. This cute flower motif is a real eye-catcher and will immediately enhance your appearance!

Optimistic tattoo sayings are trendy

Photo:@tattoobydorna/ Instagram

If you are an older woman, this tattoo will bring optimism to your life and body with just one sentence.

Enchanting tattoos that serve as body jewelry

Photo:@chan_white_/ Instagram

Choose a pair of modern flowers,the your wristsand forearms will decorate with grace. A noble, small tattoo can serve as body jewelry!

A tulip for the arm

Photo:@gaia_inks/ Instagram

One tulip is enough to spice up your look!

Also interesting:Minimalist tattoos are trending! These are the most beautiful ideas and designs for your next tattoo!

The classic – butterfly tattoo

Photo:@r.abbit__/ Instagram

Butterfly tattoos for 50 year old women have always been one of the best tattoo ideas because they are not only classic but also fantastic!

3D tattoo with chrome effect

Photo:@chan_white_/ Instagram

This chrome tattoo adds a touch of elegance and an instant wow factor!

Delicate tattoos for mature ladies

Photo:@gaia_inks/ Instagram

Delicate tattoos are also very trendy and are perfect for mature ladies.

Get feet tattooed

Photo:@kelsiefirthtattoo/ Instagram

Or you can opt for a leg tattoo!

Photo:@marthasmithtattoo/ Instagram

Also read:Tattoo on the collarbone – 50+ beautiful ideas and inspirations!