Valentine's fierce figures: so many couples hide expenses in front of your partner

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All couples know these typical problems.

According to a current study, more than half of the respondents have financial secrets in front of their partner. You can find out the reasons for this.

Many couples make themselves a little joy in the form of flowers, chocolate or a company for Valentine's Day. The question of how much the little attentions cost is probably the most focused on the very few.

The secret of the price of a gift probably met with broad acceptance among most couples. In addition, however, one should be able to speak openly about money in the partnership.

In fact, financial secrets in many relationships are more the rule than the exception. At least that has a current oneSurvey of the AI-based global payment network and shopping assistantClear1result.

The results show: "Financial unfaithfulness" is not that rare.

"Financial infidelity": Every 2nd has financial secrets in front of the partner

When it comes to money, the romance stops. At least it seems that if you read the current figures of a Klarna survey of 2025. According to this, 52 % of the respondents have financial secrets in front of the partner.

While 32 % still explains that they do not always say the truth in terms of personal purchases, 10 % of hidden debts, of which their loves to know nothing, have nothing.

9 % of the respondents have kept silent for the partner that they have granted money and 7 % have credit cards, of which their loved ones know nothing.

Also read:

Financial secrets in front of the partner: What is behind it?

But what is behind the secrets? With 55 %, more than half of the respondents are afraid of a dispute in the relationship. 37 % silence from shame. The most serious reason from a romantic point of view: 13 % do not trust the partner enough.

Of course, secrets are always associated with the risk that the truth will come to light at some point. And so 18 % of the respondents happened that the partner found the truth out. In 24 % of the couples, the lack of transparency in finances led to a dispute.

You can find out how many relationships on the subject of money even break down here:

On the other hand, there is also good news: 89 % of those surveyed stated that they were openly talking to the partner about money. How important this is, emphasizes tooKaroline Bliemegger, financial expert and product manager at Klarna: “It is important to talk about finance in a relationship. For many, this is unusual at the beginning, so the motto is: the earlier, the better and then stay on the ball. This helps z. B. Half-year 'Financial Date Nights' for Community Budgeting, Expenses Checks and the Distribution of Financial Responsibility. "

  1. DieKlarna studywas carried out in January 2025 in cooperation with the Dynata market research institute. A nationally representative sample of 1,000 persons living in Germany aged 18 to 65 was interviewed. ↩︎

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