Plyometric training is the perfect trend sport for everyone who has little time and want to get fit

Actually, we have planned to do more sport. But time is scarceAnd for many sports we would have to equip ourselves with equipment in order to get started. We no longer accept these excuses in 2025. Forplyometrisches Training, which is being hyped everywhere, you don't need all of this at all.The trend sport does not require any devices and accessories and can. We'll tell you how Plyometrics works.

What is all about with Plyometrics

Plymoetric training comes to everyone who goes over our lips as loosely as us. The trend sport takes little time and can easily be made from home. What you need for this are actually just sports clothes and the motivation to get out in a short time. Plyometrics is also called jumping training and is a form of training that aims to improve the quick strength and explosiveness of the muscles. It is based on fast, powerful movements that the muscles use in a short time. This type of training uses the stretching cycle of the muscles, in which a quick stretch (eccentric phase) moves directly into a contraction (concentric phase). That all sounds very theoretical now, but don't worry, is actually very easy (at least in the execution).

The trend sport of plyometrics is simple and effective

One thing we can promise you, Plyometrics is simply in the execution, but quite exhausting. But also quite effective. The powerful and explosive jump exercises train fast power, coordination and balance - and of course the Mukkis. A typical example of plyometric training are jumping exercises such as box jumps, in which you jump out of the crouch onto an increased platform, or depth jumps, in which you jump off from an increased position and jump back into the original position immediately. Other exercises include stool jumps, burpees and explosive push -ups. We have designed a suitable training plan for this:

Trend-Sport Plyometrics: A training plan

The most important thing for plyometric training is that you always warm up well. Otherwise, the risk of injury is too great. Then create some freedom in your apartment and snap a stool or another, stable object that has the right height. Alternatively, you can also go to the next park if your neighbors could feel disturbed - with a short onethey are already warmed up directly. Parking benches or low walls are available here, on which you can jump well. And then it can actually start. We once designed a sample plan what Plyometric training could look like. You can adapt and change it at any time according to your own wishes:

  1. Warm up: 5-10 minutes of light jogging or jumping rope
  2. Box Jumps: 4 sentences x 6 repetitions (jump from the squat to an increase)
  3. Small jumps with rotation: 3 sentences x 6 repetitions (jump, wrap your knees and turn it 180 degrees)
  4. Lateral jumps with a break: 3 sentences x 8 repetitions per side (from the squat a jump to the side and land again in the squat - and then back again)
  5. Depth jumps with immediate jump: 3 sentences x 6 repetitions (jump from an increase to the floor and jump back right away)
  6. Knee lever on the spot with high intensity: 3 sets x 30 seconds (jogging on the spot and alternately pulling your knees to the chest every time)
  7. Explosive pushups with clapping: 3 sentences x 5 repetitions
  8. Cool: Stretch for 5-10 minutes, focus on legs and hips

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This training plan is designed for an advanced level. For the start, we recommend that we first do only one sentence of each exercise and then slowly feel yourself - or just start half of the exercises first.

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Plyometrics can be perfectly integrated into the sports routine

After such an explosive workout, the legs burn. Therefore, more than two to three times a week should not be completed Plyometrics, and there should be at least two days of regeneration time between the units. The practical thing about plyometric training is that you can integrate it into the sports routine as you feel like. Either as an independent training or by taking out individual exercises and(High Intensity Intervall Training) or a jogging round pushes intermediate. In addition, you can vary with the intensity - for example in the amount of the object to be discussed - adapt individual exercises, lower the repetition number or simply omit. Just as it feels best for them. Demand yes, but not overwhelm. Otherwise you will find excuses again soon.