Minimalist tattoos are trending! These are the most beautiful ideas and designs for your next tattoo!

Tattoo art has become increasingly popular in recent years and, according to a survey, one in five Germans has a tattoo. While large tattoos used to be seen as a rebellious sign, the exact opposite is currently popular. Whether delicateFineline Tattoosor meaningfulSelf love tattoos- the small and delicate body decorations have taken the tattoo world by storm and are undoubtedly one of the most sought-after tattoo trends for 2021. But sometimes less is more and minimalist tattoos are clear proof that size doesn't matter. From flowers to cute dog tattoos, the selection of designs is huge, so there's guaranteed to be something for everyone. No matter whether you are a minimalist or want something discreet for your first tattoo - in this article we have put together the most beautiful ideas for you! So what are you waiting for? Be inspired by our picture gallery and call the tattoo studio!

What exactly makes minimalist tattoos so special?

Even though minimalist tattoos are usually super small and discreet, depending on the motif, they are still full of meaning and have a significant impact on a person's style. After all, we don't need to tattoo our whole body to express our feelings, right? The delicate tattoos are usually done in black and the technique focuses on simple and clear designs and shapes. When it comes to placement, there are no limits to your imagination and the minimalist tattoos look perfect on every part of the body. Since the tattoo trend depends on accuracy and even the slightest slip-up can be seen later, you should choose a real professional artist with a lot of experience.

Minimalist sunflower tattoos

There are so many reasons why you should get a minimalistSunflower tattooshould get pierced. Sunflowers are a very special type of plant and symbolize optimism, joy and spiritual belief. If you want to hide your tattoo every now and then for one reason or the other, then the wrist or forearm and upper arm would be the best possible choice for you! The more daring among you can, for example, opt for a tattoo on the back of your neck or on the sole of your foot.

Filigree roses as minimalist tattoos

The tattoo trends for 2021 are all about nature and simplicityFlower tattoosare clear proof of this. Abstract, delicate and simply timeless – the rose is probably the classic among flower motifs and can be worn by both men and women. Depending on the color of the flower, minimalist tattoos can represent many things, including eternal love, pain, or joy. The beautiful blossom and thorns create an interesting balance and are intended to remind the wearer that life has good days and bad days.

Small geometric tattoos are trendy

Sometimes less is more and this is often the case, especially with minimalist tattoos. The simple geometric shapes are perfectly highlighted in the subtle works of art and are also ideal for all tattoo newbies. The tattoo style is characterized by super clear lines and the design only focuses on the essentials. But that's exactly what makes geometric tattoos so unique and the end result is always pretty spectacular. In addition, there are no limits to your choice of motifs and you can tattoo almost anything you want. Whether simple contours, a cat or a cute onePaper airplane tattoo– everything is allowed!

Sweet and full of meaning: angel tattoo

An angel tattoo usually represents a highly emotional connection for the wearer and is a wonderful way to honor someone we love. Basically, the angel is a very religious symbol and is often associated with the desire for purity and the good in life. Whether angel wings, with a date or a guardian angel, there are no limits to your creativity when it comes to design and practically anything is possible.

Heart as a motif for minimalist tattoos

A small heart is also ideal for cute and meaningful minimalist tattoos. The motif is super simple, feminine and ideal for anyone who wants to share their affection or emotions with the world. While it can represent a specific person or moment in life, a heart tattoo can also represent a general attitude towards life. So if you want to live life to the fullest or need a reminder that all we need is love, you would be well served with a minimalist heart tattoo!

Dogs are man's best friend and if you love your four-legged friend, why not honor him with a cute dog tattoo? Minimalist tattoos are an excellent way to remember our dog for exactly who he really is - loving and caring. You can personalize the design according to your wishes and add the name or paw prints, for example.

Vogel Tattoos

Minimalist tattoos can work with a variety of designs and motifs including oneVogel Tattoos. Birds are beautiful creatures that are often associated with freedom, courage and wisdom. Depending on which bird was depicted, the tattoo can carry completely different symbolism. For example, the owl represents grace and happiness, while the dove represents new beginnings, hope, victory and harmony.

Quotes and sayings as minimalist tattoos

Quotes and tattoo sayings are probably atimeless classicin the tattoo world and a popular choice for minimalist tattoos. Is there a particular word that describes your approach to life? Or maybe a book quote that cheers you up and motivates you? You can get a tattoo of absolutely anything that best describes your character and the more inspiration you bring with you, the more beautiful your new tattoo will be!