After the holiday hustle and bustle, calm finally returns. Many also have a few days off before everyday life really starts. The to-do list is still short and the motivation at the start of the year.
The beginning of the new year is the perfect time to hear once: What do I want to achieve? What can I do to get there? Maybe also: What is my true calling?
The first step on the way to dream life is to know what it should look like - and it's not that easy. Many do not know what their true calling should be. There is a method in Japan: Ikigai.
Ikigai comes from Japanese and means freely translated: "What it is worth living for". Anyone who has found their Ikigai should be blessed with joie de vivre and inner satisfaction from now on. In Japan, faith goes so far that you can live for a particularly long time when you have found your Ikigai.
The meaning of life is of course highly individual and depends on the personality, the values and living conditions of each individual. Many would also say that the appeal is not the meaning of life. However, Ikigai says that the mission in life, the true calling, passion and also the profession are in principle the same. Ikigai forms the interface of all of these areas.
That means: If you have found it, what is worth getting up for in the morning (your calling), also finds that "what it is worth living for".
The intersection from what you love and what the world needs results in yoursMissionin life. The intersection from what the world needs and what you can pay for results in yourvocation.
Then you can still have your idealProfessionFind out (intersection from what you can pay for and what you are good at) and its big onePassion(Intersection from what you are good and what you love).
Where the mission in life, the calling, the ideal profession and great passion overlap, the very personal Ikigai is. That is why you will find his true calling in search of his Ikigai. It is on the way, so to speak.
Step No. 1 to find his calling: What do I love?
If you want to find your calling, theoretically you only need the intersection from what the world needs and what you can pay for. But we still start with what you love. How come? Because your mission in life, your calling, your job and your passion are all one and the same thing - ideally.
So grab a sheet of paper and write down all the things you love. This can be hobbies like reading or cooking, that can be your family, it can be in the sun. There are no restrictions at this point, so write down as much as you can think of.
Sometimes a look into the past can be a good guide because we forget over time what we really enjoy. What did you like to do as a child? Write it down. With forgetting the time? Write it down. What do you like to talk about? Write it down.
Step No. 2 to find his calling: What are you good?
Now it's about writing down what you can do well. The following applies here: no wrong modesty! This is an important step on the way to finding his calling. Unfortunately, our self -esteem is sometimes so cracked that we can no longer do it. So take enough time for it.
Try to remember what you often get compliments for. What did you get the best grades for? Sometimes it also helps to ask one or two trusting people who know you well.
You can find out how you achieve your goals here too:
Step No. 3 to find his calling: What does the world need?
The world or humanity can use a lot and no one can do all of this. But there are things that you can. The meaning of this question is to find everything you can contribute to the benefit of the world.
That sounds like a huge responsibility, but nothing has to be great at all. Don't break your head about how you can change the world. Rather think in the direction: How can I make the world a little bit better?
What would be missing if you wouldn't do it anymore? Here it can also help to inquire about your own values. What is important to you? What fulfills you with meaning? What makes you feel good?
Step No. 4 to find his appointment: What can you be paid for?
Now finds one of the most important questions about the appeal: What can you be paid for? The most banal answer to this is your current profession. You will finally be paid for that. This is a start, but there are more options!
What jobs did you use earlier? What skills do you have with which others already earn money? Do you have a hobby that has potential for income?
Step no. 5 to find his calling: add the answers together
Take a large sheet of paper and draw four of the same size, overlapping circles. Now fill up all the answers that you have already written down beforehand. The difficult part comes: filter out the intersections and also enter them in your drawing.
You will be surprised what a visualization of your skills and wishes can trigger. Maybe you even have the desired enlightenment about what your true calling is.
Also read:
So you reach your goal
To see his own calling only on paper does not change anything in your own life. If you long for more fulfillment and personal development, you have to act.
Think in small steps. You don't have to turn your life by 180 degrees immediately. Even small steps can bring you closer to your goal. For example, you could do an internship or do voluntary work if you want to change your profession.