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According to the study: women usually treat pain themselves instead of going to the doctor
If you have pain, you go to the doctor - actually quite logical, right? Stupid only if those affected have the feeling that the symptoms are not taken seriously. Women in particular often suffer from the so -called gender Pain Gap. We explain what's behind.
Why women are often not taken seriously in medicine - and what you can do when your pain is dismissed.
You go to a doctor's office with pain and hope for a thorough examination - but instead of a well -founded diagnosis, you will hear that your suffering is probably "mentally related".
Does that seem familiar to you? Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case.Women are still not perceived sufficiently in medicine, especially when it comes to pain symptoms. This phenomenon has a name:Gender Pain Gap.
You can find out what exactly is behind it and why women are often not taken seriously here.
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What is the gender Pain Gap?
The gender Pain Gap describes the phenomenon that pain is taken seriously by women and are therefore less and less examined and treated. In recent years, more and more studies have been carried out for different medical treatment for women and men.
For example, it was alreadynotedthat women die from a heart attack more often than men - even though women rarely fall ill. The reason for the high mortality rate: theSymptoms of a heart attackare different for women than in men. The typical chest pain usually fails to materialize, but belly or back pain can occur- and if these are only treated as such, this can be life-threatening.
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To draw attention to this phenomenon, divide upTiktokMillions of women under the hashtag #Medicalmisogyny (in German: medical misogynis) their experiences.
Selfcare instead of medical help?
OneStudy by the British painkiller manufacturer Nurofen, in which 5,100 British men and women were interviewed, has now found that the gender Pain Gap ensures that women go to the doctor less often in physical pain.
The reason:The halfThe women interviewed stated that they feel that their pain would be ignored or dismissed. The men interviewed was 36 %who felt that they were not taken seriously.
So instead of visiting a doctor to find out the cause of your symptoms, the study use after 62 % of women for free -selling medication from the pharmacy, 30 % search for help or turn home remedies on the Internet, of which you have the feeling that you are good for you. Only 28 % of the women surveyed stated that they visited their family doctor in severe pain.
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What can you do if you are not taken seriously by the doctor?
We can only emphasize how important it is to see a doctor or doctor in the event of complaints of every kind and not to ignore pain.
If you are afraid of not really noticed, we have a few tips for you. So you get your hearing:
- Doctors are only humans and have good, sometimes bad days. If your doctor is rushed or inattentive to you, it can sometimes help to address exactly this feeling. Be friendly, but definitely. For example: "I don't feel understood."
- Describe your complaints as specifically as possible. It is best to write down everything you want to say before the appointment on a piece of paper. If you have been in pain for a long time, it also makes sense to capture it in a pain diary.
- The doctor still feeds you with a non -satisfactory solution? Then get a second opinion! In Germany, the free choice of doctors applies, so you are not tied to a doctor.
Important NOTE:This article only serves the information and does not replace a medical diagnosis. If uncertainties, urgent questions or acute complaints arise, you should contact your doctor or ask for advice in the pharmacy. Medical on -call duty can be reached via nationwide number 116117.