Can you get pregnant again after a miscarriage? Yes! We clarify the most important questions about the topic and tell you what to look for.
Table of contents
- Can you get pregnant again after a miscarriage or should you wait?
- When can I get pregnant again after a late miscarriage?
- Is there greater risks for a new pregnancy after a miscarriage due to a weakness of the cervix?
- Should you wait 2-3 months after a miscarriage before you get pregnant again?
- When can I get pregnant again after a "natural" miscarriage?
- How high are the risks of a further miscarriage after a miscarriage?
- Can I have sex normal after a miscarriage and the absorbed bleeding?
A miscarriage is a traumatic experience. In addition to the pain of the abortion pain, there is also fear of not being able to become a mother. However, miscarriage is an accident. After that, you can get pregnant again and get a baby.
Even if the risk of a new abort has already increased with an already experienced miscarriage, it is still possible to get pregnant again and to give birth to a healthy child.
When you can get pregnant again after a miscarriage and we will clarify many other questions here.
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Can you get pregnant again after a miscarriage or should you wait?
In terms of physically, nothing speaks against becoming pregnant with the first cycle after a miscarriage. The uterus usually resolves within a month and the hormone balance only needs about a month to get back into balance.
It should only be noted that the bleeding should be waited for after the abortion or the scraping. Only when this is dried up should you have sex again, otherwise the risk of infection is increased.
It can happen that the uterine mucosa is not yet ready to absorb a fertilized egg in the early days after the abortion, or that themissing. Then it is not possible to get pregnant in this cycle. But that can change again with the next cycle.
It can also happen that women who feel a great desire to have children are not immediately ready to get pregnant again after a miscarriage. Even if it has not caused a lot of pain physically, it can be difficult to say goodbye to the lost baby mentally. It is helpful to talk to someone about the worries and fears and not rush anything.
If you need time after a miscarriage, to make a friend of getting pregnant again, you should definitely take it. A miscarriage can happen, it is an accident and by no means a failure of the woman.
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When can I get pregnant again after a late miscarriage?
From the 12th week of pregnancy, one speaks of a late miscarriage when the child is easier than 500 grams. Mother's health problems can often be identified as the reason for a late miscarriage. There may be problems with the placenta or uterine mucosa, a bacterial infection or a previous illness.
Before a new pregnancy, in a conversation with the gynecologist, it should definitely be looked after the causes of late miscarriage. Even the psychological stress caused by late miscarriage should not be underestimated.
Since the child is often too big for one at a late abilityis, it has to be born naturally. This happens either because the body repels it or the contractions are artificially initiated.
Doctors recommend waiting for a whole year after birth before planning a new pregnancy. After an event like a late miscarriage, you should wait at least half a year to pregnancy.
Is there greater risks for a new pregnancy after a miscarriage due to a weakness of the cervix?
Women with an already recognized cervical weakness (cervical insufficiency) are closely observed in a further pregnancy. Since the cervix is shortened and to prevent premature birth, the doctor can put a so -called cervical position. In an operation, he closes the cervix with a plastic ribbon. This is solved only one or two weeks before the calculated date of birth.
Reading tip:
Should you wait 2-3 months after a miscarriage before you get pregnant again?
Physically, women are theoretically able to get pregnant again after a miscarriage and the subsided bleeding. It is different with the psyche. Many women are afraid that if they become pregnant too quickly, the risk of a new miscarriage is increased.
This fear has to be overcome before trying to get pregnant again. In fact, studies show that women had a healthy pregnancy after a miscarriage that became pregnant again faster. A study carried out in Switzerland indicated this in 1994.
In 2010 one confirmed oneScottish studyThese results. It showed that women who became pregnant again within the first six months after a miscarriage had a 34 percent low risk of a new miscarriage. Women served as a comparison group who became pregnant again after six to 12 months after a miscarriage.
It is crucial for a new attempt after a miscarriage how good the woman feels with it. It should have completed the miscarriage experienced and be ready for a new pregnancy.
When can I get pregnant again after a "natural" miscarriage?
How high are the risks of a further miscarriage after a miscarriage?
If the causes of a previous miscarriage are not in hereditary factors, the chances of a new pregnancy without miscarriage are normal high.
After an abort, you should always search for the conversation with the treating gynecologist and have the causes of miscarriage clarified. Sometimes there is a hormonal disorder like oneBehind it, sometimes the cause cannot be seen and it was just an accident.
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How high the risk of a new miscarriage is is completely individual and cannot be expressed in concrete numbers. However, the miscarriage risk increases after further pregnancies after a miscarriage.
Can I have sex normal after a miscarriage and the absorbed bleeding?
If the bleeding has stopped after miscarriage or scraping, nothing physically speaks against sex.
Gynecologists online offer from the Federal Center for Health Education (Bzga))
Important NOTE:This article only serves the information and does not make a diagnosis at the doctor. If uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints arise, you should contact your doctor. Medical on -call duty can be reached via nationwide number 116117.