Congratulations on your wedding: 50 sayings for cards and guestbooks

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The wedding card makes many a wedding guest despair. Even greeting cards that have already been printed with a wedding saying or poem still need to be given a personal message.

But don't panic: If you take the wedding congratulations step by step, the empty space on the card will be less intimidating.

We will give you help with writing the wedding card and tell you 50 beautiful wedding sayings with which you can send short and romantic congratulations.

A tip in advance: If you don't have a very close relationship with the bride and groom or simply don't like to write a lot, it would be a good idea to buy a small card for the wedding. The less space you have to fill, the better you can get away with short wedding wishes without the card looking empty.

Before you start with your wedding congratulations, you should first address the couple in the card.

Luckily, the speech is the easiest part of writing a greeting card. You can't go wrong here if you choose one of the standard variants:

  • Dear bride and groom...
  • Dear wedding couple...
  • Dear newlyweds...
  • My dears …
  • Both of you...
  • Dear bride, dear groom...

Alternatively, it is of course always nice to address people by their first name, especially if they are good friends or other close people. In this case, you should of course make sure to use the correct spelling of the wedding couple's names. If you are not sure about the spelling, look at the invitation card you received for the wedding.

Also important: both names of the couple should always appear on the wedding card. So avoid addressing the card to “XY and bride” or “XY and groom”, even if you only know one of them personally.

If you were invited to the wedding, it ultimately shows that you are important to the bride and groom. However, an impersonally addressed card seems as if you don't care much about the bride and groom.

Personal congratulations for the wedding

Now comes the part that is a bit difficult: the personal congratulations. Even if the bride and groom mean a lot to you and you've known them forever, it can be a challenge to find the right words at the wedding.

But don't panic: you don't have to formulate elaborate poems or write pages of text. The bride and groom will be happy about the fact that you are making the effort to write handwritten, personal wedding wishes.

The first clue for wedding congratulations that come from the heart can be yourspersonal relationshipbe. For example, write about a story or a shared memory that connects you.

If you have already met them both as a couple, you can also write about a moment when you knew that the two of you were perfect together. Or write down what impresses you about their relationship. This also shows that you really care about them and that you care about them and their love for each other.

Words that cannot be missing from a wedding card are:

  • Love
  • Wedding
  • Future
  • life path
  • adventure
  • Joy
  • Family
  • Health

Use these words as a guide and look for something that suits you and the bride and groom. If you need even more inspiration, the ready-made congratulations on your wedding can be found below.

Also read:

Short saying for the wedding

There are many wonderful wedding wishes that you can theoretically simply adopt. To make the card a little more personal, you should either modify the congratulations slightly beforehand or write 1-2 sentences of your own.

So that you still have enough space on the card for the personal congratulations mentioned above, here is a selection of short sayings for the wedding:

A good marriage is based on the talent for friendship.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The eternal bond for life,
can there be anything more beautiful?

Author unknown

The ring on the finger is very small,
but he shows: Love should last forever.

Author unknown

Love lives from lovely little things.

Theodor Fontane

To experience the full value of happiness, we need someone to share it with.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The sum of our lives are the hours we loved.

Wilhelm Busch

Courage is at the beginning of action, luck is at the end.


A drop of love is more than an ocean of mind.

Blaise Pascal

Love is a celebration that not only needs to be prepared but also celebrated.


All love waits for is the opportunity.

Miguel de Cervantes

Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict.

Rabindranath Tagore

When love beckons you, follow it, even though its paths are difficult and steep.

Khalil Gibran

Love, what a lovely haze! But marriage is where the art lies.

Theodor Storm

Where you feel the most, you know the least about what to say.

Annette von Droste-Hülshoff

Love is the poetry of the senses.


To love – that means wanting to become a soul in another.

Friedrich Schleiermacher

Love is the fabric that nature has woven and imagination has embroidered.


The soul of marriage is the equality of minds.

Christian Fürchtegott Gellert

When I am yours, I am only completely mine.


Love is not solo
Love is a duet.

Adelbert von Chamisso

When two hearts beat for each other,
then they should also say yes to each other.

Author unknown

True love arises from the harmony of thoughts and the contrast of characters.

Théodore Simon de Jouffroy

In a good marriage, heaven and earth come together.

Brazilian proverb

False love fears marriage, real love seeks it.

Peter Rosegger

Marriage is not the end, but the beginning of a great love.

