Everyone needs this 5 euro gadget in their handbag

Diehandbagis not just a beautiful one, which completes every look, it is of course also practical and useful. To put it more precisely: Nothing works without a bag! It stores all the important items you need as soon as you leave the house. From the house key to the wallet to the. Large models can also accommodate a work laptop, a drinking bottle, headphones or an umbrella. But thoseis not just a useful object, it also needs to be maintained. This is the only way you can benefit from it for a long time.

If you love your handbag, you should get this practical gadget

You probably know the problem too: there is a suitable one in the café, restaurant or barOf course, always there. But what to do with it when you sit down? Models with long handles can be hung over the back of the chair, but the rest has to be on the floor - if you don't want to have your bag permanently on your lap or table. However, she becomes fast on the grounddirtyand when it ends up on the bed or sofa later at home, you bring bacteria etc. into the house. The much better solution? Betrayed usBag expertand co-founder of the Pre-Loved luxury bag platformSaclab, Alexandra Stück: “My personal game changer: Invest in oneBag holderfor on the go. This means you can simply attach your (leather) bag to the table in the restaurant and don’t have to put it on the floor.”

The practical bag holders are small and handy and therefore fit perfectly into any bag. What's more, the gadget already existsfrom 5 eurosto shop. Brilliant, right?

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“In everyday life, I also recommend keeping pointed or sharp objects – such as keys, pens or nail files – in a small onePouchto store to protect the lining of your bag. The same applies to liquids-Items or hand disinfectants that can run out quickly,” advises the expert.

From 5 euros: You should buy this item, especially if you have suede handbags

TheBag holderis useful for all pockets, but especially forout ofWildleader(or imitation suede). This material is particularly susceptible to water or oil stains, discoloration and roughening of the natural texture. “I recommend rubbing with rough textiles, for exampleor sequins, to be avoided. Plus, I always have onewaterproof plastic bagincluded. “It takes up hardly any space and quickly turns into a saving rain cover in the event of a spontaneous storm,” says Stück.