Less is more: 4 tips for the coming rough nights of 2024/25

    Not long now, and thatRough nightsstart again. So thosetwelve nights between December 24th and January 6th, during which the gates to the spiritual world should be wide open. If that sounds too spiritual for you, you could simply assume that special energies are released during this period, which, if you want to get involved with them, can help you connect with yourself and start a new year peacefully.

    Sounds pretty big? Yes, somehow. Last year I dealt with the rough nights for the first time. And completely – in keeping with the current zeitgeist –manifested, let old things steep and smoked. Overall, this definitely led me to start the new year more mindfully. My many smaller and larger to-dos surrounding the “time outside of time” were sometimes stressful and I had to keep reminding myself not to forget anything. Can it be (even) more relaxed? Yes, I think so:

    Rauhnächte 2024/25: What's behind the custom?

    In anotherAt the end of last year I already wrote about the origin and tradition of the Rauhnächte. In summary, it can be said that the Rauhnächte are the most important time of the year, especially for spiritual people. It is said that during the twelve nights you are more receptive to what you can feel and cannot see and can thereby realign yourself.

    The rough nights are said to go back to the Celts. They assumed that the laws of nature fade into the background during these nights and other spiritual energies take effect. Whether this is literally true or not: at least it can be said that the rough nights are a wonderful opportunity to come to terms with yourself and linger for a moment.

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    Wishing, smoking, meditating: the hype surrounding the rough nights

    The rough nights have now experienced a real boom. They are celebrated via social media and there are more and more tools andwho are intended to help and accompany you in experiencing this special time. I generally think it's nice when you're inspired to pause. However, the popularity of the Rauhnächte partially destroys what this time is supposed to stand for. It can quickly happen that you find yourself underand believes that he has to work through a list in order to welcome the new year. This has little to do with mindfulness.

    The hype surrounding manifesting desires can also be difficult. The latter lead to people not reflecting much and only focusing on themselves. But: During the rough nights it's less about wanting your dream partner, a larger circle of friends or a new apartment, but rather about being aware of what was and being open to what can be . And above all: that you let the silence that is so often lost in everyday life come in and be.

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    Less is more: 4 tips for the coming rough nights of 2024/25

    1. Informing yes, writing to-do lists no

    Books and podcasts on the topicare great. You get detailed information and can use what you read and/or hear to personalize your rough nights. However, if you are too motivated to get this or that and to follow rituals meticulously, it is better to distance yourself from the respective content. It's great to be inspired, but it's better not to let yourself be put under pressure.

    2. Don't make rules

    Meditate every evening at 8 p.m. sharp, let a wish go up in flames in the morning and smoke the living room in between? Anyone who spends the rough nights like this may be more on the outside than with themselves. Only do what feels good and consistent for you. It can work especially with small onesIt makes sense to set aside the same amount of time every day that belongs only to you. You can decide how exactly you want to fill the pause. This year, for example, I would like to spend the few minutes I allow myself to be in absolute silence with myself and, if necessary, light a candle. And: If I notice that I'm having a hard time staying with myself, listen to a guided meditation.

    3. Surround yourself with what you like

    Because the time between the years is so fluid and can be experienced very vividly, during this time you can once again only surround yourself with those and those who are good for you. Yes, it can be unusual to decide against the Christmas hustle and bustle or to turn down an invitation to a New Year's Eve party. But at the same time it is a conscious onefor yourself and teaches – even beyond the rough nights – to listen more to yourself and your inner voice.

    4. Free yourself from expectations

    Looking back, I expected a lot during my last rough nights. Nothing concrete at all, but rather being able to feel or experience something big. It is almost impossible to completely free yourself from expectations because, at least subconsciously, you are always hoping for something. It can help if you keep grounding yourself and don't expect the rough nights to lead to personal enlightenment. What's special is the quietness - and experience shows that you can hear that especially if you're not too loud and are willing to listen and receive.

    Inspiration around the topic of rough nights: