Faster falling asleep with breathing technique from the military: The “Military Sleep Method” should work in record time
Experts agree that the optimalper night is between seven and nine hours - a new oneNow even proves that less than five hours of sleep are harmful to health. So it is no wonder that a wide variety ofgo viral and enjoy great popularity. Again and again you hear from a new oneBreathing techniquefor theFall asleep- and the latest comes fromMilitary.The hack is called the “Military Sleep method” because it is very well known and popular with soldiers.
What sounds brute is basically simply a sleeping hack that was tested and tested by the US Army and should work in just two minutes. This is because theBreathing technique to fall asleep at the militarysupposedly also under extreme conditions such as a lot of noise or in an uncomfortable environment. So if it can work in such stressful situations, you should do it at home in everyday life. Everything about theSleeping methodYou can find out here!
This is how the “Military Sleep Method” works
The “Military Sleep Method” is based on threeSleeping techniques,who are supposed to shorten the process in combination. The first technique is deep breathing. This relaxes the body, calms the nervous system, slows down the heart rate and promotes the production of melatonin. In addition, the method focuses on selective, systematic muscle relaxation, in which the tension of individual muscles is specifically solved. The third relevant technology is the visualization, where you should imagine calming images - which pictures have a relaxing effect is of course individual.
Step-by-step instructions for the “Military Sleep Method”
ThisSleeping methodis comparable to a mindful body scan, in which you relax your body from parting to the tips of your toes. But she needs some practice, so take enough time - supposedly after six weeks it works in 96 percent of people who try this technique. This is how it works:
- Lay for themSleeping exerciseIn a relaxed position, preferably on the back, to bed. First relax your facial muscles, the tongue, pine and muscles around the eyes. Always concentrate on calm breathing.
- Disconnect your shoulders as far as possible, then do the same with your arms. You should be really relaxed up to your hands and fingertips. Imagine how a warm feeling radiates from your head to your fingers.
- Always breathe in and out, relax the chest and then go down to the legs, starting from the thighs down to the tips of the toe. The warm feeling should be able to flow freely until then.
- To hide any stress, you canSleeping exerciseIntroduce two scenarios: either you are in a canoe on a quiet lake under a completely blue sky, or you are in a hammock in the dark. Whenever you distract you something in your relaxation, say “don't think” ten times in a row.
Breathing technique to fall asleep from the military: Can the “Military Sleep Method” work?
A: E TikKer: In says: “I had a veteran as a psychology teacher at the university who taught me that. It definitely works ”, while another user said:“ My doctor gave me thisSleeping technologyRecommended in a slightly modified form when I suffered from insomnia. Believe me, it works 100 percent if you hit it on it. ”
Twitter user @jontafkasi even said thisMilitary trick to fall asleepHis ongoing insomnia could have healed: “Hm, it may be a bit early, but after years of insomnia, I slept halfway properly last night. I would be impressed if it were so easy. "
Well, you have just as curious as we have become, whether thisSleeping technologyfunctions? Then just try it out! But be careful: you have not been able toOr if insomnia affects your daily life, you should always catch up with medical advice.
This article comes from our glamor college: inside from the USA