Sauna Grotto with sculptural design for pure relaxation

The architect team PARTISANS designed the Sauna Grotto on Sans Souci Island in the Georgian Bay of Ontario in Canada. Photos are courtesy of Jonathan Friedman and PARTISANS. Just immerse yourself in this oasis!

The blue waters of Lake Huron in the northern part of Toronto are the best possible dream location for an experience and relaxation. The sensual nature and serene landscape remind us how untouched and in full harmony the world can be, separated from people. When the team of architects from...PARTISANSmet with the customer in this town to discuss the designs and thoughts, it became clear to everyone that thisModell Grottowill be a new challenge. A free-standing construction was planned that should not only be in harmony and mature like nature itself, but also respect the natural landscape and still appear unique.

A natural cave

Grotto is located on a prehistoric rock layerWithout WorryIsland. Sufficient research inspired to depict a natural cave and dress it in shape. Because everyone knows that the caves are natural orartificially formed caveswhich are somewhere deep surrounded by the currents and are waiting in peace for the new explorers.

An extraordinary landscape is even fascinatingNational Geographic

Materials have been carefully crafted using the most modern technology-Leica 3DLaser reader withCNC– Computer control manufactured

Dynamic and airy curves determine the interior

Wood as a material is the mediating material, which has been completed using 3-D technology

During the time of completion and construction, a new understanding of the properties of this material was gained

This is how the optical illusion of a carved interior was created with the selection of cedar wood panels with parallel grains

As a free-standing sauna, the construction uses two high-tech radiators with the highest efficiency and regulation. There are enough exhaust openings and fans, thanks to which the entire structure can “breathe” in every season and wood rot and mold formation are avoided. The remaining systems rely on air circulation. An additional insulating material naturally covers the outer walls so that they do not become extremely cold or warm up. Cedar wood was chosen among all other types of wood for the interior because of its aroma, color, local availability and quality. The openings were manufactured locally in Ontario using triple glazing for greater energy efficiency and durability. Additional energy saving layer of aluminum between the inner wooden panels and the outer walls forms a natural convection air gathering. This allows the wood to expand and contract equally at any time. The places behind the wooden panels form convection currents like ventilation pores, which have been carved everywhere. In this way, the Sauna Grotto sees as a sculptural construction and an example of the highest precision in architecture.