High vs. low contrast: With this make-up trick you can create harmonious contours in winter 2024

With the rise of social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, beauty filters have become established in everyday life. This should mean you can share a perfect selfie at any time - because thanks to the intelligent masks, it's not just your skin that looks flawless in every picture. The lips also appear fuller, the eyes are larger and the facial area is harmoniously retouched. In short: a supermodel look to go. But as popular as they are, beauty filters are also controversial because they promote an unrealistic imageand can – especially in young people – reduce self-esteem. While more and more people are pleading for authenticity instead of false perfection, a completely new beauty filter on TikTok is suddenly the template for a new beauty trend.

However, with a slightly different approach - because instead of celebrating a flawless appearance, it deals with a facial analysisHigh- und Low-Contrast-Prinzip.And that should help (in real life).Optimize your personal make-up routineand bring the natural facial features into a new balance. We explain how this works and how you can use the trick without a filter.

Make-up trick in winter 2024: This is behind the high and low contrast theory

TikTok has long been the source of numerousand while you can safely ignore some of them, the new one isMake-up-Trickabout high and low contrast theory is actually interesting. While the method has existed in color consulting for a long time, it is now receiving new attention. Influenced by a new filter on TikTok that helps find out if you're aHigh-, Medium- oder Low-Contrast-Typis. Based on that, you should do thatadjust– and the contours are highlighted a little better. The basis of this theory is the color intensity of the very personal facial features andwhat contrastthese form one another. While the intelligent online filter helps with the definition, you can also easily find out which make-up suits your personal type just by looking in the mirror.

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High, medium or low contrast: This is what distinguishes the 3 types - and this is the makeup you should wear

Let us now look at the three types of contrast theory in detail. We explain what sets each of them apart and with which onesMake-up-Tricksthe best way to show them off.

1. The high contrast type

  • The definition:The high-contrast type stands outhigh contrasts within complexion, hair and eye colorout of. For example, very light skin in combination with dark hair as well as brown eyes and distinctive eyebrows is typical.

Make-up-Tipps:If you see a strong contrast between the respective facial features, then according to the new makeup theory you shouldbright accentsset. Red or berry lipstick, lightning blue, pinkes– diestrong nuancesharmonize perfectly with the intense contrasts in, for example, eye color and complexion, bringing them into balance and making the face shine. On the other hand, colors that are too pale would make you look tired and pale.

Shop suitable makeup products for the high-contrast type here

2. The mid-contrast type

  • The definition:The mid-contrast type tends to have less strong contrasts and shows oneMixture of lighter and darker accentson the face. Maybe the skin is light and beige, the eyes are blue, but the hair and eyebrows are a rich brown. Dark eyes and light hair are also possible – or vice versa.
  • Make-up-Tipps:Mid-contrast types lie in the golden mean and that is exactly what is reflected in their perfect make-up. Means you canstronger accents with a restrained baseunite – for beautiful harmony on the face. Lips in rosewood tones, for example, meet soft onesin brown and pink blush, or burgundy red gloss on a clean one. While the mid-contrast type can tolerate some color, you should still stay away from bright nuances.

Medium contrasts: Shop for the right make-up directly here

3. The low contrast type

  • The definition:A low-contrast type can be recognized by a look that is...Intensity consistentis. This means that the complexion, eye and hair color are all characterized by one thingconstant light or dark toneout of. Light skin and blue eyes are an example, as is a dark complexion with brown eyes and black hair.
  • Make-up-Tipps:According to the contrast theoryWinter 2024, then you should go for a low contrast between skin, eyes and hairdelicate play of colorsput in makeup. Neutral nuances, pastel accents, soft colors or (for dark types) terracotta, dark brown and bronze - these suit this type particularly well and help to maintain and enhance the natural balance of facial features. For a harmonious overall picture.

Shop the right make-up for the low-contrast type here:

Low vs. high contrast: does this makeup trick really make sense in winter 2024?

The low vs. high contrast theory helps you analyze yourself and your personal type a little more closely and find out which colors or accents are flattering. But this shouldpurely as inspirationserve - because of course that doesn't mean you can't have a red oneYou should wear more if you are a low-contrast type, for example. On the contrary, because makeup is ameans of self-expression. That's why everyone should wear what they personally like.

Nevertheless, it isMake-up-Trick im Winter 2024a creative approach to the make-up routine and perhaps encourages you to just join innew nuances and techniquesto work. You can decide for yourself whether these really make your face look more harmonious or not. But you definitely can't go wrong with this new theory...

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