Against belly fat: So Hilt coffee with lemon when losing weight

Easily and effortlessly lose weight with a drink? With the curious mix of coffee and lemon, this should be possible. But the drink apparently has much more to offer than to let the pounds tumble.

Sauer makes fun! But apparently the lemon in combination with coffee has completely different advantages. This strange mixture has been a hit on the social media platform TIKTOK for some time and is celebrated as a diet tip par excellence.

Simply some lemon juice in the morning coffee and already tumble the kilos - can it be really that simple? We looked at whether there is something on the idea and what the coffee with a lemon, the so -called "Café Romano", can do.

Coffee with lemon to lose weight: does that really work?

Is the coffee lemon drink just a new diet hype? One thing is clear: bitter and acidic foods such as coffee or lemons should be able to reduce the feeling of hunger. But what else can the two ingredients?

Some facts about coffee:

  • Contains coffeeCaffeine, according to oneInvestigationTo help reduce the body fat percentage and the weight. In addition, caffeine can stimulate fat burning, like anotherStudyshows.
  • Contains coffeeChlorogenic acid.Researcherfound connections between the consumption of coffee with high quantities of chlorogenic acid and falling body weight, lower waist size and the reduction of fat retention in the abdominal area.
  • Coffee could also have an impact on how well thatWeight keptbecomes. OneStudyfound that people who could hold their weight consume more caffeinated drinks on average.

Some facts about lemon juice:

  • Lemon juice is known as a good oneVitamin-C-Supplier. This boosts the metabolism and can therefore help to lose weight.
  • They are also included in lemonsBioflavonoide.This Act against so -called "free radicals" that affect the metabolism. OneStudyCould also prove that citrus bioflavonoids can help reduce obesity.
  • In citrus fruitsPectto find. OneInvestigationshowed that the fiber can lead to a higher feeling of satiety and less weight gain.

The answer: Can coffee with lemon help you lose weight?

So caffeine has some proven effects on the weight and body fat percentage. Vitamin C can also have an impact on the metabolism and the feeling of satiety.

Therefore, it is quite possible that coffee with lemon can support you in losing weight. The drink has some properties that make your diet even more effective.

At the same time, however, you should keep in mind that only with coffee and lemon the kilos do not tumble like magically. Your diet, calorie intake and sufficient exercise ultimately play the crucial role.

Our reading tip:

Coffee with lemon: The simple recipe

Do you want to try it yourself? Coffee with a lemon can be prepared very quickly. It's best to drink your coffee with lemon in the morning to stimulate the metabolism - then you start the day full of energy!

So you prepare the trend drink:

  • Brews 240 ml of black coffee.
  • Let the drink cool a little.
  • If it is no longer too hot, add the juice of a lemon
  • If you are more of an espresso drinker, you only add the juice of half a lemon. Otherwise it will be very angry!

Make sure that the water is only warm. High temperatures damage vitamin C.

Recipe tip:You can also drink the drink cold. Add a few ice cubes and enjoy.

The citrus coffee helps against headaches

Even if you may not want to use the trend drink for weight loss, it still has some other advantages. Have you ever drunk espresso with lemon? A real insider tip for headaches!

Why does coffee with lemon help against headaches?

Many medication for headaches rely on the effect of caffeine to relieve headaches. Among other things, the fabric stimulates the release of the hormone norepinephrine, which has a pain reliever.

But be careful:Do not exaggerate it with the coffee, otherwise the headache can worsen! Especially if you tend to migraine, you should according to oneStudydo not consume more than 200 mg caffeine a day. This corresponds to about two cups on average.

Lemon juice also helps treat pain. Because vitamin C stimulates the formation of a certain messenger substance that quickly relieves pain. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can therefore often be found in pain medication.

Better skin thanks to coffee with lemon

In addition to its advantages when losing weight and against headaches, coffee with lemon is also great for your skin.

  • Thanks to the antioxidants contained, caffeine has oneAnti-aging effect. Oxidative stress is an important part of the aging process. The high proportion of antioxidants should therefore have positive effects for skin aging.
  • The vitamin C contained in the lemon also has an antioxidant effect. It fights free radicals that trigger oxidative stress. The vitamin protects the skin from negative effects such asIrritations, pigment spotsandSkin aging.
  • OneStudyshows that lemon juice can increase the collagen content of the skin. Collagen ensures the strength and elasticity of the skin, which prevented folds and the skin is tightened. At the same time it should be new to your skinRadiancelend.

More on the topic:

Our conclusion:The Tikok drink definitely doesn't harm you on your weight loss trip. At the same time, it is not a miracle diet. Without the right nutrition and sufficient exercise, coffee with lemon will not make the pounds disappear magically.

Try the slightly different breakfast drink. Who knows: Maybe you taste the atypical mix really well!