There's nothing nicer: entering your home after a long day, taking off your everyday outfit and slipping into your comfortable one. Especially now, when it's getting cold outside, long sweatpants are a must. This year, a specific fashion trend has even developed around the most comfortable pants in the world:the wide-fit jogging pants. We have found out for you what sweatpants have to look like in 2024 to be on trend.And we can tell you this much: cuffs are pretty much the uncoolest thing ever.
Wide-Fit Sweatpants: What should sweatpants look like now?
It's actually quite simple: after jeans come jogging pants. What used to be theThe one that hopefully no one wears anymore is now narrow jogging pants with cuffs. In conclusion, this means: jogging pants should now have the same wide cut as your jeans. The looser and wider the leg, the better. The main thing you should pay attention to is that the cuff at the bottom of the hem is missing. The leg of the sweatpants should fall over the foot. This is particularly important if you wear sweatpants outside and not at home.
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Wide-fit sweatpants aren't just made for indoors
In fact, with the new wide jogging pants we are abandoning many more conventions than the missing cuffs. You can wear wide-fit jogging pants, styled correctly, even with everyday outfits. This works particularly well thanks to the wide fit. The looser and looser the clothes, the less we associate them with a sporting environment. If they are a color other than gray, they are simply the most comfortable everyday trousers of all time.
How to combine wide-fit jogging pants?
First of all: How you combine your sweatpants on the sofa at home doesn't matter at all and is nobody's business. We're only talking about incorporating wide-fit sweatpants into your everyday outfit. Of course, there are no-gos - especially when it comes to places where you definitely shouldn't wear these pants. These include, for example, the office,, theaters and similar places. Common sense is the best radar. Taking all of this into account, nothing stands in the way of jogging pants in everyday life. It's best to combine the wide-fit jogging pants with a certain amount of break. This could include, for example, a leather jacket or a shirt. The important thing is: Don't make your outfit look like you didn't feel like putting on proper pants. A little tip at the end: High-quality jogging pants made from high-quality materials are much easier to style into cool looks than plain and simple jersey jogging pants.
There's just one problem with the wide-fit sweatpants
Don't worry, it's actually not a problem at all. Because all the undeniable advantages of wide-fit sweatpants only mean that we might get used to only wearing sweatpants far too quickly. Let's make a pact: We'll start again by January at the latest.,etc. to wear, okay? Until then, at least you'll only see us in wide-fit sweatpants.