Recognizing giftedness in children: These are the signs

Are you wondering whether your child is gifted? There are a number of signs that can indicate giftedness. Does your child show these?

For parents, their own child is always something very special. Somehow it's nice when parents are proud of the small and big things their offspring achieve. But sometimes that feeling isn't deceptive when parents believe their child is smarter than other children his or her age.

These children are then referred to as gifted or even highly gifted. This means that the child generally has a particularly high level of intelligence, which in turn is reflected in a high level of thinking and problem-solving ability.

Gifted children learn quickly, have a high level of comprehension and a particularly good ability to remember things. Mentally, gifted children are up to several years ahead of their peers.

If you suspect that your child may be gifted, you can have it tested. But there are some signs other than a scientific test that suggest a child might be gifted.

Large vocabulary and good memory

Gifted children skip development phases. It may be that a gifted child starts walking early and stops crawling.

Language acquisition occurs more quickly in gifted children. They are able to form complete sentences at an early age and have a large vocabulary at an early age.

Your child could also be gifted if he or she has a very good memory and remarkably good powers of observation. Gifted children usually become interested in numbers and letters, shapes and symbols at an early age.

Typical character traits of gifted children

Some gifted children are particularly sensitive. They can react sensitively when what they are used to changes or when they are confronted with many new stimuli.

Gifted children's demands on themselves can be perfectionistic, which is why the child views their own performance - but also the performance of others - particularly critically.

Because the demands placed on themselves are so high, gifted children refuse even “easy” tasks because they know that they cannot meet their own standards.

What is also striking is that gifted children's sense of justice is particularly strong. Often, out of need to remedy the injustice, the child turns to an adult, which is understood by playmates or classmates as “snitching.”

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Gifted children prefer to orient themselves towards older children and usually seek contact with them. This becomes apparent early on, for example when dealing with other children in the crèche or daycare center. Open concepts with mixed age groups are more suitable for gifted children, as they often do not really identify with younger people or their peers.

Curious and easily bored

Does your child ask a lot of questions that don't necessarily correspond to their age? This can also be a sign of giftedness. The thirst for knowledge seems inexhaustible.

Gifted children sometimes have difficulty dealing with authorities because they question requests and do not follow them blindly. Gifted children also get bored easily, which can be misinterpreted as a general lack of interest.

Another exciting fact that may bring peace to some tired parents: children with gifted children have a lower need for sleep.

If you feel that your child exhibits many of these characteristics, abilities, and signs, you can always have them tested. There are different onesContact points, where you can simply get information, advice or actually have your child tested.

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