Author unknown

Love wants nothing from the other, it wants everything for the other.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Love comes after marriage.

Proverb from Lapland

Because the happiness of being loved
There is no other happiness on earth like it.

Johann Gottfried Herder

Love does not look with the eyes, but with the soul.

William Shakespeare

To love means to conquer oneself in the other.

Friedrich Hebbel

The noblest thing about love is trust in each other.

Julius Grosse

The greatest happiness of love is to find peace in another heart.

Julie de Lespinasse

Love is, above all, listening in silence.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Love is the beauty of the soul.


More reading material:

Modern wedding congratulations

If the bride and groom are more modern and don't believe in traditional wedding sayings, the following wedding wishes may be the right thing. Modern, yet romantic words with an unknown author also seem as if you had thought them up yourself.

Here are modern wedding congratulations:

May the yes you say to each other on your wedding day be full of joy and hope, full of love and tenderness. May it be a clear and firm YES. A yes forever.

Author unknown

Be patient with each other. Patience can do so much. She knows that what is to bear fruit must first bloom, grow and ripen. Your power lies in your ability to wait and trust. And patience always has something to do with love.

Author unknown

We are so happy for you! It's nice to see how happy you are together. We are very grateful that we can celebrate your big day with you.

Author unknown

Two more singles less, but one more dream couple. Congratulations on your wedding!

Author unknown

May you always be on cloud nine!

Author unknown

May happiness and blessings accompany you throughout your long life.

Author unknown

May the young couple be surrounded by happiness throughout their long lives.
Whatever happens in the world, let your marriage always be loving!

Author unknown

Warmly: Have a good start to your marriage!
All good luck and have a good trip. Above all, your love should constantly bring you closer to each other.
Never let your luck let you down. Everyone wants this for you, especially me.

Author unknown

We are very happy about your decision to officially go through life together from now on. We wish you all the love and all the happiness on earth for your journey.

Author unknown

We wish you that the bond of marriage connects you both so inseparably that you carry everything difficult together, share everything beautiful with each other and never lose the love for each other from your hearts!

Author unknown

We wish you all the best for your wedding, stay as happy and in love as you are today for the rest of your life.

Author unknown

We wish you that your life together is supported by happy togetherness and loving care for one another. This gives your marriage the delicate vitality that makes it so beautiful and the quiet strength that makes it withstand whatever happens.

Author unknown

We wish you many wonderful hours spent together, because nothing is more valuable than a treasure trove of memories that you can draw from at any time.

Author unknown

May the little joys have a very special place in your marriage and in your everyday life. May no amount of worry succeed in taking the place that belongs to your little joys.

Author unknown

May your shared dreams come true and may your wedding day remain a wonderful memory.

Author unknown

He who experiences true love is rich. May you grow old together and love each other until the last day.

Author unknown

We congratulate you on your future together with all our hearts. Here’s to many years together full of adventure, health and joy.

Author unknown

The most beautiful gift is love. May you always keep it and be each other's rock on your life journey together.

Author unknown

Tipp:One fits modern wedding sayingsfunny wedding card like this one from Amazon* preferably.

A short saying is also perfect for the guest book at the wedding.Credit:Adobe Stock

Use quotes as congratulations on your wedding

To make the wedding congratulations on the card look even more elegant, you can introduce it with a few beautiful words. For example with sentences like these:

  • Dear bride and groom, William Shakespeare once said...
  • Who can express what love is more beautifully than a poet or writer. Since I'm not one of those, I'd rather leave the word to Goethe...
  • Dear wedding couple, with the words of XXX I wish you...

In this way, you incorporate the sayings and quotes into your text and ensure that the card reads more beautifully. There is still space underneath for your own ideas.

Wedding sayings for the guest book

A final tip: The short or modern sayings that we have listed above are also perfect as inspiration for the guest book that is displayed at the wedding.

It's best to save this article so that you can discreetly read a short saying for the wedding during the celebration and enter it in the guest book as a congratulation and reminder.

Just make sure it isn't the same saying you used for the wedding card.

Tipp:A guest book is a great idea for a wedding gift that can be used directly on the wedding day. Here you will find onenice copy on Amazon*.

We hope the congratulations and sayings on the wedding gave you inspiration for your card or guest book.

If you didn't find the right one, simply modify the wedding congratulations a little so that you create your own wedding sayings. Ultimately, the most important thing is that the congratulations on the big day come from the heart.