Heavenly guide: This is hidden behind Engelstarot

In today's fast -moving world, many people are looking for ways to find inner peace and orientation. Spiritual practices offer a valuable way to connect to your own intuition and higher powers. One of these practices, which has become more and more popular in recent years, is thatEngelsarot. This special form of card laying not only offersInsights into personal and spiritual questions, but also because of the supportive energy of the angelsConsolation and encouragement in challenging times.

In this article you will find out what angelarot is exactly how it differs from conventional tarot cards and how you can use the angel cards to get valuable insights and heavenly support. Regardless of whether you already have experience with card laying or newcomers are in the world of the angelarot, this guide will help you to understand the basics and to interpret the messages of the angels and to integrate them into their lives.

What is angelarot?

Angelarot is oneForm of cards that focus on the wisdom and leadership of angels. It combines the traditional symbolism of the tarot with the spiritual energy of angels. The cards are often withloving and positive messagesProvide who should support and inspire the advice seekers. Engelarot is often used to gain clarity in personal affairs, to clarify spiritual questions or simply to connect to the heavenly helpers.

What is the difference between tarot and angel cards?

The main difference between tarot and angel cards is in theirSymbolism and your focus. Traditional tarot card decks consist of 78 cards that are divided into the large and small Arkana. They contain complex symbols and archetypes that offer deeper insights into life and psyche.

Angel cards, however, areoften made easierAnd focus on encouraging messages. While tarot cards often provide profound and sometimes challenging insights, areAngel cards geared towards offering consolation and help. In addition, there areno predefined number of cards, symbols or the like, so that in theInterpretation significantly more freelyis. This can alsoBeginnersWithout any previous knowledge of cards, dare to go to Engelarot without any problems.

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What makes the angelarot so popular: Angels are considered heavenly messengers that offer protection, leadership and comfort and help us gently to strengthen our spiritual connection and to obtain inner clarity

Laying angelarot: possible meanings of the angel cards

As already mentioned, the symbols in the angelarot are diverse andRang from angels and light beings to nature pictures and spiritual symbols. What shows you on the respective angel card is free to interpret.Depending on the context and situationSo the cards can bring a completely different message. Nevertheless, there are of course some classic cards or motifs that are assigned a more specific meaning, but this does not mean that they cannot be assessed individually.

Here are some examples of which symbolism can hide behind the individual angel cards:

  • Archangel Michael: This card stands forProtection, courage and strength. Archangel Michael is often presented as the protector who helps to overcome fears and find clarity in difficult situations. Its presence encourages them to advance determined and confidently.
  • Archangel Raphael: As an angel of healing, Raphael symbolizesHealth, renewal and well -being. This card can indicate that healing is imminent on a physical, emotional or spiritual level. It encourages to take care of your own well -being and be open to healing processes.
  • Archangel Gabriel: Gabriel stands forCommunication, clarity and revelation. This angel card may want to give you the time to express yourself. It encourages to listen to the inner voice and to transmit messages clearly and lovingly.
  • Archangel Uriel:Inspiration, creativity and joie de vivreIf you wrote Archangel Uriel. The message of this angel card can be that answers to important questions can be found in your own intuition. She also calls up to trust in the inner light and to be guided by him.
  • Angel of love: This angel card is a symbol for unconditionalLove, harmony and relationships. She can predict that love enters her life or that existing relationships are strengthened. She also wants to reaffirm her, give love and receive her and to open up for harmonious connections.
  • Angel of abundance: If you pull this card, it can indicate that abundance is imminent in different areas of life, be it material, emotionally or spiritual. As a symbol forProsperity, abundance and gratitudethe angel card encourages you to maintain gratitude and be open to the gifts of life.

Laying systems for the angelarot

Are you wondering how to use an angelarot deck? This usually happens with a so -calledPlay system. A laying system is a structured method to lay and interpret cards in a certain arrangement. It serves as a frame to systematically record and interpret the messages of the cards. AlsoDifferent laying systems can be used in the angelarot. Important to note: Not every tarot laying system is ideal for angel cards.

In the following we present some common angelarot laying systems that can help you to receive and interpret the messages of the angels:

1. Angelarot laying system: pull day menu

The day ticket is a simple and effective way to get daily leadership and inspiration. At theYou concentrate on the coming day and ask for instructions. This method offers several advantages:

  • Daily orientation: The moved card provides a message or a guiding principle for the day.
  • Spiritual connection: The pulling of the angel card enables a moment of calm and connection with your own intuition or spiritual powers.
  • Self -reflection: The message of the card encourages reflection on current life topics.
  • Positive orientation: Especially with angelarot cards, the focus is on encouraging and positive messages.

2. Angelarot laying system: the small cross

The small cross is a compact laying system with four cards that are created in the form of a cross and should enable a quick overview of a situation:

  • Map 1 - left (center): represents the core topic or the main question.
  • Map 2 - Letting go): shows aspects that are a hindrance and should be abandoned.
  • Map 3 - above (focus): indicates what should be paid to.
  • Map 4 - below (perspective): offers an outlook on long -term developments.

This system is particularly suitable for concrete questions and quick insights into different aspects of a situation.

3. Angelarot laying system: three-card laying

The three-card laying is also considered a popular laying system that looks at the time development of a topic and shows possible solutions:

  • Past: Map 1 refers to previous events and influences that have led to the respective situation.
  • Present: Map 2 stands for the current situation and the associated challenges.
  • Future: Map 3 symbolizes possible developments in the future.

The cards are placed from left to right, each level reproduces a period of time or perspective. This enables a clear overview of the course of a situation and can also be a valuable decision -making aid.

4. The relationship game (laying of 7)

This laying examines the dynamics of a relationship with seven cards, which are placed in two vertical rows of three cards and a central map in the middle:

  • Left column:Thoughts, feelings and behavior of the questioner in the relationship.
  • Right column:Thoughts, feelings and behavior of the partner.
  • Central map:The main topic or the energy of the relationship.

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