Education: So you should react to your child's uncertainties

For us parents, our children are perfect in almost every respect. So it breaks our heart when they doubt themselves. How to react best when the child fights with uncertainties, you read us.

I would say that as a child I didn't feel any uncertainties. I felt good and never consciously questioned whether everything is okay with me, whether I look in somewhere or whether I am better or worse than other children. That only did so with entry into thechanged. Suddenly I was too much for some, not enough for others and mostly unsettled who I am at all.

With a probability of up to 100 percent, sooner or later it works as well as every teenager. Above all, for many, their own appearance suddenly moves in the first place. You want to like, but you also don't want to stand out negatively. The, the children can then be stressful. What is the best way to say a teenager?

"It's okay to feel unsafe sometimes."

Everyone feels insecure and that's okay. Especially when things change when we change. By validating these feelings, they make their child feel like it is not alone.

"Your appearance is only a small part of you."

The physical and emotional changes that every teenager runs through make them particularly sensitive, especially for their appearance. It may sound trite, but then the moment has come to repeat like prayer mills that beauty is more than the outer shell that true beauty comes from the inside.

"You are enough, just as you are."

Since teenagers are looking for themselves, they are more susceptible to negative feelings. They quickly feel criticized for little things and that continues to gnaw on their self -confidence. It is important to show them that there is no perfect standard and that they are valuable in their uniqueness.

Creator Elena Nicolaou was part of her mother a sentence that accompanies her to this day: 'You play the cards that you're Deal' (in German: You play out the cards you got).

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"It is not bad not to be good in everything."

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and that makes each of us a unique person. Nobody can be good in everything. That would be a stinking, because then we would all be the same. Much more important than being the best everywhere is that you have fun with the things you do.

"There is always room for growth."

Teenagers can often think that they are defined in certain areas such as intelligence or sportiness, but it is important to show them that development and improvement are always possible. An important guiding principle: if it is important to you, stay tuned, learn to become more attempts.

"I am proud of you, not only because of your success, but because of your efforts."

Children who feel insecure often think that their value is only measured by their performance. By praising your commitment and effort instead of just the end result, you strengthen your self -confidence.

"Don't compare yourself with others."

It is human to compare yourself with others, see what you have and can have. Social media such as Instagram or Tiktok make it almost inevitable. But everyone has their own strengths and challenges, and comparisons can significantly affect self -esteem. So instead of just looking at what others do, you should encourage your child to always go his own way.

"You are important and valuable, regardless of your skills."

Not academic achievements or sporting successes make up the value of our children, but their mere existence makes us and other people happy.

"Believe in yourself."

The real reason for uncertainties is often a lack of self -confidence. It can help to encourage your child, to believe in themselves and to recognize their own skills.

The most important message that you can convey to your child is that it is okay to be unsure, but that there are always ways to grow and get to know yourself better. By strengthening trust in his skills and reminding it at the same time that it is already valuable and unique as a person, you help him to develop his self -esteem and to develop healthy, positive perspectives on yourself.

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