While tending a garden can be a calming and satisfying pastime, it can also be very painful when your hard work doesn't pay off and your landscape doesn't live up to your expectations. But don't let the stress of gardening get you down, use an everyday item - aluminum foil - to keep pests and weeds under control. How to use aluminum foil in the garden?
You can cover the baking dish with this paper-thin metal, but that's not all it can do. Baking, gardening, cleaning and crafts are just a few of the many uses of aluminum foil. Thanks to the versatile properties of aluminum foil, you can sit back and enjoy your outdoor paradise, as it is ideal for caring for seedlings, for example. If you're having trouble keeping your garden under control, learn how to use aluminum foil.
Prepare seedlings in spring
Are you against sowing seeds in a seedbed? Prepare your seedlings for transplanting by growing them in nursery containers. If you have a roll of aluminum foil on hand, you can create the ideal starting containers for your seedlings without spending a fortune on expensive pots.
In this case, you will need the cardboard tube from a roll of aluminum foil for the pot. Cut the cardboard tube into smaller rolls. You can also use cardboard tubes, toilet paper rolls, or paper towel rolls. To prevent the cardboard from crumbling when wet, wrap each tube with aluminum foil after cutting them open individually. Laythe “pots”into a shallow pan or waterproof dish and pack tightly. Pour some seed mix into each of the pots.
You can also create light-refracting boxes for your seedlings: Wrap large, reusable pieces of aluminum foil over cardboard or boxes. The seedlings will grow into sturdy rather than lanky plants because more light will reach all areas of the plant as the light reflects off the aluminum foil. Many plant species benefit from the soil being warmed by the refracted light, which promotes seed germination. Aluminum foil can also be used to line cold frames.
Keep rodents away from trees
Rabbits, voles and mice wreak havoc on plants, especially shrubs and trees. The underground damage caused by these pests endangers the health of plants. Wrap your trees with aluminum foil to protect them from the cold. The rodents are deterred and cannot penetrate the aluminum foil due to its rough structure. Determine the dimensions of the tree base and cut the foil leaves accordingly.
Keep pests at bay
An uncontrolled infestation of hungry insects can quickly decimate your plants. Although pesticides and insecticides provide short-term relief, they are extremely toxic and should not be used when growing your own fruits and vegetables. You and your garden can do without chemical pest control without sacrificing effectiveness. Alternatively, you can also incorporate thin strips of aluminum foil into the mulching mixture. Here's how to protect your vegetable garden from light-sensitive pests by using foil with a shiny side that reflects light. The film also reflects the light that is good for your plants back to them.
Use aluminum foil in the garden and protect fruit trees
Every garden benefitsfrom a fruit tree. You can rely on receiving fresh, juicy fruit of the best quality at any time of the year. That is, until someone else does it first. The birds would not hesitate to satisfy their insatiable appetite with juicy tree fruits. Use a string wrapped with strips of aluminum foil to shield your fruit plants. Both the light reflected from the film and the sound of the wind blowing against the film deter birds.
Fight slugs and weeds
Mulch with aluminum foil to deter slugs. To protect your plants, simply place a few leaves on the ground and use soil or small stones to secure the corners. Mulch keeps the soil moist, cools it and prevents weeds from sprouting.
Disposable fertilizer funnel
Gardeners have many reasons for using garden tools. Some put these combinations asnatural pesticidessome use them to improve the fertility of the soil. Be that as it may, these funds are not cheap and should not be wasted. Use a DIY garden funnel to minimize mess when watering back into the original container, for example. Roll up some aluminum foil into a cone, insert the tip of the cone into the bottle and pour.
Also read:Use walnut shells in the garden: They are so useful in every organic garden!