The Swedish artist duo Bigert & Bergström completed an extraordinary art project in 2017 that was specifically designed for Sweden's northernmost city. It is a public outdoor sauna with the unusual shape of a huge, golden egg. The project was called Solar Egg and meets the need for a warm and welcoming place for the residents of the Swedish city of Kiruna. The egg-shaped sauna impresses with its unique design and looks like a real gem in the middle of the arctic landscape. Read on to find out more about the artists' special project.
Solar Egg was inspired not only by the arctic climate in Kiruna, but also by the extreme lighting conditions in the polar region. Here the polar day and the polar night prevail for half a year. The outer shell of theegg-shaped outdoor saunais therefore covered with almost 70 gold-plated stainless steel panels that reflect the sun and the arctic landscape during the polar day. In this way, the sauna turns into a real jewel in the middle of the snowy surroundings.
Extraordinary wellness and design hotel directly on Lake Plön
A refuge full of light, space and clarity - that is the Wellness Hotel Whitman, which opened in 2018 directly on the shore of the large Plön Lake. It was designed by the renowned designer Werner Aisslinger. The naturalness of the surroundings is reflected in the suites. A pool, several saunas, VItal bar and more
The special work of art is five meters high, four meters wide and can accommodate up to 8 people. Under thereflective bowlis the wooden paneling that characterizes the interior design of the sauna. The egg-shaped sauna is clad inside exclusively with aspen and spruce wood. A heart-shaped sauna heater is positioned in the middle of the giant egg, in keeping with the oval shape. The special oven provides enough heat and ensures the well-being of visitors. Inside, the shape of the stainless steel panels is reflected in the wooden cladding, so that the interior and exterior effects of the sauna match.
The egg-shaped sauna is part of the urban transformation project for the Swedish city. Iron ore mining, which has been going on for decades, has caused land subsidence, so entire parts of the city have to be relocated. For this reason, the outdoor sauna is designed to be moved to different locations.
This impressiveSauna with an original designis an epitome of well-being. It brings warmth even on the coldest days in the polar region and is entirely intended for public use. The special building is a symbol of a new beginning in the city and creates a connection between people, nature and technology.
* The Solar Egg project is from the Swedish studioBigert & Bergströmdesigned