Tips for visiting the apartment: The good impression has weight

The search for a new apartment can be frustrating. Especially when the sightseeing dates run for months because either there is no suitable property to choose from or the dream apartment is awarded to someone else. However, the latter can affect those seeking apartments directly. The competition for coveted apartments is particularly large in large cities, but if you leave a good first impression with the landlord, you often have a foot in the door to the dream apartment. Our tips for visiting the apartment will help you to leave a good impression with the landlord.

Whether a prospect is suitable for the apartment can already beIn the first seven secondsdecide. As long as it takes a first impression. Showing his best side helps to convince the landlord of himself. However, you shouldn't adjust it.

Tips for visiting the apartment - likeable demeanor

A positive impression arises above all through sympathy. Courtesy and good manners should be a matter of course when visiting an apartment. In plain language, this means that the landlord gives the landlord a firm handshake, introduces yourself and says goodbye again after the tour. A well -groomed appearance and decent, clean clothing are also well received. If you want to underline your seriousness, you can also use business clothes. For men there are suitsLike this herewhile women at autumn temperatureswith trendy blazersstage well. A positive overall impression of punctual appearance is rounded off - if you come too late to the viewing date, you will quickly be considered unreliable.

Tips for visiting the apartment - complete documents

In addition to sympathy, financial security is one of the decisive reasons for whether a prospect is awarded the contract for the apartment. It is therefore best to submit all the required documents to visit. These are usually:

  • Copy of the ID card
  • Proof of income
  • Freeliness certificate certificate
  • Schufa information

Usually the apartment display can already be found in which documents are required and in what form they are to be submitted. Sometimes brokers or landlords prefer the shipping by email, sometimes only those interested have a chance that all documents submit directly when viewing. If you are on the safe side and bring all the requested receipts, you will increase your chances of having an apartment.

Tips for visiting the apartment - looking for the conversation

It is particularly difficult for mass visits to remember the landlord. Only those who get the opportunity to prove themselves in conversation can convince the apartment owner. Asking questions about the rental property is a good reason to get into conversation and at the same time signal interest in the apartment. Good topics are shopping opportunities, house community or care of the apartment. So the landlord sees that there is honest interest and can immediately estimate whether the prospect fits his property.