50 Viking tattoo ideas and interesting symbols from Nordic mythology

From mysterious runes to sacred images of animals and gods, Scandinavian tattoos have a long history and a proud tradition. In the past they were also said to have magical powers. In this article we have already introduced you to some of the most famous Viking symbols. Today we will show you more cool ideas for the Viking tattoo, the meaning of which can be important for the wearer for a lifetime. The classic Viking motifs can also be easily combined with modern geometric patterns and styled individually as dotwork or tribals.

Viking tattoo for men and women

Scandinavian traditions and Nordic culture are fascinating more and more people today and are influencing all areas of life. TheTV-Show “Vikings”, based on the ancient Scandinavian sagas of Ragnar Lothbrok, has become a real source of inspiration for Viking tattoos for many people. The characters there show tattooing as a ritual: the tattoos help reach the gods or scare the enemy.

Many men are close to the philosophy of courage, passion and boldness of warriors. But women also fought among Vikings and performed extraordinary feats. This is why Viking tattoos are popular with both men and women these days. Men usually opt for large tattoos on the back, upper arm and chest whileWomen prefer small tattoossting on the neck or wrist.

Get Viking runes engraved

The runic alphabet is called Futhark. Runes were used as a written language and as a system of magical symbols. According to legend, God Odin was supposed to sacrifice himself for the sacred runes. A more complex form of runes are the magic symbols “Galdastafir”. The two most famous Galdrastafir are the Vegvísir (Viking Compass) and the Aegishjálmur (Helmet of Awe).Different combinations of runes can acquire a new value and bring luck to their owner.

Viking gods 

Vikings worshiped a variety of gods, divided into “Aesir” and “Vanir”. The Aesir lived in Asgard and were among the mortal gods. The Wanen's place of residence was Wanaheim and they were considered peace-loving nature spirits who stood for prosperity and closeness to the earth.

Wise and hardworking, Odin is the God Father, the supreme god of the Vikings. According to legend, he exchanged his eyes for wisdom and is therefore often depicted blind. His eternal companions are the ravens Hugin and Munin, the wolves Geri and Freki and the eight-legged horse Sleipnir. The weapon of God Odin is the spear Gungnir.

A tattoo depicting Odin is perfect for a courageous man, a leader with a strong character who is willing to take risks and is wise.

Wikingerschiff Tattoo (Dragon, Dragons)

As you know, the Nordic peoples were great sailors. Therefore, the Viking ship is one of the most popular motifs for a Viking tattoo. The dragon ships were large longships with dragons and other magical creatures carved on their bows. The dragon's head was intended to ward off enemies and ward off evil spirits on land and at sea. The dragon head made it easy to spot a particular ship from a distance. It clearly shows who the leader is and where he is in the fight.

Dragon tattoo

The dragon is one of the evil creatures of Nordic mythology. The most famous dragons are Níðhǫggr, Jǫrmungandr and Fáfnir. As a tattoo, the dragon is said to protect against hostile spirits.

Niðǫggrappears in the Old Norse texts as a cruel creature that gnaws the roots of the tree of life Yggdrasil.

Fafnir, originally the son of Dwarven King Hreiðmarr, was transformed into a dragon by a magical dwarf named Andvari. He is then killed by Sigurd, a legendary Norse hero.

The Midgard Serpent and World Serpent

Jörmungandrwas a giant sea serpent, the middle child of giantess Angrboða (Angrbroda) and trickster god Loki. It was so large that it could surround Midgard (the realm of humanity in Norse cosmology) and grasp its own tail. For this reason he is still known as the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent. Jörmungandr's archenemy is the god Thor, god of lightning and thunder, protector of humanity.

Wikinger Tattoo – Ouroboros Symbol

The circled snake also appears in other ancient cultures under the name “Ouroboros”. Literally translating to “tail eater” in Greek, it can be found in numerous forms and in a variety of contexts. As the oldest allegorical symbol of alchemy, the Ouroboros represented the concept of eternity and eternal recurrence, as well as the unity of the beginning and end of time.

Viking warrior tattoo

The strength of the Viking warriors came from animal cult. Each group was dedicated to a sacred animal:the bear, the wolf or the wild boar.

DieBerserker(Bear Warriors) were dressed in bearskins and fought in an almost uncontrollable, trance-like rage. ThePig fillingwere known as boar warriors. In Norse mythology, the wild boar was a sacred animal. The mighty god Freyr owned the boarGolden brushand the goddess Freyja used the fighting pigHildisvinias a riding animal.

DieUlfhéðinwere referred to as Odin's special warriors. They wore wolf skins when they went into battle. Úlfhéðnar had extraordinary abilities, killing opponents with just one blow. Neither fire nor iron had any effect on them. Therefore, Úlfhéðnar were not only the best warriors of the time, but also the most feared.

The Valkyrens – the maidens of the battlefield

For the Nordic warriors, it was a great honor to die in battle on the battlefield. Then Odin sent the Valkyries to escort the chosen Einherjer to Valhalla. A walkyre tattoo symbolizes a brave warrior who is ready to fight to the hot end and meet them with honor.

Impressive wolf tattoo

Wolves also played an important role in Norse mythology.

The wolvesBald(north. “mocker”) andHati (North. “Despiser”)are twin brothers, sons of Fenrir and the giantess Gyge. They chase the moon and sun across the sky. On the day of the end of the world (Ragnarök), the wolves will catch up and grab the hunted.

The wolvesBack(north. “the greedy one”) andFreaks(north. “the gluttonous one”) accompany Odin on his forays through the world (Midgard).

Fenriswolf(Fenrir) is the first child of the god Loki and the giantess Angrboda. On the day of the end of the world (Ragnarök) it devours the sun and darkens the sky.

Browse through our picture gallery and get inspiration for your Viking tattoo! At the bottom you will also find a few free tattoo templates to print out.

Viking tattoos templates