Less is cool: How to style a trendy undone hairstyle in fall 2024

I experienced my teenage years at a time when undone hairstyles were not yet very popular. In the early 2000s, people (at least in my circles) were more likely to boast about spending so many hours in front of the mirror for personal reasonsto have spent. Of course, there were also a few people who claimed that their flawless look had come to them; no, they hadn't done much to ensure that their hair lay perfectly.

Whatever the case, neatly styled hair won't be as trendy in 2024. On the catwalks you could definitely see one or two elaborately coiffed looks, but the majority were effectivenow effortless. These also require styling, but it is less lavish. The best feature of these styles is their completely casual look. By the way: Don't think that cool undone hairstyles only go with urban outfits, quite the opposite. Especially in combination with fine evening wear, a great break in style can occur. See for yourself:

So casual and stylish: undone hairstyles for fall 2023

At a time when so much is happening and taking up so much, it's wonderfully pleasant to break with convention. The same goes for hairstyling. Who said that?(and yourself overall) can only look stylish when it is combined into an elaborate hairstyle?! In recent years, the French have demonstrated how nonchalant and chic undone hair can look.


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Homolog, Haute Couture, Fall/Winter 2024

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HowundoneYou decide for yourself what your hair looks like. With Aelis, strands of hair clearly fall out of her tied hair. At Homolog, the loose hair falls in well-groomed waves and looks as if the use of products is not necessary; at Ronald van der Kemp it looks a bit as if the models have just passed through a small autumn storm. I think this variation is beautiful because it celebrates the individual hair structure. The current undone hair trend is not about intentionally styling your hair as if you had been awake for three days, but rather about supporting it in its natural movement.

3 tips for the trendy undone hair look

1. Use dry shampoo

On the one hand, dry shampoo is great for delaying the next hair wash for a little while, and on the other hand, for freshly washed hairto care. This means that fine hair in particular does not stick to the roots, but instead falls fluffy. An alternative is volume powder, which is lightly worked in directly where you want more volume.

Shop dry shampoo:

2. Untangle with your fingers

Of course, that doesn't mean that you should get rid of all combs and brushes. Of course, you should completely detangle your hair regularly so that it doesn't become irreversibly tangled. During the day, however, fluffing it up with your fingers results in a cooler finish than finely brushing. For even more bounce, you can fluff your hair upside down.

3. Get exercise

Undone hair is characterized by bounce and movement. Because both are known to not necessarily be natural, you can help with styling products such as volume foam or a texturizing gel that you knead into the lengths. You can use a curling iron to create light waves, which you can then curl with your hands for an effortless look so that the finish doesn't look too perfect. Also oneor ponytail no longer needs to be tied accurately.Who cares,when one or two strands find their way onto your face during the day?!

For curls and waves:

However you style your undone look, the only important thing is that it doesn't look careless. The hair should neither appear greasy nor shaggy, otherwise the style will quickly look unkempt. Undone hair with style is always a conscious decision.

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