These 3 zodiac signs are considered to be born mothers: loving, caring and deeply relaxed. Find out who belongs!
Of course, most mothers love their children with all their hearts. But there are these very special moms: caring, incredibly loving and at the same time so relaxed that you can only be amazed. It almost seems as if they received the mother gene from birth - the perfect mommies, you could say.
And if you look at the typology of the zodiac signs, you quickly see that there are certain zodiac signs that are predestined to be warm-hearted mothers. We'll tell you who these three zodiac signs are.
And if you miss your own zodiac sign at this point, you don't have to be disappointed. Every mother can be absolutely loving and caring, no matter what her zodiac sign is. Ultimately, we are not only representatives of zodiac signs, but also individuals.
#1 Pisces
Fish are among theMoms. For many women born under the zodiac sign Pisces, being a mother is simply the greatest thing. This may be because the zodiac sign Pisces is said to be particularly helpful and sensitive. Perfect for raising children with a lot of love and sensitivity.
In addition, those born in Pisces have a lot of idealism and creativity. Raising and pampering your own children is part of the program. Pisces moms are also usually very sensitive and empathetic. They intuitively know what their children need and help wherever they can.
If the kids come home with a bad grade, they don't have to worry about their Pisces mom being angry. Because mothers with the zodiac sign Pisces are usually very understanding and don't mediate. And they are optimistic enough that things will be better next time.
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Even if Pisces mothers don't like something, they gently point it out to their children and always remain patient. Children can always call their Pisces mom when they are feeling bad. She will build up her children with kind words and make them feel great.
#2 Libra
Libra moms are also often particularly loving mothers. Libras are very warm-hearted and understanding when dealing with the little ones. They try to resolve every conflict in such a way that their child learns something from it. On the one hand, this zodiac sign is in need of harmony, but on the other hand, it is also the perfect ombudsman if there is a dispute. Libras are perfect diplomats.
Libra mothers also have a strong sense of aesthetics and comfort and are often very artistic. Just look at the children's room of a Libra mother. From the wall color to the decoration on the chest of drawers: every detail is selected with a lot of love and a sense of beauty.
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Libra moms know exactly how to celebrate a child's birthday. From organizing the games to...– Libra mothers design every party with great attention to detail. This makes every single birthday party a big highlight, not only for your own children, but also for the little guests.
Libra moms can always be recognized by their loving interaction with their children. No matter how stressful everyday life may be, they never forget to kiss their children goodbye or wish them a great day.
#3 Krebs
-Mothers are also born moms among the zodiac signs. Simply because they are incredibly caring and family-oriented. Crabs are also said to be very sensitive. And that's what they are as mothers: they almost always hit the right tone, even with the little ones, can empathize well and act intuitively in the right way.
When it comes to upbringing, Cancer moms would much rather show leniency than set strict rules and mete out punishments. It is simply important for Cancer to convey to their children that loving and respectful interaction should come first.
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Cancer mothers know exactly how to comfort their little ones when they scrape their knee again. Even if your children are afraid of going to the dentist, think to themselveswith the zodiac sign Cancer, come up with a creative story to lovingly distract them.
Nevertheless, it is said that Cancer is often a bit overcautious. Same as a mother. It is not uncommon for Cancers to have difficulty letting go of their children. They should work on this fear a little.
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Zodiac typology
These 7 zodiac signs always say what they think.
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Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
The shooter always says what he thinks. Whatever's on a shooter's mind, he says it.
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Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
Of course, this can lead to conflict because not everyone always wants the truth.
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Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
If you don't really know what to do next, you can be sure that you will receive an honest assessment from the shooter.
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Leo (July 23 - August 23)
Leos are strong, confident and direct.
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Leo (July 23 - August 23)
Leos are not afraid to always be open and honest with the people in their lives.
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Leo (July 23 - August 23)
In return, they also expect their counterpart to play with the same open cards.
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Leo (July 23 - August 23)
Like every person, Leos also want to please and so they sometimes tend to embellish their assessments in great detail in order to be well received by their counterparts.
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Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
Taureans are completely authentic and honest.
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Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
Taurus cannot be thrown off track by anything. They stand by their opinions and remain steadfast at all times.
Something important at the end:Of course, every person is an individual and not everything astrology says is always true. So let's take it as a guide and guide, not as an incontrovertible truth. Ultimately, it is up to you what you make of star constellations, zodiac sign-typical character traits and predictions.