Uncomfortable but true: Moms should finally speak these truths


First of all in the video: No mother has to feel guilty for these situations

When it comes to their own children and parenting, mothers don't always tell the truth. You can read about where life is made a little more perfect than it actually is.

Actually, we moms should have long since reached the point where we are who we are - including all the rough edges that we have. Instead, we end up portraying our own lives as being a little better than they actually are.

We then give our lives a harmony filter because we don't want others to think or even speak badly of us. This is exactly why most of us panic when visitors arrive.

But stop it! Being a mother is hard, children are sometimes more tiring than sweet and life as a family is challenging. And you can see that in the untidy apartment and especially hear it from exhausted mothers. How else will others know that we need support?

So, moms, let it go and stop hiding things! You can say with a clear conscience:

We also turn on the television before 6 p.m. and then not just for one program.

Anyone who says the opposite is lying. Of course, the children get bored on rainy afternoons and cold, wet autumn weekends. And when all the games have been played, all the pictures have been painted and the once colorful play dough is now just a brown lump, then you just turn on the television and enjoy the little ones sitting in front of it, spellbound.

We don't just serve sweets on special occasions.

For the simple reason that we adults also like them and we don't want to constantly feast in secret. Anyone who consumes sweets in moderation is allowed to do so even if it is not Christmas or Easter.

My children don't voluntarily go to bed at 7:30 sharp.

Children are always afraid that they might miss something. Especially when it comes to going to sleep. That's why most of them turn into dehydrated philosophers with acute bladder weakness in the evening. Parents who claim otherwise about their offspring are either lying or already have teenagers in the house. And then you have to persuade them to get up in the first place.

I hate having to drive the kids to soccer practice and then to music school.

Some days the appointments just pile up, so you can complain sometimes. You don't love your children any less just because you don't want to become a parent taxi.

Homework is often a problem for us.

Children often perceive homework as a mean thing that the teacher uses to annoy them. So your complaining is not directed at us, but at the teachers. You can talk about it freely.

Sometimes I have to give in and can't stay consistent

You need a heart of stone if you always want to push through everything. Of course, as parents you should adhere to important basic principles of the family so that you remain credible to your offspring. But making an exception here and there doesn't ruin all the work you've already put into raising your child.

I don't make sure that my child only eats organic vegetables and fruits.

Eating consciously also means paying attention to the origin and production of food. But it doesn't mean that you have to buy organic products by hook or by crook or that foods without organic labels are fundamentally bad.

I don't have time to bake at least one cake for every kindergarten/school celebration.

And you can admit something else: I'll buy a birthday cake. The lantern for this year's St. Martin's Day procession was not homemade. I don't want to take a position on the parents' council.

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