Boreout? How you recognize under demand and how it affects your psyche

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Have you ever heard the term "Boreout"? The similarity to the term "burnout" can hardly be overlooked. In fact, two opposites face each other. Because the "Boreout" describes exactly the opposite of a burnout. While you get sick from too much work in the latter, the "Boreout" makes you sick because you are underwhelmed in the job.

Diagnose: Boreout

According to a study by the federal government, almost two thirds of the professionals under 30 say that they are bored at their workplace. AnotherStudyThe German University of Continuing Education (DUW) comes to the conclusion that eleven percent of the employed feel underground.

If you work too much, you like to believe that you can be exhausted and suffer from stress. Burnout has long since become a common disease. But just like a permanent overload, a permanent under demand and a lack of achievements can lead to massive psychological problems.

Boreout is the result of paralyzing routine, constant under demand, frustration, boredom and lack of motivation. Submission means: to have too little to do and to be overqualified for the tasks.

These are typical Boreout symptoms

Anyone who suffers from Boreout struggles with frustration and drivelessness. And as far as the job is concerned, gradually expands to private life.

The consequences: In addition to frustration and depressive mood, there can also be physical symptoms. And the same for those of a burnout disease: sleep disorders, stomach pain or tinnitus.

Unfortunately quite non -specific complaints that can have many causes. One reason why Boreout is rarely diagnosed-in contrast to the much more "more popular" burnout disease, which is recognized about three times as often.

After oneSurveyThe technical health insurance company has increased the number of sick leave due to burnout symptoms in the past five years by a total of 17 percent. Boreout, on the other hand, is more difficult to grasp. The disease is less researched and those affected rarely seek medical help. The number of unreported cases is accordingly high.

Boreout: Little known and recognized in society

No wonder. Anyone who is stressed and overloaded and reaches their limits is understood in our society. But what if someone feels bad because they have too little to do? "I want your problems. I don't know where my head is in my mind, “quite a few outsiders should counter.

The consequence: Many affected people try to hide their problem by doing very busy at work. "Quite a few demonstrate special commitment, stay in the office for a long time and look more like classic burnout candidates in their environment," explains Benjamin Martens.

Because one thing is certainly not: lazy or shy of work: “On the contrary! Boreout candidates massively suffer from the fact that they want to do a lot, but cannot. ”

4 important tips against Boreout

1. Recognize and tackle the problem

Many affected people do not know what is going on with them. It is all the more important to admit that there is no personal inadequacy behind your own suffering. "I'm not alone and I'm not strange. I don't have to be ashamed, I have to change something in my life. " This realization is likely to be a first important step.

Another step: the conversation with the manager. If you feel permanently underwhelmed with your tasks, you should talk about it. Be it by asking for other tasks or consistently suggesting the boss to shorten working hours because there is simply too little to do.

Or by asking for a change within the company. Perhaps there is another position in the company that is more likely to meet your own skills. If in doubt, only one thing helps: terminate and look for a new job.

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2. Create compensation

If you cannot solve the professional problem immediately, you should make compensation in private life. A hobby, a new challenge - it is important to find something that builds up and also demands.

It is about the balance between work and the private to interrupt the eternally similar, determined trott. The everyday obligations in the job have to alternate with leisure, hobbies and social contacts.

"If those affected succeed in overcoming their old gun and trying out new things, a lot has often been won," said the psychologist Martens. If this is difficult for you, for example, because it feels too exhausted, you should set fixed appointments on the calendar.

It is also good to meet up immediately after work. So you have to go on time and have immediate distraction!

3. Rettung: Downshifting

At some point, many people with Boreout get to a point where they feel like in a treadmill. Everyday life has a firm grip on her, you feel empty. The so -called "downshifting" can help. A trend that has increasingly finds supporters in recent years.

Behind it is the thought that you have to clear yourself from consumption, trends and status thinking. "By limiting yourself to the essentials, you often learn more depth: by moving down fashion dictations and status thinking, the individual gains a new, inner freedom that many experience as great enrichment," says expert Benjamin Martens.

A strategy that Boreout patients can also help. Because the "downshifting" can also mean shut down working hours to have more time for yourself. Even if that means financial loss.

4. Make a job sensible

Why do self-employed people hardly ever suffer from a Boreout problem? If you answer this question, you can find out important things about your problem in the job.

The fact is: the self -employed person puts its energy into the company because he works "for himself" and identifies with his work. He is responsible, has decision -making options.

By thinking as an employee, recognizing defects and addressing them, we can make sure that we develop something like entrepreneurship. Does my job make sense or would it make more sense?

Take more personal responsibility, apply for further training or additional training or make a part -time job from the non -filling full -time job - all of this can be a solution.