Mourning dump: These 3 zodiac signs always sink into self-pity

Your zodiac sign can reveal whether you are one of the tough people who nothing can shake or one of those who are constantly drowning in world-weariness.Credit:Getty Images

Do you know those people who just constantly wallow in self-pity? We'll tell you three zodiac signs that share this trait.

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Life can sometimes be very unfair. Some things don't work out the way we would like, and sometimes fate can be really bad.

But there are people who turn every crisis, no matter how small, into the biggest catastrophe. They believe the whole world is against them and everything is incredibly bad. Then, instead of trying to make the best of it, they bubble with negativity and wallow in self-pity. All positive energy is gone and all self-love is gone.

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Whether you tend to complain a lot and often wallow in self-pity may have something to do with your zodiac sign. Here are three zodiac signs that are predestined for this.

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Place #1: Cancer

It probably won't surprise anyone that Cancer tops the ranking of the most self-pitying zodiac signs. Cancers are highly sensitive and therefore perceive every negative vibration, no matter how small. If a mishap happens to them, they fall into pessimism.

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Another big problem: People under the zodiac sign Cancer are very reluctant to be helped. You would prefer to do everything yourself. Cancers find it incredibly difficult to ask others for help or support. And this leads to even more worries being placed on their shoulders and the Cancer ends up feeling even more alone. In these moments he wants to crawl back into his shell and feel sorry for himself.

Place #2: Pisces

Pisces also love to feel sorry for themselves from time to time. They are said to be very impressionable and to “go with the flow” wherever they go. If a negative event happens in their environment, they immediately get involved and relate everything to themselves. When their friends say everything is really stupid, they suddenly feel that way too, without having any personal reason. And then the fish not only feels sorry for his friends, but also for himself.

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Like Cancer, Pisces are very sensitive. Coupled with their self-pity, this can reach quite critical proportions. And that's a shame, because fish are actually usually happy. You should put aside your sentimental ways every now and then and try to see all the positive things in your life. Because there is usually a lot of that in the life of the fish.

Do you want to calculate your ascendant?. There you will also find the descriptions of all other ascendants.

Place #3: Libra

Libra is actually considered a very balanced zodiac sign that needs harmony. And that's true, which is why you wouldn't necessarily expect them to be on the list of self-pity zodiac signs. However, Libra can quickly feel left alone by the world. Especially when they have to make decisions, they need the courage and encouragement of those around them.

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If Libras don't get the love and attention they need, they can become obnoxious and end up feeling sorry for themselves. Libras should therefore try not to bury their heads in the sand so quickly if something doesn't go their way. They should rather work on their self-love and self-confidence so that in the future they will no longer be so dependent on the opinions and actions of those around them. And that would make a lot of things in their lives easier.

Be happy & self-love: book tip

Do you often find yourself sinking into self-pity? Then we can recommend a great book that will help you to love yourself and be happier. It may sound a bit strange at first, but it's not for nothing that the book is rated very well on Amazon.

The book is intended to guide you towards more mindfulness, calmness and self-love in everyday life, including proven NLP techniques for more clarity and self-confidence. Many readers report in the comments that the book actually helped them to be happy and that they have since found happiness in small things and in themselves. A must-read for all people who occasionally bury their head in the sand!

>The paperback “Being happy at the touch of a button” is available here on Amazon for under 10 euros.*


Note at the end:We have selected the zodiac signs based on their typical (and well-known) character traits. Of course, all of this should be viewed with a certain amount of tongue in cheek - after all, even the stars can be wrong sometimes. There are certainly many of the zodiac signs listed who are full of positive energy.